IDT Courses

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IDT Courses
The Instructional Design & Technology program at the University of Memphis awards both the Master of Science (M.S.) and the Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) degree. Courses beginning with 7000 and higher numbers are designated as masters degree courses. Those courses beginning with 8000 and higher number are designated as doctoral courses.
Many of the courses in our program contain both masters and doctoral students, so the courses are listed 7xxx/8xxx. Doctoral students in these courses are expected to complete additional assignments to fulfill the rigor of an advanced graduate course.
Courses for Masters students
IDT 7052 Instructional Technology and the Learner
In-depthoverview of field of instructional technology; history, philosophy, andcritical issues of the field; foundations and applications ofinstructional technology, and associated areas of research.
IDT 7071 Principles and Applications of Instructional Design
Applicationof instructional design principles to solve performance andinstructional problems in educational and non-educational environments.
IDT 7070 Preparation of Instructional Materials
Design,preparation, and use of media and instructional materials; laboratorypractice includes development and use of projected, non-projected, andcomputer-based materials. (Offered spring semester.) PREREQUISITE: IDT7071-8071.
IDT 7072 Seminar in Web-based Instruction (may be repeated)
Applicationof ID principles to development of Web-based instruction. Beginning andintermediate students work together; covers beginning content whentaken first and may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours forintermediate content. (Offered fall and spring semester.) PREREQUISITE:IDT (or CIED) 7071-8071 or permission of instructor.
IDT 7073 Seminar in Computer-based Instruction (may be repeated)
Applicationof ID principles to development of computer-based instruction.Beginning and intermediate students work together; covers beginningcontent when taken first and may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credithours for intermediate content. (Offered fall and spring semester.)PREREQUISITE: IDT 7071-8071 or permission of instructor.
IDT 7074 Theories and Models of Instructional Design
A critical examination of existing instructional design theories from the perspective of supporting research and application.
ICL 7992 Master’s Project
IDT Electives
IDT 7075 Instructional Consulting
Applicationof interpersonal skills when working with subject matter experts andclients of design, development, and production of instructionalmaterials. PREREQUISITE: IDT 7071-8071.
ICL 7051 Simulation and Gaming
Thiscourse will examine the theory behind using simulations, games andmicroworld to support teaching and learning. And students will evaluatecommercial simulations and games, as well as develop new examples.
IDT 7810 Practicum in Instructional Design
Planned,supervised experience in an instructional setting appropriate tostudent’s specialization area of instructional design and technology;opportunity to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrateprofessional competencies in educational or training settings.PREREQUISITES: IDT 7071-8071 and 3 hours of IDT coursework.
ICL 7991 Independent Study in Instruction & Curriculum
IDT 7076 Seminar and Workshop Design
Technicaland theoretical principles for developing effective seminars andworkshops. Design, preparation, and implementation skills are developedfor effective adult learning. PREREQUISITES: IDT 7071-8071 and researchor statistics course.
IDT 7078 Seminar in Instructional Design and Technology
Professionaland research problems in instructional strategies, design, andtechnology. May be repeated once with a change in topic. (Offeredspring semester of odd year.) PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor.
K-12 Technology Certificate Courses (See Certificate Information)
IDT 7061 Computers, Technology, Learning and the Classroom
Computersand technology in the instructional process, including networking;problem solving using computer tools; use of national databases; use ofperipherals including CD ROMs, laser discs and graphics; technologicalapplications for the classroom; uses for technology in differentcontent areas. PREREQUISITE: Must have had an introductory computercourse or permission of instructor.
IDT 7062 Authoring Instructional Courseware
Applicationof instructional design principles to creation of computer-basedinstruction; emphasis on use of authoring and scripting systems tocreate instructional software. PREREQUISITE: Must have had anintroductory computer course or permission of instructor. (Offeredspring and summer semesters.)
IDT 7063 Seminar in Instructional Computing
Analysisof issues and trends related to instructional computing andinstructional technology in K-12 classroom. (Offered fall and springsemesters.) PREREQUISITE: Six hours of coursework in IDT.
IDT 7064 School Change and the Internet
Issues,processes, and strategies relative to changes occurring with design,implementation, and evaluation of internet technology in schools.PREREQUISITE: IDT 7060-8060, IDT 7061, or permission of instructor.(Offered fall and spring semesters.)
