美剧“越狱”原来是扯淡 (27 pics)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 16:48:27

One of the World's Largest Jail Systems 


This jail situated in Maricopa County (Arizona, the USA) is one of the world’s largest jail systems. It has an interesting history and some strange traditions. For example, inmates have to wear socks and underwear of pink color.

The jail’s facilities got overcrowded in 1993. But in order to build a new facility, it was necessary to pay about $70 million, a huge sum of money. Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio got an idea of constructing a Tent Jail using tents donated by the USA armed forces and inmate labor. This project cost was only $100,000. And it could house about 2400 prisoners who "volunteered" to participate in the Working Inmate Program. Those inmates, who don’t want to work according to the Sheriff’s rules, have to move inside the main facility and stay there together with the rest of the prisoners.

这座监狱位于美国亚利桑那州马利柯帕县(在美国亚利桑纳州中南部)拥有世界上最大的一个监狱系统,它有着有趣的过去和怪异的传统,例如:同一间号子的难兄难弟们要穿着粉红短袜和粉红内裤在一起。 这座监狱在1993年就已经人满为患了(老美该搞搞计划生育了),但是要新建一座足够使用的监狱需要70,000,000美元,这时候马利柯帕县治安官Arpaio(美国县级法院的主要的法律执行官员)出了一个金点子,他建议:利用美军捐赠的帐篷并利用监狱的那些犯人们做劳力来建造这座新的监狱,这样一来成本是唰的一下就下来了,最后算来只需要100,000美元就解决了问题(人才啊)。现在它能够容纳2400个那些愿意成为“志愿者(愿意做劳力来建造这座新的监狱)”的犯人,那些懒骨头,给脸不要脸的不愿意参加“志愿者”这个关荣行列的犯人就只能呆在原来的主监狱设施里面挤着做罐头了 本人没怎么看过越狱,主要觉得没兴趣,但是我想,如果是这个帐篷监狱,还需要搞什么越狱计划么,那还不和自己家似的,看看下面的照片这些人日子还过得挺滋润。 

by mtjs

We CAN afford real jails. The point of Tent City is to treat criminals like criminals. They ARE educated but Sheriff Joe has very particular ideas on how to treat his prisoners.
In Tent City, criminals are made to wear prison stripes as you can see and they are given the demeaning color of pink for their underwear. They are only allowed to read approved magazines, watch educational programming and are read a bedtime story via video by Sheriff Joe every night. They are fed ostrich meat and green baloney. They work on chain gangs to clean up the community and yes, there is no air conditioning out in those tents. They must adhere to Sheriff Joe's grooming standards as well.
ALL OF IT is done for the purpose of rehabilitation... After all, wouldn't you want to straighten up to avoid jail if you had to live like these fellows? He must be doing something right for his county as Sheriff Joe has been re-elected four times since he became Sheriff in 1992.
"During the summer of 2003, when outside temperatures exceeded 110 °F (43 °C), Arpaio said to complaining inmates, "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents, have to wear full body armor, and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths.""