[Horwitz02] Section 11.13 Summary and Review Questions

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/01 14:07:18


Performancetuning and capacity planning are two vast disciplines that go hand inhand, and every system administrator should have a basic understandingof the concepts within each of them. These complex responsibilities aremuch easier to understand and manage if you categorize them accordingto the four major subsystems on a server: CPU, storage, memory, andnetworking. To manage performance tuning and capacity planning for yournetwork, you first must understand what metrics you must compile andhow to determine what they tell you about your particular operatingsystem. With this data, you can know what to expect from the normalbehavior of your systems. When abnormalities arise, you're then betterable to see what system components need to be tuned. You also recognizetrends that can help you plan for the future. This chapter merelyskimmed the surface of performance tuning and capacity planning,providing a high-level view of very complex topics; several bookslisted in Appendix A are dedicated to these subjects and can provide more details than you will ever need.

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Review Questions

What does the following uptime output tell you about the trend of processor activity on a system in the last 15 minutes?
9:00am  up 143 day(s), 10:00,  0 users,  load average: 0.45, 3.96, 5.43

2: What is the difference between user and system time on a processor? 3: What is a multithreaded process? Why would you want to make a process multithreaded? 4: What is the difference between a CPU-bound process and an I/O-bound process? 5: Why should you not put a swap partition on the same disk as a busy file system containing database data? 6: How do shared libraries help reduce memory usage? 7: If your organization's average network bandwidth needs are minimal, but you need to transfer several gigabytes worth of data to clients several times per week, what kind of solution should you request from your network provider?
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