南非世界杯:“哇哇煮啦”民粹还是垃圾(40 pics + 1 gif)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/30 20:07:45

Funny Pictures about Those Annoying Vuvuzelas!!

This has got to be one of the worst inventions ever, at least, it’s the worst thing a soccer fan could use in a stadium. In fact, everybody complains about those damn loud monotone plastic horns: announcers, organizers, players, broadcasting and communication companies and people watching games on TV. On June 15, it was reported that 545 complaints had been made to the BBC concerning the noise being made by vuvuzelas during coverage! As often in those circumstances, people on the Internet were fast to create funny pictures with the famous vuvuzela. Take a look, there’re some good ones in there…  “哇哇煮啦”堪称南非世界杯赛场上的大杀器,单调的高分贝的噪音制造机,让这一届南非世界杯带上了浓重的色彩,全球观赛者、球赛赞助商、球赛组织者,参赛队员无不为之动容,开赛当天BBC报道中545次提到了“哇哇煮啦”的大名,他的神威如此巨大,以致Internet上的好事者尽出以求一展“哇哇煮啦”的深邃内涵。
by mtjs
