
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/02 17:02:37

We all have our crosses to bear

In the first comics,there are many people walking forward slowly and difficultly , each having a heavy cross on his back.

On the journey,one suddenly stops,thinking that "when will I finally arrive at the destination with such a heavy cross on my back,"

So, he makes a surprising decision.He decides to cut  a part of the cross down. 

So he cuts the cross on and on.

Then he really feel much lighter and can't help walking faster.

He walks on and on.After a long time,he thinks that the cross is still very heavy although it has been cut shorter.

In order to walking more faster and more easily he decides to cut down the cross a little more.

So he cuts it on and on.

Yes,it seems more comfortable now.

And now he is at the front of the troops without great effort.Others are struggling forward with heavy cross on back except that he is walking easily singing songs.

After covering a long distance,there unexpectedly appears a wide and deep gap in the front,without bridge across it as well as ways around.Also,there is no spideman or superman who can help him.What can he do now?

Others gradually catch up with him.They put the crosses on their back onto the gap to make a bridge and go across it calmly.

He also do the same.It's a pity that the cross is too short to make a bridge now, because it has been cut a big part down.

He can only stand by repentantly and downheartedly,while others go on walking heading for the goals.At this time,there is only one thought in his mind:there used to be a complete cross on my shoulder,but I didn't cherish it.Only when I really need it,I really feel repentant.This is the most painful thing in the world.

 In fact,for us everyone,we are moving forward difficultly lording kinds of crosses,which are maybe our studies,our work or responsibilities we must undertake. But it is these responsibilities that makes up the values of our existing in this world.So please don't complain with your heavy study,pain of working.The real happiness is the result of challenge.We will never taste the heartily joys without painful experiences,

     We all have our crosses to bear.我们每个人都背负着属于自己的十字架。的确是这样,漫画中的每个人,都是背负着属于自己的十字架,而当沟壑出现时,他们也正是利用自己背负的十字架帮助自己跨越沟壑,继续前进。
