[Laskey99] Appendix A. Resources for the DBA

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Appendix A. Resources for the DBA
In this appendix, we've pulledtogether a variety of resources—both online andoffline—that we use frequently in our own work as Oracledatabase administrators. We think you'll find them helpful.
A.1. Books
A number of books on the market today address the needs of the DBA.We list here those titles we find the most helpful and accurate:
Aronoff, Eyal, Kevin Loney, and NooraliSonawalla. Advanced Oracle Tuning andAdministration (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1997).
The most comprehensive discussion and explanation of the EXPLAIN PLAN facility available anywhere. No DBA should be without it.
Feuerstein, Steven. Oracle PL/SQLProgramming, Second Edition (O'Reilly & Associates,1997).
Hands down, the definitive guide to PL/SQL. If you need information about PL/SQL, it's in this book.
Feuerstein, Steven, Charles Dye, and JohnBeresniewicz. Oracle Built-in Packages (O'Reilly& Associates, 1998).
The follow-up volume toOracle PL/SQL Programming. Presents detailedinformation about the vast array of packages built into the Oracledatabase.
Gurry, Mark, and Peter Corrigan. OraclePerformance Tuning, Second Edition, (O'Reilly &Associates, 1996).
A comprehensive and in-depth treatment of the entire range of topics related to Oracle tuning.
Lomasky, Brian, and David Kreines.OracleScripts (O'Reilly & Associates, 1998).
A complete toolkit of scripts to automate many DBA tasks. Every DBAwill find a virtual goldmine on the included CD-ROM.
Loney, Kevin. Oracle8 DBAHandbook (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1997).
Thislatest edition of Kevin's standard text for DBAs presents a lot ofbackground material and explanation, and is well-suited for DBAs at anylevel.
Niemiec, Richard, and Bradley Brown. Oracle DBA Tips and Techniques (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1999).
A wealth of tips, techniques, and workarounds from two experienced DBAs.
———. OraclePerformance Tuning Tips and Technique (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1997).
Rich Niemiec and Brad Brown are tuning experts, and they provide a great deal of information about Oracle tuning.
Theriault, Marlene, and WilliamHeney. Oracle Security (O'Reilly & Associates, 1998).
The definitive source of information on security and its implementation in the Oracle environment.
Velpuri, Rama. Oracle Backup andRecovery Handbook (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1997).
A complete treatment of the Oracle backup and recovery process, by one of Oracle's internal experts.
Velpuri, Rama, and Anand Adkoli. OracleTroubleshooting (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1997).
When you run into a really serious Oracle problem, this is one of the first books you will want to refer to.