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入侵调查使中国精英成为新亮点AC四月青年社区- k) j1 T$ i3 B! J- o4 G
原文标题】Hacking Inquiry Puts China’s Elite in New LightAC四月青年社区" T2 u% T+ [' u* M' i4 d  u; {
【登载媒体】The New York Times 纽约时报; J, F: c. E! L1 k+ v* d
【来源地址】http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/22/technology/22cyber.htmlAC四月青年社区$ N2 J4 L2 p* A/ r
【翻译人员】Zhongdong_Wang1 @  P# k0 j; U! a& }) q
【翻译方式】天然智能生物人类手工翻译bbs.anti-cnn.com) o, ]; {! o, `. {
, q* i; R, T5 a: ?2 R: X* s" r" |$ mAC四月青年社区【库文链接】http://bbs.anti-cnn.com/thread-226527-1-1.htmlbbs.anti-cnn.com8 Y7 U& n% f" S. m, b) X% I6 A

8 O/ O( Z9 b* p2 LShanghai Jiaotong University students won a programming competition this month, once again defeating colleges like Stanford.
: ~: c# r' h0 ]! v5 G上海交通大学学生本月编程比赛获胜,再次打败像斯坦福这样的学院。
8 a" p0 H* i4 Y& U+ T0 L3 MBy DAVID BARBOZA
( r# _! n. x) w2 o% Bbbs.anti-cnn.com撰稿大卫巴博萨
; T9 [4 Q1 Z9 ^+ P! m& `- ]  O求真务实 理性交流Published: February 21, 2010求真务实 理性交流: w3 U/ Z. O- z' b$ t/ ]% g$ \! Q
7 J$ w3 K4 U2 O) iAC四月青年社区
6 ^& C  y) b& l) Z( s, d! G4 d, }+ ?" m) Z
bbs.anti-cnn.com* a/ y; O0 U, Q$ T
SHANGHAI — With its sterling reputation and its scientific bent, Shanghai Jiaotong University has the feel of an Ivy League institution.
6 D2 `( i$ U/ D2 f' `4 X* nbbs.anti-cnn.com上海——纯洁的名誉和对科学的追求使上海交通大学拥有一种象牙常春藤学院的感觉。
" s, f! `( B1 K: m% r- X! D4 A. [4 k' L) U+ ?& _
The university has alliances with elite American ones like Duke and the University of Michigan. And it is so rich in science and engineering talent that Microsoft and Intel have moved into a research park directly adjacent to the school.$ z& ]/ z4 }' B" X$ {' G$ |
这所大学同美国精英学校杜克大学和密歇根大学是姊妹学校。而且它在科学和工程学上的人才是如此地丰富以至于微软和英特尔都直接搬到了与之毗邻的研究园区。bbs.anti-cnn.com& t  m8 x# c. X* i% l5 Q

+ q' I3 y5 C5 f4 r( G. |1 bBut Jiaotong, whose sprawling campus here has more than 33,000 students, is facing an unpleasant question: is it a base for sophisticated computer hackers?
, v( b1 d/ `! C* ?  E5 HAC四月青年社区但是交通大学,环境散乱的校园拥有超过33000名大学生,正面领着一个令人不愉快的问题:它会是一个精明的计算机黑客们的基地吗?
; y" w, ]# `; ]# W求真务实 理性交流" o2 ^( Q5 W+ _5 Z
求真务实 理性交流) V) ]1 F) J6 E" r
Investigators looking into Web attacks on Google and dozens of other American companies last year have traced the intrusions to computers at Jiaotong as well as an obscure vocational school in eastern China, according to people briefed on the case.AC四月青年社区/ G# l, e; N; i$ |
+ {' I: j9 H+ Y/ u9 ^
5 `- M9 y* Y/ D( @' D: Vbbs.anti-cnn.comSecurity experts caution that it is hard to trace online attacks and that the digital footprints may be a “false flag,” a kind of decoy intended to throw investigators off track.求真务实 理性交流& _9 |" l" b( Z# X: z& Z5 |6 h
安全专家们警告追踪在线攻击是很困难的,而且数字印记可能是一个“冒名使用的标志”,一种意图甩掉调查者的诱骗技术。求真务实 理性交流; {9 x5 e5 ?) j4 F" p( Z

