幻灯图集:世纪大旱袭击中国# `+ o. v2 Q+ ~8 K. B

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/07 09:53:09
幻灯图集:世纪大旱袭击中国# `+ o. v2 Q+ ~8 K. B
【原文标题】SLIDESHOW: Drought of the century hits China求真务实 理性交流7 ^* [$ K0 N0 p
【登载媒体】路透社求真务实 理性交流) Z) n% t5 v6 z" e
0 d0 H  _% D- A0 s/ A  c求真务实 理性交流【译者】sealAC四月青年社区; W; V' j* C+ T  M* U) g" G' h) T" m
7 s: i$ U" J5 `$ ~【原文库】http://bbs.accn.com/thread-233666-1-1.html
* d+ A/ b  t3 c( bbbs.anti-cnn.com【译文】
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2010-3-26 17:33bbs.anti-cnn.com! C% D+ P9 {% W  i! K
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  q- c1 l2 X6 \- qA villager carries water from a well, that is not fit for human consumption according to local media, for her cattle at the drought-hit Shilin County of Kunming, Yunnan province March 25, 2010. China will deliver 1.42 million tonnes of grain to drought-stricken provinces, including 300,000 tonnes of wheat, 580,000 tonnes of corn and 540,000 tonnes of rice, to drought-striken provinces, the State Administration of Grain said.
  n. B+ V. j+ S6 t0 `AC四月青年社区一位村民正从一口井中为她家的牲口运水,据当地媒体说这水并不适合人饮用,云南省昆明市石林县,2010年3月25日。AC四月青年社区: A' V1 `1 ]$ \3 O
求真务实 理性交流: [5 S3 I+ X  A4 M* }; T

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2010-3-26 17:33
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A villager walks past a dried-up pond in the drought-hit Shilin County of Kunming, Yunnan province March 25, 2010.
8 z$ _4 i9 F: w) j) u2 n. }& R一位村民走过干涸的池塘,云南省昆明市石林县,2010年3月25日。
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2010-3-26 17:33求真务实 理性交流4 c6 C" O7 _! ]/ x
Photo  3 / 301 V8 w& t3 D" X- N! r: W
Children wait to collect water distributed by local government in drought-hit Dazhuyuan village, on the outskirts of Kunming, Yunnan province March 25, 2010. The Chinese character on the containers reads: "drought".
+ Y5 U* W! G* iAC四月青年社区孩子们等待获取由当地政府分发的水,云南省昆明市郊外大竹园村,2010年3月25日。3 \6 C: A+ l6 D  w$ v+ R5 {
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2 u" g! U7 c5 [9 v5 ]求真务实 理性交流 下载 (52.18 KB)
2010-3-26 17:33bbs.anti-cnn.com6 ]" W2 j% m$ X( r9 r
Photo  4 / 30
. g! i3 u/ J: J. \. bA farmer squats in front of his house as he waits for water to be delivered by the local government, at the drought-hit Songming County of Kunming, Yunnan province March 24, 2010. A severe drought across a large swathe of southwest China is now affecting more than 50 million people, and forecasters see no signs of it abating in the short term, state media said.求真务实 理性交流$ d) t* c) ~/ p. f( {- g: i
/ T; _/ T* J1 r, EAC四月青年社区一场严峻的干旱席卷中国西南部,导致5千万人受灾,天气预报说旱情在短期内不会有缓解的迹象,国家媒体说。
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2010-3-26 17:33
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' f+ X& }  x6 L" r) sbbs.anti-cnn.comA footprint is seen on a dried-up reservoir in the drought-hit Luoping County of Qujing, Yunnan province March 23, 2010.   w9 a3 K7 v8 {; e0 t
干涸的水库上的一个脚印清晰可见,云南省曲靖市罗平县,2010年3月23日。 2010年3月25日,云南罗平县牛街河水电站快要干涸见底的蓄水坝区 3月25日,云南罗平县牛街河水电站快要干涸见底的蓄水坝区,由于持续干旱,牛街河水电站从去年8月份就停止发电。 在云南省曲靖市的陆良县,钻在泥土里的鱼张着大嘴拼命呼吸,可惜它已经死去,