
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 05:42:45
Homeland culture and English
The definition of the homeland
一,乡土的定义:The definition of the homeland
(一)学者的见解 : The scholar's views
(二)综合言之 : To sum up
(三)乡土识觉 : The consciousness of homeland
(四)乡土的时间感 : The time feeling of the hometown
(五)乡土的空间感 : The space feeling of the hometown
1.弹性空间 : 乡土空间感因年龄,生活经验,情境而异.
2.阶层空间 : 乡土空间感随情境而异.例如居住於台北县永和市者,因情境
二,乡土概念构成的要素:The main factor constituted by homeland concept
乡土范围 : The scope of homeland
也不仅指出生的地方.乡土的空间大小是随著人们年龄与生活经验及其所在空间不同而扩大,它是具有横的相对关系与纵的子母关系.兹举例说明如下: 甲出生於台北市,乙出生於台中市,丙出生於江西,丁出生於美国,戊出生於其他星球,那麼对乙而言,台北市是甲的乡土,对丙而言,台湾是甲的乡土,对丁而言,中国是甲的乡土,对戊而言,地球是甲的乡土.换言之,台北市之於台湾,台湾之於中国,中国之於地球,都如子之於母的关系.因此,对甲而言,在不同的情境中,台北市,台湾,中国,地球都是其乡土.如此的乡土空间观念才不致於使乡土的观念局限於狭隘的地域观念,才是健康的乡土观念.
乡土内涵 : The Content of homeland
乡土的内涵指乡土的客体,包括两大项目 :
1.自然要素 : 指乡土上的地形,地质,气候,水文,动植物,土壤等.是供应人类生存所必须的一切物质.
2.人文要素 : 指人类在其乡土上各种有形的建设,如交通,聚落,经济活动,及无形的文化,风俗习惯,语言等.
(三)乡土情感 : The emotion of homeland
(四)乡土责任 : The responsibility of homeland
Homeland education
一,乡土教育的目的: Purposes
学校推广乡土教育不是要加深地域的观念,其主要目的应在 :
二,乡土教育的内涵: Contents
知性的教育 : The education of the knowledge
情意的教育 : The education of the affection
艺能的教育 : The education of the talent and skill
三. 课程说明: Curriculum explanation
乡土教学之目的就狭义方面言之:一则在於了解乡土之自然背景及社会,历史,文化..等人文背景,一则在於培养个人之乡土爱,并利用所学得之乡土知识,能对乡土有所贡献.再就广义方面而言,乡土教学不仅在使学生了解本乡本土的环境与文化,并且以此知识为基础,帮助学生认识更广更远的其他地区,以至於全国全世界的环境与文化.乡土教育不仅在培养狭隘的乡土爱和地区观念,而且更以乡土爱为出发点,以国家为大乡土,培养爱国家爱民族的精神.进而更培养以仁爱为出发点的爱人类爱和平之信念.就此言之,乡土教学之实施,不仅与我国修齐治平依次推展之民族哲学相合,与 国父由宗族而国族以迄於世界大同的精神一致,更与联合国所提出的国际了解与世界和平之目标相同.本课教学将与「苗栗学」的宗旨结合,开创教学的新页.此教学之目标正完全合符本校「联合」的精神.
四. 授课内容: Teaching content
7. 教材尽量英文化:教材内容要配合浅简易懂而又实用的英文来教,藉此来提升学生语言能力.
五. 授课方式: Teaching method 活泼多样的教法
1.教法要领: The main outlines of teaching method:
2.室内教学: Indoors teaching
(1) 多利用实物,图片,幻灯片,投影片,录影带来教学,教学过程才会生动有趣.
(2) 多用问思教学法:乡土环境教学除了知性的教学之外,更重要的是情意的教学,要让学生了解乡土环境与人生的关系,培养学生对乡土建设的责任感,实施乡土教育才有意义.因此,在教学的过程中,应多用问思教学法,让学生经过充分的思考与省思,才能达成教学目标.