/ y5 _% V1 l2 I/ L' {. P  o/ `AC四月青年社区But those with knowledge of the investigation say there are reliable clues that suggest the highly sophisticated attacks may have originated at Jiaotong and the more obscure campus, Lanxiang Vocational School in Shandong Province, an institution with ties to the Chinese military.bbs.anti-cnn.com/ H3 H7 {/ x1 n9 \- ?) M
- C+ ^/ `7 W9 w- [) a2 Q
% K7 _& G" n4 j5 Fbbs.anti-cnn.comLast weekend, the two schools strongly denied any knowledge of the attacks, which singled out corporate files and the e-mail accounts of human rights activists.
1 j/ u* }$ t8 o& K; `, s求真务实 理性交流上周,这两家学校强烈否认了知道攻击的事情,这些攻击单独选取了公司文档和人权积极分子的电子邮件账户作为目标。AC四月青年社区- |7 y, P; i' D! q7 p0 h

% X" m4 F5 ~" J- n. m$ X求真务实 理性交流A spokesman for Jiaotong told local news outlets that school officials were “shocked and indignant” to learn of the allegations. And a Lanxiang spokesman called the reports preposterous.求真务实 理性交流3 I. x% X; _* }/ L* y; F3 k
2 d6 }+ p) e, }5 ?9 b4 A2 b& xAC四月青年社区* K) m- y4 v$ v' h
But analysts say Jiaotong and Lanxiang are certain to come under close scrutiny.求真务实 理性交流2 \- P  H5 |, E* y0 ]
3 [) u  o; g* h- d0 e/ \1 t
& i0 _( y. T  j2 Y! [( ~求真务实 理性交流Jiaotong is one of China’s top universities, and one charged with helping transform this country into a science and technology powerhouse.; h. {9 x: Q7 l/ }" R3 |
交通是中国顶级学校之一,承担了帮助这个国家转型成为一个科学技术动力源的责任。(译注:to charge Sb with Sth还可以解释成为“为某事起诉某人”,而且构句方式完全相同,而且这个短语是以过去分词出现做后置定语,其不出现的主语可以是“by us”即“我们这些(其他各方面,不单单是网络攻击)受害的国家”,对我们这些人是有罪的,因为他们造成了我们在经济政治等各方面的不利。结合此次调查事件的前因后果和中间过程,我觉得这个词是作者故意挑选的,正因为这个词组有“起诉”这个意思。但是,保守起见为了不至于主观理解造成误导,所以谨在此以译注形式告知一下中文读者。因为,原句用中文解释成因为帮助中国政府转型成为科技发动机罪名而受起诉,那未免外媒太那个了,鉴于此我中文只做中性解释。但我确信原文作者使用这个词是有这个意图的,因为原文是写给那些对中国的大好形势极端反感的外国群体看的。这段译注特别长,有违规范,请读者谅解一下,因为我有些不高兴了。)求真务实 理性交流4 {* |2 K" X# t* T
bbs.anti-cnn.com& Z- u* h* Z: b
The school has exchange programs with some of the world’s leading universities. Early this year, Duke said that with the help of Jiaotong, it would build its own campus near Shanghai.求真务实 理性交流2 x% m6 B: S1 Z$ q
这所学校已经和世界一些领先学校交流过软件。今年初,杜克大学说在交通大学的帮助下它将能够在上海附近建造自己的校园。求真务实 理性交流# D4 M/ s7 l" L0 M
求真务实 理性交流( L( J8 O; L0 ~) @
Michael J. Schoenfeld, a spokesman for Duke, said on Friday that the university was troubled by the allegations.
# N& [0 A1 a' x' j* x杜克大学的一位发言人迈克尔J.舍恩菲尔德周五说这所大学(译注:指杜克大学,因为它与交通合作,而交通竟然做出这种不光彩事情,使得杜克大学也感到脸上无光了;大致就是这个意思)被这些说法所牵累了。
, i( `1 F* w) }8 ?1 J* ~AC四月青年社区
( q. [# F* K6 h4 l求真务实 理性交流“We’re going to have to explore that with Shanghai Jiaotong and understand the situation,” he said. “It’s a very complex situation.”
4 d8 y& Z, j& L9 T# E“我们将不得不与上海交通大学勘察那事(译注:个人认为指调查较大有染于攻击事件的事情,杜克要借与交大有合作关系在上海选址之类的交往中对交大进行调查。个人认为,所谓调查无非是他们认为的很正常的类似施压之类的行为。explore一般意思是未知领域探索、工程场地勘察之类意思,但也可以偶尔有调查之意。另外,这里作者没有明确说勘察什么事,而是用that;这样explore that两个合在一起,就成了一个故意的含糊说法,是想造势“看看众人所指,可见不是空穴来风”,让人容易错觉地以为交大的确有问题)并了解这种情势”他说。“这是一种很复杂的情势。”AC四月青年社区. b8 G( i) `, X, y1 `

