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科研论文被他人引用次数是衡量科研工作者学术水平的指标之一。Survival Skills for Scientists一书第93页写道:"Paying attention to how your work may be cited and by whom is not just a measure of scientific value and may therefore be decisive in getting your research funded, or in securing a bonus or even a promotion, Thus, having many citations to your work to show has become a matter of survival in today's scientific world."
1) 与人方便就是与己方便。发明了一种方法(protocal)、发明了一种材料并发表文章后,往往同行会写信来询问技术细节或者索取样品。有的科研者害怕被别人抢了饭碗而不原意提供方法细节和样品。而热心提供技术帮助和样品的人,往往会得到尊重,增加可信度(credibility)。一个方法是:好比说你独创发明了一种样品,需要依赖你实验室独有的仪器才能合成出来。在你已经发表文章的前提下,如果你能够批量合成这种样品并且热心地免费提供给世界同行做后续实验,那么别人发后续文章时一定会引用你当初合成出该样品的原始文献。与人方便就是与几方便,但是这样的乐善好施的人并不常见。
2) 利用各种机会介绍自己的工作,增加visibility。比如说,积极参加各类学术会议,去各所大学、研究所开讲座,多与同行交流。一个方法是:在个人和职业网页上都加上文章列表,给出下载链接(如http://zhenmafudan.ycool.com/post.3059142.html),甚至专门写博文用通俗易懂的语言介绍自己的工作(如http://zhenmafudan.ycool.com/post.2603741.html)。Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty一书第183页说到: “Your patience and persistence have paid off, and your article has been accepted by a good journal. Now you can use your newly minted publication as a tool in legitimate effort at self-promotion. You want to be known to your scientific colleagues nationwide. Here are something you can do: Announce the publication on your personal Web site and in e-mail correspondence with your friends. Consider making it available in PDF format…”
3) 合理引用同行的工作。就是说,如果同行的文章该引的你不引,同行看到了会很生气,也不会引你的文章。而如果该引的引用了,同行会很高兴,不但引用你的文章,还会推荐你做审稿人。那些同行也经常搜索自己文章被引用的情况。Survival Skills for Scientists一书第93页写道: "To put it somewhat brutally, one can say that citations are to be thought of as an exchange currency. If you cite other people's work, they will be happy. This a good way to make friends in your community. It should not have escaped your notice that if you cite someone in your work they will be more likely to read it more carefully and more likely to cite you in their own work. On the other hand, if you forget to acknowledge your predecessors and their achievements, either intentionally or accidentally, this is one of the best and fastest ways to make enemies in your field of research."
启发就是科学工作者除了做好科研外,也要学会如何推销自己。很高兴看到我的引用次数逐年上升,2008年被引用133次,其中有篇发表在Surface Science Reports上的综述去年平均每个月被引用三次