(3) 请学生说出对乡土的经验,提供学生相互学习的机会:每一位学生或多或少都对乡土环境有所认识,让学生说出对乡土环境的经验,可以提升学生的学习兴趣.
(4) 使用多样教学法:乡土教学最忌仅用讲述方式,教师应该多用讨论,辩论,角色扮演,演说等方式来教学,也就是多给学生活动,操作的机会,让学生从做中学,才能引起学生的学习兴趣.
3. 室外教学: Outdoors teaching
参, 认识台湾
Knowing Taiwan
一. 亚洲地图 Map of Asia
二. Location of Taiwan (Formosa island)台湾的位置
三. 台湾地图 Map of Taiwan
四. 瞥视一下台湾: A glance at Taiwan
Mountainous array, Soaring forests, Natural setting, Cultural
延绵的山脉,高耸的丛林, 天然的景象, 文化本质
essence, all this has formed the beauty of Taiwan in its
primitive way. Touring Taiwan.
到台湾一游吧 !
Location: 位置
Eastern Asia, islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait台湾 海峡, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China
Area: 区域:
Total: 35,980 sq km 总计: 35,980 sq 公里
Note: includes the Pescadores澎湖群岛, Matsu妈祖, and Quemoy金门
Water: 水域: 3,720 sq km 3,720 sq 公里
Land: 土地:32,260 sq km
Climate: 气候:
Tropical; marine; rainy season during southwest monsoon (June to August); cloudiness is persistent and extensive all year
热带; 海洋性; 雨季 在整个西南季风期间 (六月到八月); 阴沈
Terrain: 地形
Eastern two-thirds mostly rugged mountains; flat to gently rolling plains in west
Natural resources:天然资源:
Small deposits of coal, natural gas, limestone, marble, and asbestos
煤(储存量少), 天然气, 锻石, 大理石, 和石绵
Natural hazards: 天然灾害
Earthquakes and typhoons 地震和台风.
People 人民
22,548,009 (July 2002 est.)
Ethnic groups: 族群:
Taiwanese (including Hakka) 84%, Mainland Chinese 14%, aborigine 2%
台湾人(含客家人) 84%, 大陆中国人 14%, 土著居民 2%
Mixture of Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist 93%, Christian 4.5%, other2.5%
混合式的佛教,儒家和道教 (占93%),基督教4.5%,其它2.5%
Languages: 语言
Mandarin Chinese (official), Taiwanese (Min), Hakka dialects, Aborigine's dialects
国语 (官方的), 台湾话(闽南话) , 客家话, 原住民方言
五. 国号:Name of country (R.O.C.)
国旗:The National flag of R.O.C.
面积 : 36,000 平方公里
人口 : 约2300万人
首都 : 台北市
人民 : 汉人,原住民
语言 : 华语/台语/客家话/原住民方言
宗教 : 佛教/道教/基督教/天主教
总统 : 陈水扁
执政党: 民主进步
Area :36,000 square kilometers
Population: 23million
Capital : Taipei City
People : Chinese ,Aborigine
Language : Mandarin Chinese (official), Taiwanese (Min), Hakka dialects
/ Aborigine's dialects
Religion : Buddhism/Taoism/Christian
President : Chen Shui-bian
Ruling party: Democracy progress
六. 概况: general
Taiwan's total land area is only about 3,6000 square kilometers; it is shaped like a tobacco leaf that is narrow at both ends. It lies on the southeastern part of mainland Asia, in between the Taiwan Straits and Mainland China; one of the solitary islands on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. To the north lies Japan and Okinawa, to the south is the Philippines. Many airlines fly to Taiwan; this convenience makes it the perfect travel destination.
台湾不大,但蕴藏的自然资源和人文风貌却十足可观. 在自然资源方面,由於地层板块运动不断的进行,造成台湾复杂多变的地形地貌,高山,丘陵,平原,盆地,岛屿,纵谷与海岸等景观丰富;再加上北回归线恰好从中通过,使台湾同时拥有热带,亚热带,温带等各种自然生态,其中原生特有种的比例相当高,在18,400多种野生动物中即占20%以上,如樱花钩吻鲑,台湾弥猴,台湾黑熊,蓝腹鹇等,已使台湾成为世界保育的重地之一.