- g# @& q5 a* q求真务实 理性交流One of Jiaotong’s strongest departments is computer science, which has garnered support from some of America’s biggest technology companies, including Cisco Systems. Microsoft has collaborated with Jiaotong on a laboratory for intelligent computing and intelligent systems at the university.
! A/ p$ ]3 |# K/ t4 D8 \; B7 x) t交通大学最强部门之一就是计算机科学,吸聚了来自美国一些最大技术公司的支持力量,其中包括思科系统。微软已经与交大在用于智能计算和智能系统的位于交大的一个实验室项目上合作(译注:collaborate还有另一个常用意思——通敌,两个意思都是及物用法句结构完全相同)。5 \' {4 t: L. S; a
bbs.anti-cnn.com* M$ @: i7 n' G9 W# o- f
Two weeks ago, Jiaotong students won an international computer programming competition sponsored by I.B.M., known as the Battle of the Brains, beating out Stanford and other elite institutions. It was the third time in the last decade that Jiaotong students had taken the top prize.
* y8 s9 f9 I9 Q( X- ?两周前,交大学生们赢得了一项由IBM发起的称为“脑力竞赛”的国际计算机编程比赛,击败了斯坦福大学和其他精英学院。在过去10年中这是交通大学第三次获得这个最高奖项。
/ b/ |1 o% s1 r+ L# e. z- }5 }9 N; y0 s1 x" P
Jiaotong is also home to the School of Information Security Engineering, which specializes in Internet security. The school’s dean and chief professor have both worked on technology matters for the People’s Liberation Army, according to the school’s Web site.1 Z: d) ]) ?$ x0 _- [
交大还是信息安全工程的老家,信息安全工程专门研究互联网安全。这所大学的院长和主教授们都曾经为人民解放军从事过技术方面的工作,根据这所学校的的网站介绍。& g8 }" S7 N$ Q0 b  r, p

  `/ f% }, g( ?6 Dbbs.anti-cnn.comThe school, which has received financing from a high-level government science and technology project, code-named 863, has also regularly invited world-famous hackers and Web security experts to lecture there.7 n" c3 u! M: R2 c6 }2 u
这所曾经获得高层政府代码叫做863的科技项目融资的学校,还经常邀请世界知名黑客认识和网络安全专家们来此讲课。求真务实 理性交流+ F: f+ o0 H  _7 E' O8 V, _) ^3 h

6 J1 X  z( T, d9 DThe latest clues do not answer the question of who was behind the attacks. But it is likely to put added pressure on Beijing to investigate a case that has prompted Google to threaten to pull out of China.bbs.anti-cnn.com1 J$ w- e0 w" A) r! `$ f/ d
# X) l$ ~% p+ z/ R1 tbbs.anti-cnn.com
9 j3 s+ G; L# _. |1 `5 a+ i" n" |Beijing has not announced an investigation, but Web security experts emphasize that the Chinese government would need to be involved to find the ultimate perpetrators of the attacks.bbs.anti-cnn.com. x' z! m/ g/ f5 j; g
北京并没有宣布展开调查,但是网络专家们强调中国政府有必要涉入以找出这些攻击事件的元凶。5 T: F5 g+ s# l4 N4 f. a; P

