千吻之深 A Thousand Kisses Deep

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 10:53:30
千吻之深 A Thousand Kisses Deep

低沉,温厚的嗓音,在夜里缓缓流淌,似乎没有方向,一直在回旋,就象窗外那雨和雪,你不知道它们何时能停,你就看着它们一直飘,一直下,声音像是沉了入大海,一直下沉,下沉,下沉...... 有的只是深蓝色深沉的忧伤,深得令人窒息。Leonard Cohen (伦纳德.科恩),来自寒冷然而富有浓厚欧洲气息的加拿大小城蒙特利尔,后来在McGill University 念英国文学,毕业后因写诗及小说而享有知名度,音乐只是他年轻时代的消遣,曾做过一些业余演出。直到25岁,他才尝试将诗改写成歌曲。和他的诗、他的音乐一般,Cohen的生命从来就没有积极过,所有人生的一幕接一幕,只不过是幕起、幕落般的来来去去。因此他的声音、他的情绪、他的想法,都是那么慵懒无助,每一首歌都像一首首苍白的诗篇,随着光阴一页页的翻过去,所有的喜怒哀乐对他来说都是那么自然,不会在他的生命中激起任何一点涟漪。Cohen用他那低沉,念书般的声音,娓娓地叙述着。他像是一个可以信任的朋友,师长,甚至于父亲,用一颗平静的心与不疾不徐的口吻,帮你舒解内心的抑郁与疑虑,进而在他的世界里找到共鸣。 

The ponies run, the girls are young,

The odds are there to beat.

You win a while, and then it’s done . . .

Your little winning streak.

And summoned now to deal

With your invincible defeat,

You live your life as if it’s real,

A thousand kisses deep.


I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,

I’m back on boogie street.

You lose your grip, and then you slip

Into the masterpiece.

And maybe I had miles to drive,

And promises to keep:

You ditch it all to stay alive,

A thousand kisses deep.


And sometimes when the night is slow,

The wretched and the meek,

We gather up our hearts and go,

A thousand kisses deep.


Confined to ***, we pressed against

The limits of the sea:

I saw there were no oceans left

For scavengers like me.

I made it to the forward deck.

I blessed our remnant fleet ‥c

And then consented to be wrecked,

A thousand kisses deep.


I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,

I’m back on boogie street.

I guess they won’t exchange the gifts

That you were meant to keep.

And quiet is the thought of you,

The file on you complete,

Except what we forgot to do,

A thousand kisses deep.


And sometimes when the night is slow,

The wretched and the meek,

We gather up our hearts and go,

A thousand kisses deep.


The ponies run, the girls are young,

The odds are there to beat.

You win a while, and then it’s done . . .

Your little winning streak.

And summoned now to deal

With your invincible defeat,

You live your life as if it’s real,

A thousand kisses deep