Taiwan is not big, but the natural resource and humanities appearances that contains in it are considerable. Lying on the western edge of the Pacific "rim of fire," the continuous tectonic movements have created majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins, coastlines, and other wonders. Taiwan sees climates of many types: tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate; one is also able to experience the different seasons distinctively. There are about 18,400 species of wildlife on the island, with more than 20% belonging to rare or endangered species, Among these are Sakura salmon, Taiwan mountain goat, Formosan monkey, Formosan black bear, blue magpie, royal pheasant, Hsuehshan's grass lizard, and many more.
Have made Taiwan become one of the important precincts of the world conservation
The government has established 6 national parks and 11 national scenic areas to preserve Taiwan's best natural ecological environment and culture relics. Take in the splendor and sheer heights of the cliffs at Taroko Gorge; take a ride on the Alishan train--one of only three mountain railways in the world--and experience the breathtaking sunset and seas of clouds; hike up to the summit of North Asia's highest peak, Jade Mountain. You can also soak up the sun in Kenting, Asia's version of Hawaii; stand at the edge of Sun Moon Lake; traipse through the Hua-Tong East Rift Valley; or visit the offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu. It's fun in capital letters as well as an awesome journey of natural discovery!
The cultural aspects are also not to be missed. The blending of hakka, Taiwanese, and main-land cultures has produced a rich plethora of cultural and social colors. Whether it is religion, architecture, language, living habits, or food, it's just one big exciting melting pot! Food is the best representative of this cultural mixing and matching. Aside from cuisines from different parts of the mainland such as Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Yunnan, Shanghai, Beijing, Sichuan, and others, there is also the local Taiwanese cuisine as well as the local delicacies of each.
注:「美食王国」:Delicacy Kingdom
七. 热情的台湾子民 The friendly people of Taiwan
Taiwan has a population of 23 million. The larger part of the island's inhabitants are the descendants of immigrants from the various provinces of mainland China, but in particular from the southeastern coastal provinces of Fujian and Guangdong. Because the different ethnic groups have fairly well integrated, differences that originally existed between people from different provinces have gradually disappeared.
Some360,000 indigenous people, the original inhabitants of Taiwan, still live here;
They can be distinguished into 10 different tribes, namely the Saisiyat, the Atayal, the Amis, the Bunun, the Puyuma, the Rukai, the Paiwan, the Tao, the Sao and the Zou
八. 语言 Language
The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese (Guoyu), but because many Taiwanese are of southern Fujianese descent, Min-nan (the Southern Min dialect, or Holo) is also widely spoken. The smaller groups of Hakka people and aborigines have also preserved their own languages. Many elderly people can also speak some Japanese, as they were subjected to Japanese education before Taiwan was returned to Chinese rule in 1945 after the Japanese occupation which lasted for half a century.
The most popular foreign language in Taiwan is English, which is part of the regular school curriculum. However, to be on the safe side, when taking a taxi in Taiwan it is advisable to prepare a note with your place of destination written in Chinese to show the taxi driver.
Taiwan is also the most ideal place to learn Chinese. There are numerous language schools that offer Chinese classes, ranging from hourly-based classes to recognized university programs. Many foreigners from Europe and the United States, as well as other areas, come to Taiwan to spend their holidays, or one or two years, studying Chinese.
九. 历史年表 The form of year in history
西元1206 蒙古人成吉思汗建立元朝,台湾成为中国的属地
西元1624 荷兰人入侵台湾,展开37年的殖民时期
西元1626 西班牙人占领台湾北方
西元1661 荷兰人遭明朝遗臣国姓爷郑成功驱逐,台湾成为郑氏反清复明的基地
西元1684 台湾纳入福建省为清廷统治
西元1885 清朝正式宣布台湾成为中国第22个省
西元1895 朝鲜问题引发中日战争,清廷战败,依马关条约将台湾及澎湖群岛割让给日本
西元1945 第二次世界大战结束,台澎归还中国
西元1949 国民党撤守台湾,台北成为台湾首府
The Kuomintang withdraws to guard Taiwan, Taipei becomes the capital of Taiwan
西元2000 民进党陈水扁当选中华民国总统,结束了国民党结束长达54年的执政
Democratic Progressive Party Chen, Shui-bian wins an election the president of R.O.C., ending the Kuomintang and ending long 54 years ruling
十. 自然 Nature
1. 美丽之岛 Beautiful island
Formosa is what the Portuguese called Taiwan when they came here in the 16th century and saw the island's verdant beauty.
Located along the southeast coast of the Asian Continent at the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and the Philippines and right in the center of the East-Asian island arc, Taiwan forms a vital line of communication in the Asia-Pacific region. It covers an area of approximately 36,000 square kilometers (14,400 square miles) and is longer than it is wide. Two-thirds of the total area is covered by forested mountains and the remaining area consists of hilly country, platforms and highlands, coastal plains and basins. The Central Mountain Range stretches along the entire island from north to south, thus forming a natural line of demarcation for rivers on the eastern and western sides of the island. On the west side lies the Yushan Mountain Range with its main peak reaching 3,952 meters, the highest mountain peak in Northeast Asia.
2. 高山峻岭 The mountains
Taiwan has been generously equipped with forests. Some 293 mountain peaks are more than 3,000 meters high, geographically making Taiwan incomparable to any other country in the world. As mountains can be found anywhere, mountain climbing is a popular leisure activity in Taiwan. One can choose to walk the mountains on the outskirts of the city or accept the challenge of climbing one of the numerous high mountains, follow the course of streams and valleys, trace back the source of rivers, or cross entire mountains. In any case, lush scenery will unfold before your eyes and it will not take too long before you'll be convinced of the beauty of Taiwan's mountains. In addition to this, six national parks offer a variety of distinct topographic landscapes: the Taroko National Park, a narrow ravine created by a river which has cut through the mountains, Yushan (Jade Mountain) National Parkhighest containing the highest landmark of Taiwan and also the highest peak in Northeast Asia, Shei-Pa National Park, featuring with its dangerously steep slopes; Yangmingshan National Park, offering volcanic craters and lakes; Kenting National Park, encompassing Taiwan's only tropical area which breathes a truly Southeast Asian atmosphere; and Kinmen National Park, with its storied granite hills.
3. 海洋世界 World of The sea
Taiwan has a very rich marine ecology. In the Pacific Ocean on Taiwan's east, groups of bottlenose dolphins, spinner dolphins, Risso's dolphins, and pantropical spotted dolphins can be seen jumping out of the water. Azure seas and magnificent coral reefs can be found in Kenting on the south end of Taiwan, and on Green Island and the islands of the Penghu Archipelago. It is there for you to discover and marvel at.
4. 生态公园 Eco-parks
Taiwan has a warm and humid climate and a variety of terrain, including sandbars, plains, basins, hills, plateaus, and mountains. As a result, the island is home to abundant animal and plant life, including various endemic species, and can therefore be regarded as one gigantic eco-park. Because of the formation of mud flats and mangroves along the coast, large numbers of migratory birds from around the world are attracted to Taiwan, where they use these coastal areas as a temporary shelter and rest area before they resume their journey. In spring and summer there are the birds that leave the tropics behind to spend this season in Taiwan, such as the eye-catching fairy pitta, known in Chinese as the eight-color bird, while during autumn birds from colder northern areas come to Taiwan to spend the winter, such as the black-faced spoonbill of which only 530 are left worldwide. Each year the gray-faced buzzard will be right on time to participate in the Double Tenth celebrations (Taiwan's national day), and there are also countless other migratory birds that use Taiwan either as a stopover or as their final destination, one way or the other adding exuberant vitality to Taiwan's wildlife.
