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情景会话手机版 作者:freedom_love     所属分类:休闲娱乐     语音:英音     难度: 英  |   中   |   全  |   隐藏原文 |    Leader: Why are you so late? 为什么这么迟?  Lily: Late? I got here on time. 迟到?我很准时啊。  Leader: I said we would meet here at 8 o’clock, not 9 o’clock. 我说我们要八点在这见面,不是九点。  Lily: I am so sorry. 很抱歉。  Leader: You had better wise up. 放聪明点。  Lily: I will. And what are we going to do? 我会的,那我们要做什么呢?  Leader: We don’t have enough time to run over these papers. We should start our task. 我们没有足够的时间来浏览这些论文了。我们直接开始工作吧。  Lily: And what I should do? 那我要做什么?  Leader: Arrange all things we need in the coming days, and then call every member of our team and tell them when and where. Did you grasp the overall situation? 整理我们接下来几天要用的所有东西,然后打电话通知我们队的所有成员时间和地点。你懂我的意思吗?  Lily: Yes, that’s very easy. 懂了,这很简单。  浏览:11660  收藏:30 顶:14  添加时间:2009-11-05 16:57  我要报错  同类对话推荐 更多>> 强大的乞丐要饭理由(12.15) 是什么让你如此紧张?(12.28) 谈论未来(04.29) 祸不单行(10.25) 如果你捡到一大袋钱,你会怎么办?(12.14) 男人最爱丰满女人(01.14)