
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 09:03:42
误译:As spring returns to the vast plains, all creatures/things on earth will come back to life.
正译:As spring returns to the world, all creatures/things on earth will come back to life.
解释:“大地”指世界或地球。译作vast plains,即“辽阔的平原”,不妥。“复苏”是指“生物体的机能在极度衰弱以后又逐渐恢复正常活动”,像人在失去知觉、昏迷、休克后苏醒。英语用to come to, to come round, to come back to life, to come back to consciousness, to regain consciousness,to revive, to recover 或to be on the way to recovery表示。
如:1. 这个病人昏迷三天以后复苏了。The patient came back to life after lying unconscious for three days.2. 这个老人休克以后复苏了。The old man came to after shock.3. 大地复苏,麦苗返青。Wheat seedlings turn green as the earth comes back to life.4. 市场正在复苏。The market is on the way to recovery.
“经济复苏”译作 economic recovery或 economic revival。如:政府想刺激经济复苏。The government wanted to stimulate an economic recovery/revival. ▲
《环球时报》 ( 2006-04-10 第14版 )