
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/02 23:21:32
(Reuters) – Iraq war movie “The Hurt Locker,” took the Oscars by storm on Sunday winning six of the major film honors, including best movie and director for Kathryn Bigelow who became the first woman to win that honor.

The drama about a squad of bomb defusing specialists and the emotional toll war takes on them also secured writer Mark Boal the Academy Award for best original screenplay, and claimed honors for film editing, sound editing and mixing.

“Hurt Locker” and Bigelow won Oscars over stiff competition from her ex-husband James Cameron, whose sci-fi adventure “Avatar” is the top-grossing movie ever with $2.5 billion at box offices and was seen as a favorite for best movie.
“This really is, there’s no other way to describe it, it’s the moment of a lifetime,” Bigelow said.

“Avatar” earned 3 Oscars, but in technical categories — visual effects, cinematography and art direction.

Veteran Jeff Bridges claimed best actor playing a drunken country singer in drama “Crazy Heart.” The son of Hollywood star Lloyd Bridges, held his trophy high over his head, looking to the heavens and thanking his deceased parents.

“Mom and Dad, yeah,” he shouted. “Thank you Mom and Dad for turning me on to such a groovy profession.”

Sandra Bullock was named best actress for “The Blind Side” in a first for the actress once dubbed “America’s Sweetheart” because she won so many early fans in her romantic comedies.

But for “The Blind Side,” she took the part of a real-life, strong-willed mother who helps take a homeless youth off the street and makes him into a football success.

“Did I really earn this, or did I just wear you all down?” she joked on Oscar’s stage.

Dark drama “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” earned two Oscars including supporting actress for Mo’Nique and adapted screenplay for writer Geoffrey Fletcher, who became the first African American to claim that honor.
黑色剧:“珍爱:根据Sapphire的小说’推’”获得了两项奥斯卡奖,包括女配角莫妮克,和剧本改编作家Geoffrey Fletcher,他成为第一位非州裔美国人获得此荣誉。

Christoph Waltz won best supporting actor for his turn as a menacing Nazi officer in revenge fantasy “Inglourious Basterds,” which follows a band of American Jews killing their enemies behind lines during World War Two.

“Up” was named best animated movie, and Argentina’s “The Secret in Their Eyes” won best foreign language film.
“飞屋环游记” 被命名为最佳动画片,同时阿根廷的“谜一样的双眼”赢得了最佳外语片。



Tags: oscar film, The Hurt Locker, 奥斯卡直播