双脚交叉 暗示她对你没“性”趣

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/24 01:18:08

双脚交叉 暗示她对你没“性”趣


  双脚交叉 暗示她对你没“性”趣  研究发现,看女性的脚可知她是否对男性感兴趣   英国的一项研究发现,男性可以通过观察女性的脚而了解到她是否对他感兴趣。英国专家相信脚的移动能透露出最真实的感情。脚的姿势被认为是最有价值的身体语言,因为人很少会注意去控制脚,因此真实的感情会无意间透过脚展现出来。  曼彻斯特大学心理学家Geoff Beattie分析了全球各地的心理学研究,寻找脚部身体语言的线索。他发现,如果在交谈或笑声中,女性移动她的脚,采取了更开放的姿势,那么这说明她被你吸引住了。如果女性的双脚交叉或藏在身体下方,代表她缺乏兴趣,追求者最好知难而退。由制鞋商委托进行的这项研究还发现,男人紧张时,会烦躁不安地踏脚,女人则恰好相反,不安时脚会静止不动。"

  How to tell if a woman fancies you: look at her feet  While men have long assumed that a woman’s blushes or a bat of the eyelids were the telltale signs of attraction, experts now believe that foot movements reveal most about an admirer’s true feelings.   It is claimed that gestures with our feet are the most powerful form of body language because we are less conscious of what we are doing with them.   If a woman moves her feet away from her body while giggling, to adopt a more open-legged stance, then she is attracted to you.   But if her legs are crossed or tucked under her body, then the suitor’s advances are likely to end in disaster.   Women will be disappointed to learn that the rules do not apply to men, who reveal nothing about sexual attraction through their feet, the research discovered.   However, unfaithful men should remain on their toes – women can tell a liar by spotting a man who keeps his feet unnaturally still.   The findings were made by Professor Geoff Beattie, one of Britain’s leading psychologists, who examined how people move their feet in response to different situations.   Prof Beattie, who is Dean of psychological sciences at the University of Manchester, said: “Whilst people might know what their facial expression or hands might be imparting, they will often have no idea whether their feet are moving or the messages their feet are sending out.   "People can mask smiles, or mask what they are doing with their eyes, but feet are actually a bit easier to read because people don't know what they are doing with them.   "The secret language of feet can reveal a great deal about our personality, what we think of the person we're talking to and even our emotional and psychological state, they are a fascinating channel of non-verbal communication.”   He added: “If you are meeting someone for the first time, laughter is not necessarily a good thing – people can be laughing at you, or with you.   "If a woman's feet move when she laughs, it is one of the most powerful signals that she likes you.   "If they are crossing the feet, or crossing the legs – not good.”   If a man is nervous, he will show his feelings by increasing his foot movement. Women however, do the opposite, and keep their feet still.   Alpha males and females have a low level of leg and foot movement because they like to dominate and control the conversation and the same goes for their body.   Extroverts do likewise but for different reasons, while shy people have frequent movements.   Arrogant people also keep their bodies more in check and use less foot movement.   The research compiled on behalf of shoemakers Jeffery West also found that women judge men on their shoes – how stylish, clean, how expensive they look and whether they match an outfit.   Foot movement: the telltale signs:   Attraction: a woman shows she is attracted to a man by moving her feet away from her body, to adopt a more open-legged stance, when laughing.   Repulsion: a woman crosses her legs or keeps them tucked beneath her body to signal that she does not welcome a man’s advances.   Nervousness: men move their feet more, while women keep their feet still   Dishonesty: both sexes adopt an unnatural lack of foot movement