
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 13:59:03
上海世博会事务协调局局长、上海市政府副秘书长 洪浩
2009年11月12日 北京
Stage a Successful Expo in line with the Expo Notion
By Hong Hao
Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government
Director of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination
November 12, 2009, Beijing
Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen:
This Expo forum is the last one of its kind before the Shanghai Expo opens half a year later to welcome friends from across the world. Today, I would like to brief you on the preparations for the Shanghai Expo based on the notion for its development.
I. The Expo values support our Expo preparation
Famed as the world’s great event of the economic, cultural and technological fields, the world exposition always attaches great importance to the communication and development of the humankind. Rested with people’s thoughts and aspirations, it displays the experience and achievements people have made and helps promote international cooperation and friendship. The Shanghai Expo is the first universal exhibition to be hosted by China. It also marks a new starting point for the cause of world exposition to progress from the biggest developing country in the new century.
The international community exerts high expectations for a successful Expo in 2010, and the participants strongly support our preparations. The contents of the Shanghai Expo are getting increasingly enriched: self-built pavilions are designed with unique features, while the Exhibition Projects submitted for the rented pavilions and joint pavilions are brilliant. The participants have applied for colorful performances and responded actively to the themes of various forums.
As the Organizer of the Shanghai Expo, we take charge of the pavilion construction, participation service, events preparations, forum organization and Expo operation, undertaking arduous tasks. We are to gain experience since this is the first time for us to hold such a large-scale and long-duration world exposition. During the preparation, we have been learning from host countries and cities of previous world expositions as well as the organizers of such large-scale events as the Olympics. We also listen to the instructions of the BIE, refer to the experience of all countries, and strive concertedly with the participants to stage a satisfying Expo in 2010 in line with the spirit of the world exposition “understanding, communication, union and cooperation”.
In spite of the hard work and nervousness, we are also very excited. The Shanghai Expo has the most participating countries and international organizations in the history of the world exposition, and has its innovation embodied in the UBPA participation and the Expo Shanghai Online. Besides, this is the first expo ever hosted by a developing country. And we are confident that the Shanghai Expo with the theme of “Better City, Better Life” will promote the long-run development of Shanghai, enlighten the urbanization in China, enhance communication among different countries and boost the sustainable development of the human being. The Expo staff have a thorough understanding of the Expo values and has combined their own personal values with the Expo notion. We will overcome all difficulties and spare no effort to present a successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo.
II. The Expo values lie in its notion
The world expositions vary with each other in the degree of promoting the development of the host city and country. For example, the Hannover Expo in 2000 further cemented Hannover’s status in Europe as an international exhibition center; the Aichi Expo in 2005 brought positive influence upon the economic development of the central Japan. Besides the varying influence of each world exposition, their shared significance lies in the impact and change of the common people’s values.
In late 1990s and early 2000s, the appearance of phonograph, camera, television, train, car and aircraft at the world expositions enhanced the pursuit of the public for science and raised their confidence that science and technology could change their life. After experiencing the environmental pollution brought by wars and economic development, the world expositions in the mid- and late 20th century made people believe through corresponding themes that we should stick to the principle of people-oriented in applying technologies and make them benefit the humankind, rather than fight each other with the technology-based weapons or develop economy at the cost of destroying the nature.
Focusing on the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, we hope to leave precious cultural heritages to the humankind during the global urbanization. We are both enjoying the benefits and facing with some problems brought by urbanization. On one hand, people move into cities to get better jobs, receive better education and enjoy better living and social contact conditions. On the other hand, cities keep expanding and accumulate more and more people, resulting in poor traffic, hygiene, public security and environment. Besides, global warming and climate anomaly due to excessive emission of greenhouse gases are endangering people’s life. Therefore, we need to gather the wisdom and experience around the world to address the problem.