One surprise after the other will come to you when traveling in Taiwan.
十一. 气候 climate
一. 气象万千的台湾 The volatile climate of Taiwan
If you are from a high-latitude country, you can leave your winter coat behind when coming to Taiwan and indulge in the pleasant warmth of the sun. If you'd rather experience the carefree sensation of healthy beads of sweat running down your forehead, then you should visit the beach at Kenting in southern Taiwan where it is summer all year round.
二. 温度 Temperature
Don't worry too much about getting burnt by the dazzling sun; the island of Taiwan is located in the subtropical climate zone, and the sun is not as stinging hot as it seems bright.
Furthermore, the island is surrounded by oceans; and the ocean breezes, which are the reason for Taiwan's humid weather, will surely make you completely forget the dry cold back home. If you are from a low-latitude country, you will certainly revel in the nice warmth of Taiwan's sun.
Because of the coolness that hangs in the air, it is a welcoming change from the simmering heat of your native country. You can do some hiking in the mountains, surrounding yourself with the beautiful trees of the forest while inhaling some of that pure and fresh air that blows on the island of Taiwan.
Taiwan enjoys warm weather all year round. The strongest fluctuations in weather conditions are during spring and winter, while during summer and autumn the weather is relatively stable. Taiwan is extremely suitable for traveling, as the annual average temperature is a comfortable 22 degrees Celsius with lowest temperatures ranging from 12 to 17 degrees Celsius (54-63 Fahrenheit). Therefore, with the exception of a few mountain areas where some traces of snow can be found during winter, no snow can be seen throughout Taiwan. When summer is about to dismiss spring (March to May), continuously drizzling rain will sometimes fall on Taiwan. When visiting Taiwan during this period, remember to carry an umbrella at all times; because although it might seem romantic to have a stroll in the rain, it is no fun to travel when you're soaking wet. During the summer (June to August) typhoons sometimes reach the island.
During this period we suggest you keep an eye on weather reports, because during typhoon weather the roaring waves at the coast are not to be regarded as one of Taiwan's tourist scenes. During autumn (September to October) you can wholeheartedly enjoy the cool and soothing weather, while Taiwan's relatively warm and short winter (November to February) is the time for you to admire the beautifully colored maple trees. The cold fronts that reach Taiwan sporadically are greatly favored by the island's hot spring lovers.
In short, Taiwan, where it always seems to be spring, is your perfect travel destination!
十二. 文化 Culture
Welcome to Taiwan - a Melting Pot of Different Cultures
If this is your first visit to Taiwan, you will most certainly be amazed at the diversity of things this beautiful island has to offer, as a rich historical background has provided Taiwan with a multifaceted culture. People from many different places and backgrounds, such as Taiwan's indigenous people, the southern Fujianese from early China, Hakka immigrants, the Dutch, Spanish, and Japanese, and the recent immigrants from mainland China. have all played a role in Taiwan's development. While gradually developing a new culture indigenous to Taiwan, they also held on to their respective customs and traditions; as a result, you will be able to sample indigenous, Taiwanese, and Chinese cultures and even find traces left by the Dutch and the Japanese when traveling in Taiwan.
2. 中华文化 Chinese Culture
Taiwan forms the center of Chinese art and culture, which is not only obvious from the exhaustive collection of cultural relics from past dynasties exhibited in the famous National Palace Museum, but can also be perfectly illustrated by the traditional architecture and folk art found in Taiwan.
(1) 寺庙与建筑Temples and Architecture
Taiwan's traditional architecture is an aggregation of folk art. Decorations are refined and while they form an important part of the architecture, ranging from colored paintings to calligraphic illustrations, wooden and stone carvings, clay sculptures and ceramics, they
tell the story of Taiwan's rich culture. Next to traditional Chinese architecture brought to Taiwan by the southern Fujianese from early China and the Hakka immigrants (such as can be seen in Bangiao at the Lin Family Garden), architectural features used in Chinese temples can also be found across Taiwan. Some of the most famous temples in Taiwan that are not only of historical but also of artistic value. are the Longshan (Dragon Mountain) Temple and the Mazu Temple (Queen of Heaven Temple) in Lugang, and the Chaotian Temple in Beigang.
(2)民俗文化与艺术 Folk Art and Culture
Some of Taiwan's most important annual holidays and festivals include the Chinese New Year, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Lovers' Day, and the Hungry Ghosts Festival. But local Taiwanese folk events, such as the Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage, the Goddess Mazu Making Rounds of Inspection in Beigang, the City God Welcoming in Taipei, the Burning of the Plague God Boat in Donggang, and aboriginal rituals, are also regarded as important celebrations. Next to keeping traditional Chinese opera alive, Taiwan has also developed its own Taiwanese opera and the famous glove puppet theater. Taiwanese opera combines local opera and music into one performing art, while the puppet theater has undergone great modernization in recent years and many special effects are added to performances today, making it extremely popular among Taiwan's younger generation. Taiwan's movies and performing groups are also gradually gaining ground on the international stage, once again demonstrating the traditional and creative value of Chinese and Taiwanese culture.
原住民文化 Aboriginal culture
The mysterious customs and traditions of the aborigines, Taiwan's indigenous people, such as the Harvest Festival (Smatto), the Worship of Hunting (Mabuasu), spiritual rituals, totemism, and snake worship, give an extra dimension to Taiwan's culture. The aboriginal tribes of Taiwan form the most northern branch of the Austronesian language group, and ethnically belong to the Malay race. Most aborigines have retreated into the mountains; but although many are faced with assimilation, still some 10 different tribes that have their own languages, traditions, and tribal structure can be distinguished: the Saisiyat, the Atayal, the Amis, the Bunun, the Puyuma, the Rukai, the Paiwan, the Tao, the Sao and the Zou. Orchid Island's Yami(Tao) tribe has been relatively isolated due to the island's geographical location, and was the last to come in contact with the Han Chinese; this tribe, therefore, has been able to preserve its aboriginal culture the best.
4. 殖民影响 colonial culture
Remnants of colonial periods can still be found in many parts of Taiwan. Fort San Domingo in Danshui, for example, used to be home to the Portuguese and the Dutch successively, while bustling places such as Taipei's Dihua Street, Taoyuan's Daxi area, and Tainan's Xinhua area have still been able to preserve the outstanding baroque architecture left by the Japanese. Some historically significant structures built during the Japanese occupation include the Presidential Office Building, the Executive Yuan, and the old National Taiwan University Hospital Building in Taipei. Recently, decorative night lighting has been installed to display the graceful features of these old structures while at the same time illuminating the night skies of Taipei and creating an artistic and romantic atmosphere.
5. 文化飨宴 Cultural Banquet
Taiwan incorporates all this, a true cultural banquet: whether you are looking for something romantic, legendary, stately, or interesting, it's all here for you to discover.
十三. 宗教 Religion
1. 宗教 - 心灵的寄托 The mind consigns
Taiwan is highly diversified in terms of religious faith, with the practice of Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, Mormonism, the Unification Church, Islam, and Hinduism, as well as native sects such as Yiguandao and others. The island not only respects traditional faiths but also opens its arms to other types of religious thought from the outside. For the most part, the traditional religions practiced in Taiwan are Buddhism, Daoism, and folk religions; except for a small number of purely Buddhist temples, however, most of the island's traditional places of worship combine all three traditions. Daoism is China's native religion, and many of its gods are deified persons who actually lived in the past and made important contributions to society. Guan Gong, the God of War, is a classic example of this; in history he was Guan Yu, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms period. Daoism came to Taiwan in the 17th century, but it was suppressed during the period of Japanese occupation (1895-1945) because of its embodiment of the spirit of Chinese culture. During those years the adherents of Daoism had to worship their gods surreptitiously in Buddhist temples, and after the island was restored to Chinese rule the convergence of these two religions continued. Today all sorts of different kinds of deities are worshipped in the same temple, forming one of the unique features of religion in Taiwan.
Confucius is another important part of religious thinking in Taiwan. Confucius was China's most famous and beloved teacher, advocating the practice of rituals and the worship of ancestors. The Emperor Yuan of the Western Han Dynasty (207 B.C. - A.D. 24) built the first shrine dedicated to Confucius, and after that many more temples were constructed as a mark of respect to the Sage. External religions first arrived on the island in the early part of the 17th century, when Catholicism and Protestantism were introduced by Spanish and Dutch missionaries.
Presbyterianism is perhaps the Protestant branch of Christianity that has played the most prominent role in Taiwan's history.
2. 寺庙兴起 Temples rises
3. 宗教艺术殿堂 Religious art hall
4. 求神问卜 Ask the gods for an oracle
在台湾的庙里,经常会看到一些求神问卜的仪式.例如:信徒有所祈愿或想卜知好坏,就会在神佛面前点上一柱香,默念自已的姓名,生辰,住址和疑惑的事,用「掷筊」 (Toss the 筊Jiao)方式请求神佛指点.「筊」是一对以竹根或木做成的弯月形卜具,凸面为阴,平面为阳,把它们轻抛到地上,一阴一阳叫做「圣筊」,代表好现象;二阳叫做「笑筊」,表示不好不坏;二阴为「怒筊」,表示不好.
此外,还有一种是「抽签」(Draw lots),「签」是由竹片做成的长条形卜具,签上有一个号数.经过摇动后,可以抽取排在签筒中最高位的签,然后再掷筊请示神佛,若三次都是圣筊,就可依签号找出出签纸,得到指点,而且较大的寺庙中,也都有专人可解签中含义.
肆,族 群
一. 概况 General
The denizen of Taiwan regard the Han people as the biggest ethnicity, occupying the 98% in total population about, other 2%s then include to be divided into 11 aborigine of Taiwan of the clans and come from 60 national minorities of the Mainland China.
The Han people of Taiwan be divided into the emigrant (were usually called" Taiwan") of the earlier period mostly, and those who come to Taiwan with the national government in Year 38 of the Republic of China (were usually called" from another province") .So-called" Taiwanese" is about 85% of the total number in the 汉 race of Taiwan, among them the comparison of the Hakkanese and South Fukien person about 1: 3; So-called" people from another province" then occupies under the 15% in total number in the 汉 race of Taiwan.
The aborigine of Taiwan has the clan of 泰雅 , 赛夏 , 布农 , the clan of 邹 , the clan of 邵 , 排湾, the clan of 鲁凯 , 卑南, 阿美 , 雅美 , 噶玛兰...etc. 11 clans totally. Up to December of 91 years, The numbers of Taiwan aborigine population are 43 3,689.
At present, due to the ethnicity each other is widespread to relate by marriage, the ethnicity difference is at any time is thinner and thinner, and in spite of aborigine or the emigrant that arrive at successively, all look for a new approbation status in Taiwan, approve this piece of land, be contributed as lasting house, for the development of Taiwan lifts a hand to the quantity.
二. 客家人 The Hakka
1. 东方的犹太人 The Jews of Asia
The term "Hakka" was not originally a designation for a certain ethnic group living in a particular area. When the term "Hakka" first appeared in household registries during the Song Dynasty, it was used to indicate "guests" who had left their homelands to settle down in other parts of the country, in contrast to residents originally from the area. Although evidence is sketchy, the Hakkas are thought to originate from the lands bordering the Huang River (Yellow River) or Shanxi, Henan, and Hubei Provinces of the Northern China of today. To escape calamity, they would later flee southward traveling through many lands. They eventually settled down in the Jiangxi, Fujian, and Guangdong Provinces. Referred to by locals as "Hakka" or "guests", the Hakkas appeared on the world stage for the first time.
