Wartime forges lasting Sino-Russian friendship

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Wartime forges lasting Sino-Russian friendship

10:15, May 09, 2010      

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Chinese President Hu Jintao (front L) meets with representatives of the Russian war veterans who helped China battle Japanese troops in the World Anti-Fascist War, in Moscow, capital of Russia, May 8, 2010. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin)

Chinese President Hu Jintao, while meeting in Moscow on Saturday with Russian veterans who fought Japanese aggressor troops in Northeast China in August 1945, honored their great contributions.

The honor-awarding ceremony reminds the world again that both the Chinese and Russian peoples value their friendship forged in the anti-fascist war 65 years ago.

In August 1945, the Soviet Red Army marched into China's northeast provinces and joined the Chinese army in combat with the aggressors to help wrap up the eight-year Anti-Japanese War (1937-1945).

According to the Russian Embassy in China, China is home to 74 memorials commemorating around 34,500 Soviet soldiers who lost their lives in the military operations 65 years ago.

It has been 65 years since the end of World War II, yet history will always remember the great contributions and sacrifices made by both the Chinese and Soviet peoples.

During the "Great Patriotic War", known in the West as the Eastern Front of World War II, the Soviets fought tenacious battles in Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad and launched 10 major counter-offensives.

The bloody maneuvers successfully drove off the German troops, liberated a dozen European nations and smashed the final stronghold of Nazi Germany's rule in Berlin. At the same time, as many as 27 million Soviet people were killed in the conflict.

China, Asia's major battlefield during World War II, was then under the aggression of 70 percent of Japanese military forces, but played a pivotal role in securing the world’s victory against fascists. More than 35 million Chinese people lost their lives during the Anti-Japanese War.

Peace is always hard-won and the friendship forged during the war should be commemorated and passed down from one generation to the next.

In 2005, Hu attended the ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. He was set to attend Sunday’s ceremony in Moscow celebrating the 65th anniversary.

Chinese leaders have also met on several occasions with Russian veterans who used to fought for Chinese people's liberation, while some of the veterans were invited to visit China.

In Northeast China, local residents have made it a regular Victory Day practice to hold wreath-laying ceremonies to commemorate Soviet soldiers.

Sino-Russia relations last year made historical achievements through a series of actions, including the signing of a pact to inform each other of ballistic missile launchings and the initiation of a 1,030km oil pipeline program running from Russia's Skovorodino to China's northeastern city of Daqing.

More than six decades have passed since the war's smoke and flame faded away, yet the world still faces many challenges.

As permanent member states of the U.N. Security Council, China and Russia have played an active role in advocating world multi-polarization and the democratization of international politics.

They also maintain close contact and coordination on important international and regional issues, and promote common interests, contributing to world peace and stability.

Hu said Saturday when meeting with the Russian veterans that China and Russia should strengthen their strategic coordination, support each other strategically, propel the multi-polar process and safeguard world peace.

It is thus the call of our time for both the Chinese and Russian peoples to advance their long-held traditional friendship, deepen their strategic coordination and jointly strive for a harmonious world with sustained peace and prosperity.

Source: Xinhua

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Chinese president meets Russian prime minister

10:21, May 09, 2010      

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Chinese President Hu Jintao (L) meets with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Moscow, May 8, 2010. (Xinhua/Fan Rujun)

Chinese President Hu Jintao met Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Saturday in Moscow to exchange views on the development of the strategic relations of cooperation and partnership between China and Russia.

President Hu is in Moscow for celebrations marking the 65th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany.

In recent years, China and Russia have strengthened their strategic relations of cooperation and partnership with enhanced mutual political trust and fruitful cooperation in all sectors.

The two countries also have had close interaction and coordination in dealing with international and regional affairs.

Last year, the Chinese-Russian strategic relations of cooperation and partnership made important headway with activities marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties and the "Year of the Russian Language" in China.

Since the beginning of this year, the partnership has maintained comprehensive and rapid growth at a high level.

President Hu's participation in the celebrations is a major event in China-Russia relations and symbolizes the spirit of bilateral strategic cooperation, said China's Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at a press briefing Wednesday.

"We believe Hu's visit will boost China-Russia strategic trust for further development of the bilateral strategic relations of cooperation and partnership," he said.

This is the second time President Hu took part in Russia's Victory Day celebrations.

In May 2005, President Hu attended in Moscow ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War.

Source: XinhuaRelated Reading
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  • Chinese president calls for correct view of history

    10:08, May 09, 2010      

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    Chinese President Hu Jintao on Saturday called for a correct view of history, saying the Soviet Union and China's contributions to victory in the world's anti-fascist war are "ironclad."

    Hu spoke while meeting with representatives of the Russian veterans of World War II, who participated in the battles for the liberation of China's Northeast.

    "It is an ironclad fact that China and the Soviet Union have made exceptional contributions to the success of the world's anti-fascist war, and the Chinese people highly valued the Soviet people's role in the war and would always firmly remember the Soviet people's assistance to us at a critical juncture," Hu said.

    Hu also called for strengthened strategic coordination between China and Russia in a complex and volatile international situation.

    Hu called on the two countries to jointly propose a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation, and jointly appeal to the establishment of a harmonious world featuring lasting peace and common prosperity.

    Hu said China and Russia should strengthen their strategic coordination, act as each other's strategic support, advance the multipolarization process and safeguard world peace.

    "China and Russia bear the responsibility of promoting the world multipolarization and the democratization of international politics for the establishment of a more equitable and reasonable new international political order," Hu said.

    He said close cooperation between China and Russia in international affairs would protect the interests of both countries and safeguard peace and stability of the region and the world at large.

    Source: Xinhua