/ n1 U1 b- @8 N/ z% b$ \“The U.S. would not be able to trace this” back to the source, said O. Sami Saydjari, the founder of the Cyber Defense Agency, a private Web security firm based in Wisconsin. “We cannot trace it beyond borders. We’d need the cooperation of the Chinese.”
  ^& [/ C) Z9 R1 S" v9 \+ W$ obbs.anti-cnn.com“美国可能没有能力追查此事”的源头,驻地威斯康辛的一家私人网络安全公司“网络防御机构”创始人O.萨米萨伊加里说。
, `3 o4 `/ ]& ^5 p- N; c6 V1 P( K3 g; v: t
Xiao Qiang, an expert on Chinese Internet censorship and control, says Jiaotong is studying not just Web security but also how to filter content that the government may deem unhealthy.
& {2 x6 i# f' V& J# Y: l, C8 W一位研究中国互联网审查制度和管理的专家Xiao Qiang说,交大不仅在研究网络安全而且还在研究怎样过滤政府看做不健康的内容。
0 r- \! o/ A4 [$ j1 V% _/ E: R3 s
“Computer security may sound neutral, but in China, it also includes content, including content the government doesn’t like and wants to get rid of,” he says.
% Y, P4 q: F: J: p& l. d% b求真务实 理性交流“计算机安全说起来是中立的,但是在中国,它也包括内容,政府不喜欢并且想要去掉的那些内容,”他说道。求真务实 理性交流8 |( L/ |, i& _4 t

