英语技巧: 寒喧

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 10:51:42

英语技巧: 寒喧

 您参加一个会议时去得早了些,必须与几位准时到达的人进行寒喧。 但您应说什么呢? 下面是一些可以给您启发的想法和短语。

1. 天气
“天气真糟糕,是吗?(Horrible weather at the moment, isn’t it?) 风太大了。(Incredibly windy.)”
“哦,第一次遇到这么潮湿的天气!(Ugh, I can’t remember ever having got so wet!)”
“哎,真热啊!(Phew, it’s hot!) 一定是全球变暖导致的。(Must be global warming.)”
“看起来要下雪了!(It looks like snow!) (表示看起来要下雪,虽然还没有下。) 在 11 月通常都这么冷吗?(Is it usually this cold in November?)”

“天气真好/很好的天气,是吧?(Gorgeous weather/beautiful day, isn’t it?)”

2. 交通

“我来这里的这段路程真是糟糕!(I had the most awful journey getting here!) 交通太糟糕了!(The traffic was terrible!) 现在是高峰时间吗?(Is it the rush hour?)”
“您从机场过来的时候也遇到堵车了吗?(Did you get stuck in traffic coming from the airport, too?)”
“新的机动车道什么时候可以完工呀?(When is the new motorway supposed to be finished?)”

3. 当前的新闻
谈论时下发生的新闻是开始谈话的好方法。 但要避开可能会引起反感的事情,比如宗教信仰、民族或国际争端。

“我刚刚看了新闻/读了报纸...(I just saw on the news/read in the paper (newspaper) that …)”
“您觉得那家(公司)真的会罢工吗?(Do you think that (company) will really go on strike?)”
“您听说...了吗?(Did you hear about the …?)”

4. 体育
体育是一个各国人都感兴趣的话题。 重要的体育事件(比如世界杯或奥运会)可以成为很好的话题。

“您看了昨晚的比赛了吗?(Did you watch the match last night?) 您知道比分了吗?(Do you happen to know the score?)(“比分”是指比赛结果)”
“您支持哪支球队?(Which football team do you support?) 他们的比赛情况如何?(How are they doing at the moment?)” (这是指: 他们比得有多好?)
“您觉得在(球队名)和(球队名)之间谁会赢?(Who do you think will win the match between (team name) and (team name)?)”
“您看了男子 200 米决赛了吗?(Did you see the final of the men’s 200 metres?)”

5. 电影和书籍
大多数人喜欢读书或去看电影,或者两者都喜欢,所以您可以将它们作为交谈的话题。 您可以这样开始:

“您看了(科恩兄弟)的新电影了吗?(Have you seen the new (Coen Brothers) film?)”
“您看了(布拉德.皮特)的新电影了吗?(Have you seen the new film with (Brad Pitt)?)”
“我听说(电影名)在这儿上映了。(I notice that (name of film) has just opened here.) 您看了吗?(Have you seen it yet?)”
“您觉得如何?(What did you think?) 好看吗/值得去看吗?(Is it any good/worth seeing?)”

6. 在饭店吃饭
每个人都喜欢去饭店吃饭。 当您身处异国时,最好从本地人那里了解一些有关在哪里吃饭的技巧。

“您可以推荐一个好的、便宜/不太贵的地方吃饭吗?(Could you recommend a good, not too expensive place to eat?)”
“这里本地菜的特色是什么?(What are the local food specialities here?)”
“我想尝一下。(I’d like to try some.) 您会推荐哪里呢?(Where would you recommend me to go?)”
“我昨晚去了一家非常好的饭店,叫做(饭店名称)。(I went to a really good restaurant last night, called (name).) 您知道它吗?(Do you know it?)”


“您今天可以和我一起吃晚饭吗?(Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?)”
“我们今晚打算去(饭店名)吃饭。(We’re going to that restaurant called (name) this evening.) 您愿意一起去吗?(Would you like to come too?)”

7. 本地文化
人们通常对自己的本地文化很自豪,当您访问他们的国家时,他们会热情地建议您应当参观什么。 您可以说:

“这个城市非常漂亮。(This is a very beautiful city.) 您住在这里多久了?(How long have you lived here?)”
“我在这里时应去哪儿参观呢?(What should I try to see while I’m here?)”
“我在这里时应当去参观(古堡/街市/大教堂)吗?(Should I try to visit the (castle/street markets/cathedral) while I’m here?)”
“您觉得去(港口)怎么走最好?(What do you think is the best way to get to (the harbour)?)”