国外blog 三巨头

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 10:44:38
原文来自:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/blog-software-smackdown-reviewBlog Software Smackdown: The Big 3 Reviewed为什么要写Blog的三大原因:* Personal: an individual may want a blog to help keep family and friends informed of what‘s going on in their lives.* Topical: some blogs are devoted to a specific topic, such as politics or computer hardware. These often read more like magazines than blogs.* Marketing: corporations are getting into blogging; when well-executed, this type of blog can be a great tool for corporate communications, creating excitement about products and services, or used as an internal tool to keep employees up-to-date on company news.自己写blog软件事倍功半,因此出现了blog三大主机提供商:TypePad, Blogger, LiveJournal 后面两个我用的比较多,和国内各个博客站点不太一样,国外的站点简单实用,没有那些迎合小孩子的花里胡哨的东西。自架主机三大blog软件模版(附图为各自的管理界面)Movable Typeperl+mysqlWordPressphp+mysqlTextpatternphp+mysql不用怀疑,这些都是很优秀的blog程序,拥有大量的用户和插件。三个软件的对比示意图如下: