President Hu elaborates the theory of profound changes orz

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 11:56:26

It is the Communist Party of China's important experience drawn from 60 years' administration to make both domestic and foreign policies in line with the development trend of human civilization, the progress of the times and the fundamental interests of Chinese people and people of the world. To achieve this, it is essential that all the policies are made based on a deep understanding of the world and an accurate grasp of the times. The current CPC Central Committee led by Hu Jintao has inherited and developed the Party's basic strategy thinking on the times, scientifically judged the changes of conditions,brought about basic points on the subject.

President Hu talks with netizens via Qiangguo (Strong China) Forum of People's Daily Online, June 20, 2008.
Online messages, a new means of communication between cadres and massesChinese president congratulates People's Daily on 60th anniversarys
Chinese President Hu Jintao's five theories on the times
It is the Communist Party of China's important experience drawn from 60 years' administration to make both domestic and foreign policies in line with the development trend of human civilization, the progress of the times and the fundamental interests of Chinese people and people of the world. To achieve this, it is essential that all the policies are made based on a deep understanding of the world and an accurate grasp of the times.
☆ President Hu elaborates the theory of profound changes
"The world is undergoing unprecedented
historical changes." The time we are in is "full
of opportunities and challenges".
☆ President Hu elaborates the theory of harmonious world
Striving for peace, promoting development
and seeking cooperation have become
irresistible historic trends. The international
community should build a harmonious
society featuring sustainable peace and
common prosperity.
☆ President Hu stresses the theory of common development
Interests of nations are already intertwined. They
are now sharing weal and woe.Therefore, it is
essential for us to establish the promotion of
common development for all nations.
☆ President Hu emphasizes the theory of common responsibility
International community should start with
the existence and development of human
beings and establish a sense of common
responsibility so as to combat major global
challenges and threats.
☆ President Hu stresses the theory of active participation
"The future of contemporary China has been
increasingly closely linked to the future of
the world."

☆ Hu Jintao's Report at 17th Party Congress  
 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
The great banner of socialism with Chinese
characteristics is the banner guiding development
and progress in contemporary China and rallying
the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups
in the country in our common endeavor.
Emancipating the Mind
Emancipating the mind is a magic instrument for
developing socialism with Chinese characteristics
Reform and Opening Up provide a strong driving
force for developing it, and scientific development
and social harmony are basic requirements for
developing it.
Party building
Continue to strengthen the Party's governance
capability and focus on building high quality
leading bodies. Strengthening the Party's
governance capability has an overall impact
on Party building and the cause of socialism
with Chinese characteristics.
-- Taiyuan determines last week of each month to be "meeting-free week"-- CPC solicits suggestions from outside Party on document concerning Party building--CPC Central Committee discusses Party building
☆Communist Party of China in Brief
. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a
great Marxist political party. It is the vanguard
of the Chinese working class, and the leading
core of the Chinese people of all nationalities.
. Since its founding in 1921, the CPC has
traveled a glorious path of struggle for the
liberation of China and the happiness of the
people, as well as the progressive cause of
mankind ...[More]


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