The Shanghai Expo will mainly center on three questions, that is, what kind of city can make life better? What kind of concept of life and practice can make city better? What kind of city development mode can make the earth better? In this way, we will discuss the problems confronted by the man during the urbanization and try to search for wisdom, experience and concept from across the globe. We hope the wisdom, experience and concept could influence urban administration, planners and experts in urbanology as well as the public visiting and paying attention to the Shanghai Expo. We wish the thousands of millions of visitors could enhance their knowledge in world exposition, could see distinctive buildings, enjoy customs of different countries and experience the latest technologies, and could have their appetite and eyes satisfied. We hope they could understand more profoundly that the world exposition is the Olympics of the technological, economic and cultural fields. What’s more important, we should make them know the problems facing the whole humankind via exciting exhibitions, forums, events and experience in the Expo Shanghai Online and consider the reasons and solutions to the problems, so as to realize a better life. This will arouse the awareness and thoughts of the public and thus bring changes to their behaviors. This is where the significance of the Shanghai Expo lies.
III. Present a successful Expo to realize the Expo notion
The BIE Convention regulates that the world exposition is an exhibition serving as a tool to educate the public. The world needs the world exposition because it is designed to educate the public and it has played a significance role in the history. Participated in by countries, international organizations, enterprises, media organizations and people from across the globe, the world exposition exhibit in a joyous and innovative way the latest technologies and progresses and guide the public to imagine a better future, thus effectively disseminate its concepts and educate the public.
We should instruct the following tasks based on the above understanding:
First, we should prepare well for the thematic projects. As for exhibitions, the five Theme Pavilions will interpret the theme “Better City, Better Life” via the space dimension of Urbanian, city, city and globe and the time dimension of past and future. The participating countries, international organizations, local Chinese governments, cities and enterprises will bring their solutions to problems brought by urbanization and imaginations for future cities. As for events, about 100 sessions of various performances will be staged every day during the Expo to showcase the exciting charm of urban cultural life. Forums of the Shanghai Expo will serve as a stage for brilliant ideas, and the Shanghai Declaration will be announced on the summit forum to unite resources from the world to address problems facing with the urbanization. In addition, we focus on the Expo theme and stick to the principles of Hi-tech Expo, cultural Expo, low-carbon Expo and harmonious Expo during the construction, preparation and operation. Without successful and splendid exhibitions, events and forums, and without safe and orderly operation, participation and experience, we will never make the visitors be deeply impressed by the Expo notion.
Second, we shall offer smooth interaction both out and in the Expo Site, including the promotion of the Expo notion via the Expo Shanghai Online, media and experts as well as the application of intra-Site technologies and experience in areas outside the Expo Site. The Expo Shanghai Online is a great innovation in the history of the world exposition. It breaks the space and time limitations, through which the visitors will get to know what they are interested in, arrange in advance routes for tour, understand in depth relevant contents, themes and concepts after visiting the Expo or make up the pity that they could not visit the physical pavilions. We also hope the media could pay much more attention to the Shanghai Expo in the following year, and cover and disseminate the Expo theme in particular. For example, they may interpret and analyze in diversified ways the wisdom and experience of countries in addressing problems brought by the urbanization, and discuss the directions of urbanization, etc. We also hope that the latest technologies and techniques exhibited and applied in the Shanghai Expo could be popularized as soon as possible to guide the scientific and harmonious urban development. More importantly, we wish that after the Shanghai Expo, city administration, planners and the citizens could attach importance to the urbanization and the problems it brings, and make minor but useful contributions based on their own conditions. In this way, people from all levels including the city management, city administration, academic circle, media and the common public may all make due contributions to improve urban environment and create better life.
Third, we shall ensure the success of the Expo operation. Covering 5.28 square kilometers, the Expo Site is like a miniature city. It needs to offer infrastructure and services in terms of transportation, food, water, hygiene, communication, public security, leisure and entertainment for over 400,000 visitors and about 100,000 staff members every day. A successful Expo will make the visitors experience the Expo notion in a comfortable, secure and low-cost environment. Moreover, the successful operation itself is the best interpretation and demonstration of the theme “Better City, Better Life”.
Thank you all!