1 k  {$ p' G( j8 x' `Scott J. Henderson, the author of “The Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese Hackers,” said that in 2007, a prominent Chinese hacker with ties to China’s Ministry of Security also lectured at Jiaotong.
% H7 t* b6 S4 V4 t4 n' x“黑暗访客”一书作者斯科特J.汉德森说2007年这样说:“中国众多黑客中”,一位杰出与中国安全部有联系的中国黑客也在交大讲过课。求真务实 理性交流2 {) O: o1 n9 H( ^7 [; K9 u5 {- w- {
求真务实 理性交流& {. a- Z% k6 l& t; t, d! J
“He gave a lecture called ‘Hacking in a Nutshell,’ ” said Mr. Henderson, whose research was partly financed by the American military.
- V& s/ E8 {+ S求真务实 理性交流“他做了一次题目是‘突破硬壳’的讲课”汉德森先生说,汉德森的研究部分由美国军方提供资金。
% w  n' P+ \1 `bbs.anti-cnn.com
2 n0 F1 [( b' _. T( Y& aAC四月青年社区In a statement on Sunday, Microsoft said it could not comment on reports that some hacking had been traced to Jiaotong.
, G5 q; V7 N4 ^' M+ i在周日的一项声明中,微软称它无法对那些部分入侵被追踪到了交大的报告作出评论。
) F3 w) s1 o. S, d求真务实 理性交流
" i. b& ?0 \, z" X5 q, F4 ?  {/ h( S求真务实 理性交流But the statement also said: “We condemn cyberattacks and industrial espionage no matter who is ultimately responsible. We hope officials will conduct a full investigation and cooperate fully with international authorities to get to the bottom of this situation.”
. Q1 R, |6 `# a9 ^. f) mbbs.anti-cnn.com但是该声明也说:“我们谴责电脑网络攻击和工业间谍行为,无论最终责任人是谁。我们希望行政人员能实施一项全面调查并和国际机构全面合作将此事情一查到底。”
9 J- z0 u* T+ m4 @, r* W求真务实 理性交流
: O5 e0 o4 f& j3 v' ]& F$ N) `+ j求真务实 理性交流Google and other companies that were victims of the attacks have declined to comment." e) x  ?& w( e
) ?& J% Q- G; b3 C, f  c求真务实 理性交流AC四月青年社区$ D/ W( l4 Z* \& A3 s1 p
Investigators are also looking into whether some of the intrusions originated at Lanxiang Vocational School, in the city of Jinan.
) }3 q4 S' s& q9 B$ u; o' z9 Obbs.anti-cnn.com调查人员同时也在继续调查是否这些入侵攻击的一部分来自济南市的蓝翔职业培训学校。
7 q5 e( F) B5 U. O% vbbs.anti-cnn.com
( R% ?1 ~3 j6 aLanxiang, which has 30,000 students studying trades like cosmetology and welding, was founded in 1984 by a former military officer on land donated by the military, according to Jinan’s propaganda department.1 [3 ^' l9 ?. I5 c6 `( K
拥有30000名学习像美容和焊接营业技能的学生的蓝翔学校,由一位退役陆军军官受军方捐助创始于1984年,根据济南宣传部说。; @* @. o: u7 A9 m1 v+ A+ ~
bbs.anti-cnn.com& r9 X5 H4 y9 E5 f8 D
On its Web site, the school records visits to the campus by military officers and boasts of sending “a large batch of graduates to the army” and says “those graduates become the backbone of the army.”
( [% r( ?7 [( v8 d: G1 rAC四月青年社区这家学校的网站上记录了来访问过该校的军官们并且夸耀送出了“一大批毕业生到军队”并且说“那些毕业生成为了军队的中坚力量。”
5 f3 j2 e( u! c* L0 Q/ W! ebbs.anti-cnn.com求真务实 理性交流& P' C& Z( M2 e* p2 L
Graduates of the school’s computer science department are recruited by the local military garrison each year, according to the school’s dean, Mr. Shao, who would give only his last name.
4 A/ a5 J( j+ w; i这所学校的计算机系毕业生们每年被当地卫戍部队征召入伍,根据该校院长邵先生说,邵先生只愿意说出自己的姓。. O6 B5 v! a. ]1 C4 P( b
求真务实 理性交流* N! O' G3 i2 M, f- H
School officials also insist that Lanxiang students are not capable of sophisticated hacking./ w; f  ~0 c$ W, e9 p/ D
1 o/ w/ a: E4 Y: K% Ybbs.anti-cnn.com" ?# _" x" f1 s
“It’s impossible for our students to hack Google and other U.S. companies,” Mr. Shao said in a telephone interview. “They are just high school graduates and not at an advanced level.”
. a- Y: ?: a( F+ @5 _/ v9 m7 fbbs.anti-cnn.com“我们的学生破解谷歌和其他美国公司是不可能的事,”邵先生电话采访时说。“他们只是高中毕业并且能力没达到高级程度。”bbs.anti-cnn.com, Q) k0 J/ V! g/ i) M6 z! L' G! T/ ?0 P
bbs.anti-cnn.com- M# k2 g/ I9 Y5 j: W8 j
Little information is publicly available about the school’s computer science department. But the school says its computer laboratory is so enormous that it was once listed in the Guinness World Records book.
7 _! ]% h# e/ m; B5 H/ W% OAC四月青年社区关于该校计算机系的公开有效信息很少。但是学校说它的计算机实验室非常庞大以至于在世界吉尼斯上都有记录。
7 u7 T8 U9 v- a9 O7 _. L7 {* H+ Q# Q2 z1 K
Bao Beibei and Chen Xiaoduan contributed research.
3 S3 t. l; _* _Bao Beibei和Chen Xiaoduan为调查研究做出了贡献。& [1 y# H( P* {

) e8 R0 Z$ ^( B  X: x1 K( L$ ~求真务实 理性交流This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:bbs.anti-cnn.com" `  c3 O1 X9 c! W/ u7 g
本文经校对做如下更正:4 p2 \; \& {% @" N5 q( I
AC四月青年社区5 x2 p% C7 J' d# S3 Y# {( M
Correction: February 24, 2010 - a3 w, Y: S; I/ [
An article on Monday about the scrutiny of two Chinese educational institutions to which researchers have traced online attacks on American companies misstated the location of Duke University’s planned campus in China and the date that plans for that campus were announced. The campus will be in Kunshan, near Shanghai, not in Shanghai itself, and the plans were announced on Jan. 22, not “last year.”AC四月青年社区$ |- W+ j( w% E2 L! J2 E
更正:2010年2月24日  u$ I0 P. W. j/ O4 i

* ?% H/ x: \) R5 f) A7 ]. |% i3 P  ^