
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/30 19:51:16
1. This is a matter for the police     那是警察的事.
2. you have got to help me!              你必须帮我!
3. That what i thought you said!     正是我的意思!
4. It come to the law!                          这牵涉到法律.   5. go easy                                                算了!
6. I turned my back on him because I didn‘t want to make maves.    我因为怕麻烦而没有去帮他.
7.A man‘s down,you give him your hand.           别人有难,就要伸出援手.
8.get it down                             搞定它
9. Got to be quick,be smart about it.   要迅速,灵活应对.
10.The investment accounts.    投资账户.
1.Why you want to see her so bad any how?       你为什么这么急见他?
2. I cut the water off about an hour ago.               一个小时前我把水切断了.
3.you thing that gona work?                                 你认为这样有用吗?
4.sometimes,no matter how hard you try,it just won‘t give in!  有时候,不管你多努力,也没有用.
5.we can stop if you want ,catch  your breath.            如果你想缓口气,我们可以停一下.
6.I can‘t believe this is happening.                               真不敢相信眼前发生的一切.
7.  We been doing business too long, we can fix this thing,right? . 我们在一起做事很久了,我们可以解决,对吧!
8.Until I have enough money to buy that house on lake gray. 直到我有足够的钱买下湖边的房子.
9. I‘m thinking early retirement.        我想早点退休
10.you‘re out of business.            你出局了
1.Get used to it    学着适应吧
2.Because I got bigger things to think about,like survial.因为我有更重要的事情要考虑,比如说活下去。
3.yet you still want to do them a favor.而你却还想帮他们。
4.An innocent man.       一个无辜的人
5.I‘m still not exactly sure why she come back.   我还是不确定她为什么回来。
6.Everything‘s under control.   任何事在控制当中。
7.I‘m here at your disposal if you need me.      如果你需要我就为你效劳
8.Do me a favor.   帮个忙
9.I swear to god,it just get deeer and deeper.      我对上帝发誓,我们会越陷越深。    10.What is that supposed to mean?   这是什么意思?
1.I‘ll catch up with you later  晚点再来找你们.
2.If you can‘t handle it,don‘t cash your paycheck this month. 你要是搞不定,这个月你不别想拿钱了.     3.I‘m just looking out for your best interests.来我这是为你着想。
4.you could lose your job over it.       你可能因此丢了饭碗.
5.you better take care of your business   你最好能做好自己的事情。
6.I really appreciate all the effort that you put into this.   我真感谢你为此付出的一切。
7.I don‘t like the look in your eye.   我不喜欢你看我的眼神.