Shenzhen advisory body has new leader

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 15:28:07
Shenzhen advisory body has new leader2010-June-3 Source: Szdaily web edition Text Size: A A A | Print | Share by E-mail:


  Bai Tian at the closing ceremony of the annual session of the city's advisory body yesterday (June 2).(Chen Fu and Cen Zhili)

Former Shenzhen deputy Party Chief Bai Tian was elected chairman of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPPCC at the closing day of the five-day annual session of the advisory body yesterday (June 2).

The election also gave rise to seven Vice Chairmen — Huang Zhiguang, Deng Jilian, Zhong Xiaoyu, Huang Zhongwei, Zhang Xiaomin, Chen Siping, Yao Xinyao — and a vice chairwoman, Lin Jie. The session also elected 87 executive members.


A native of Shanxi Province, the 58-year-old Bai had been deputy Party Chief between 2002 and late May this year.

He joined the Party in 1971 and was in military service from 1969 to 1980. He worked for the Jiangxi Provincial Government before serving as director of the foreign affairs office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government in 1994.

The advisory body has 498 members with an average age of 47. Members come from different walks of life, with 13 from ethnic minorities. There are nearly 90 members from Hong Kong and Macao.

This year's session focused on how to boost Shenzhen's low-carbon economy, cultural industries and private education.

Last year, the Shenzhen Municipal Government accepted 641 proposals submitted by the advisory body. More than 61 percent of these had been or will be resolved, Vice Mayor Lu Ruifeng said.

(Jane Lai)

Editor: Miranda
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