OpenTravelSystem, the open source system for ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/01 14:07:36

Open Source, Open Standard, information System for travel organizations.






Please find on this page several demo‘s which are all using the same physical system. You can either try the live online demo‘s which are running on our servers or you can download the complete system and install it on your local PC or server.
August 31: The new server is operational and everything is working again.....if you have problems please report to Online live demo for a Hotel.
This is a demo to be used by the middle sized and small hotels. In fact it is a selection of the functions of the complete system below. In the hotel frontend we also changed the graphical presentation. You can try the live online hotelfrontend system here, To be able to maintain the information shown to the customer at the frontend side, the backend system is provided. To save hosting costs, in this backend system we also added the possibility to host more than one hotel on the same system (shared hosting). If hotels want to use more functionality, available in the complete system, they can be easily upgraded to the complete version. You can try the live onlinebackend system here. Online live demo of the complete system.
This is a demo of the complete system using the same data from the hotel version. You can also see here which functionality can be offered, both on the frontend and the backend. It can be however a bit overwelming, that is why the hotel demo was created.
The complete system is using the same catalog as the hotel demo however now also the catalogs are shown from other stores on the system. In the hotel demo only one catalog is allowed and every hotel on the system will have its own catalog. You can try the live onlinefrontend ecommerce of the complete system here. and thebackend system here. Download/Installation.
If you however would like to instal the system on your local PC, please find below the download and installation instructions: If you do not yet have the standard Java SDK (not the JRE version) go to theJava website and download the J2SE SDK V1.4 NOT: V1.5(J2EE is not required) the file is about 50Mb
Install this on your PC and accept the defaults. (124 Mb) from this site and unzip the file, it will create an ‘ofbiz‘ directory. Make sure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is pointing to the directory where java is installed. Open your command line window, go to the ofbiz directory and enter the command: ‘java -jar ofbiz.jar‘ and wait until the window does not scroll anymore. Open you browser and point it to the url: for the frontend e-commerce screen or open your browser and enter the url: for the backend system to maintain the product and customer information. (User: admin password: ofbiz)
If you want to see the other demo‘s replace the name ‘catalog‘ with the name of the demo as you can see in the links of the online demo url‘s. If it is a frontend use ‘http‘ and the port 8080, if it is a backend application use ‘https‘ and the port 8443.
Download from SVN (kind of CVS)
Because the Open TravelSystem is part of OFBiz, downloading the latest OFBiz version from the SVN system includes it. It is located in the /ofbiz/specialized/opentravelsystem directory.
It is also possible to browse this repository online. For further information see theOFBiz svn page. E-mail Support.
To be able to provide you with the best possible service, our main contact point is e-mail which is read very frequently. Our general support E-mail address