Courses for Doctoral students
IDT Core
IDT 8052 Instructional Technology and the Learner
In-depthoverview of field of instructional technology; history, philosophy, andcritical issues of the field; foundations and applications ofinstructional technology, and associated areas of research.
IDT 8071 Principles and Applications of Instructional Design
Applicationof instructional design principles to solve performance andinstructional problems in educational and non-educational environments.
IDT 8070 Preparation of Instructional Materials
Design,preparation, and use of media and instructional materials; laboratorypractice includes development and use of projected, non-projected, andcomputer-based materials. (Offered spring semester.) PREREQUISITE: IDT7071-8071.
IDT 8072 Seminar in Web-based Instruction (may be repeated)
Applicationof ID principles to development of Web-based instruction. Beginning andintermediate students work together; covers beginning content whentaken first and may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours forintermediate content. (Offered fall and spring semester.) PREREQUISITE:IDT (or CIED) 7071-8071 or permission of instructor.
IDT 8073 Seminar in Computer-based Instruction (may be repeated)
Applicationof ID principles to development of computer-based instruction.Beginning and intermediate students work together; covers beginningcontent when taken first and may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credithours for intermediate content. (Offered fall and spring semester.)PREREQUISITE: IDT 7071-8071 or permission of instructor.
IDT 8074 Theories and Models of Instructional Design
A critical examination of existing instructional design theories from the perspective of supporting research and application.
IDT Elective Courses
IDT 8075 Instructional Consulting
Applicationof interpersonal skills when working with subject matter experts andclients of design, development, and production of instructionalmaterials. PREREQUISITE: IDT 7071-8071.
ICL 8051 Simulation and Gaming
Thiscourse will examine the theory behind using simulations, games andmicroworld to support teaching and learning. And students will evaluatecommercial simulations and games, as well as develop new examples.
IDT 8076 Seminar and Workshop Design
Technicaland theoretical principles for developing effective seminars andworkshops. Design, preparation, and implementation skills are developedfor effective adult learning. PREREQUISITES: IDT 7071-8071 and researchor statistics course.
IDT 8078 Seminar in Instructional Design and Technology
Professionaland research problems in instructional strategies, design, andtechnology. May be repeated once with a change in topic. (Offeredspring semester of odd year.) PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor.
K-12 Technology Certificate Courses (SeeCertificate Information)
IDT 8061 Computers, Technology, Learning and the Classroom
Computersand technology in the instructional process, including networking;problem solving using computer tools; use of national databases; use ofperipherals including CD ROMs, laser discs and graphics; technologicalapplications for the classroom; uses for technology in differentcontent areas. PREREQUISITE: Must have had an introductory computercourse or permission of instructor.
IDT 8062 Authoring Instructional Courseware
Applicationof instructional design principles to creation of computer-basedinstruction; emphasis on use of authoring and scripting systems tocreate instructional software. PREREQUISITE: Must have had anintroductory computer course or permission of instructor. (Offeredspring and summer semesters.)
IDT 8063 Seminar in Instructional Computing
Analysisof issues and trends related to instructional computing andinstructional technology in K-12 classroom. (Offered fall and springsemesters.) PREREQUISITE: Six hours of coursework in IDT.
IDT 8064 School Change and the Internet
Issues,processes, and strategies relative to changes occurring with design,implementation, and evaluation of internet technology in schools.PREREQUISITE: IDT 7060-8060, IDT 7061, or permission of instructor.(Offered fall and spring semesters.)
Independent Study & Research
IDT 8810 Practicum in Instructional Design
Planned,supervised experience in an instructional setting appropriate tostudent’s specialization area of instructional design and technology;opportunity to synthesize knowledge and skills and demonstrateprofessional competencies in educational or training settings.PREREQUISITES: IDT 7071-8071 and 3 hours of IDT coursework.
IDT 8091 Directed Readings in Instructional Design & Technology
Individuallydirected readings culminating in synthesis of ideas. May be repeatedwith change in topic for 9 credits. PREREQUISITES: Permission ofinstructor
IDT 8092 Supervised Research in Instructional Design and Technology
Collaborativeresearch with faculty including planning, design, management analysis,and reporting of research. May be repeated. PREREQUISITES: Minimum of12 hours and permission of instructor.
ICL 7991 Independent Study in Instruction & Curriculum
ICL 8995 Research Residency Project