The Hakkas took to the road in five separate major migrations. The nickname "Jews of Asia" intimates these mass migrations and their pioneering spirit.
2. 客家移民沧桑史 The Hakka Migrations Emigrant vicissitudes of life history
According to research by Luo Xiang Lin, five mass movements of Hakka took place as they trekked south from their original place of residence in the Central Plains in the Huang (Yellow) River Basin.
The first Hakka displacement took place when China was in tumult as it was under attack by five tribes during the time of Qin Shi Huang. The capital at Luoyang was removed to Nanjing and large numbers of people, including aristocrats, the general populace, and the ancestors of the Hakka, fled south to escape catastrophe.
The second Hakka migration occurred at the end of the Tang and the beginning of the Song Dynasties. The major reason for the displacement was the , which drove the predecessors of the Hakkas to southern Anhui, southwestern Jiangxi, southern and western Fujian, and the border area of Guangdong.
The third Hakka migration came to pass around the end of the Northern Song and the beginning of the Ming Dynasties. The Mongolians took control of the Central Plains and the Royal Song Household fled south. The Hakkas that had previously settled down in southern Jiangxi and southern Fujian escorted the Song royal household as it fled to eastern and northern Guangdong Province. They fought bravely and many died courageously in battles with the Mongolian armies.
The fourth Hakka migration took place around the end of the Ming Dynasty up until the time of the Qianjia Reign at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty and was a result of factors including the swelling population and the Manchurian armies sweeping southward. They migrated from southern and northern Guangdong and southwestern Jiangxi to the central and coastal regions of Guangdong, as well as Sichuan, Guangxi, Hunan, and Taiwan. Smaller numbers headed to southern Guizhou and the
The fifth mass exodus occurred after the Qianjia Reign of the Qing Dynasty and was triggered by local skirmishes and the Taiping Rebellion. Hakkas left Xinxing and Taishan in central Guangdong for the prefectures of Gao, Lei, Qin, and Lian in Guangxi Province. Some fled as far away as Hainan Island.
3. 移民入台 Relocation to Taiwan
As a result of sharp population increases at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Hakkas living in Guangdong Province relocated en masse to Sichuan, Guangxi, Chaonan, Guizhou, Hainan Island, and Taiwan to find better lives for themselves. Many who had relocated to Taiwan before the Qing military conquered Taiwan around the 22nd year of the Kangxi Reign (1683) were sent back to their original places of residence. Furthermore, the government adopted a suggestion by Shi Liang to strictly forbid emigration to Taiwan by people from Chaozhou and Huizhou (1684)
Hakkas from Meizhou, Dingzhou, and Zhangzhou looking for a better way of life continued to stream into Taiwan. They took their positions next to other ethnic groups to develop Taiwan.
The Zhu Yigui Rebellion broke out in the 60th year of the Kangxi Reign (1721). The Hakkas residing in the area of Fengshan Mountain organized the Liudui Voluntary Army. It was very accomplished on the field of battle on the side of the Qing military as it quelled the insurrection. As a result, the restriction to emigrate to Taiwan was especially lifted and the Hakkas of Guangdong were permitted to relocate to Taiwan
4. 定居台湾 Residing in Taiwan
The ancestors of Taiwan's Hakka population continued to flow into Taiwan. Far fewer Hakkas than Minnan Chinese immigrated to Taiwan leaving the Hakkas with no alternative but to develop infertile foothills and land at the foot of mountains. For the sake of their livelihoods, some Hakkas blended into Minnan society becoming known as Fujian Hakkas (). About 3 million of the 20 million people living in Taiwan speak Hakka and the majority of those live in farming villages. They are distributed in two main areas-in the North, they are concentrated in the Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli areas; in the South, they reside in the Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. About 400,000 Hakkas live in the greater Taipei area. There are also many Hakkas living in Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Yilan, Hualien, and Taitung.
5. 客语分布 The distributions of Hakka
The ancestors of the Hakkas living in the various areas of Taiwan come from disparate regions in China. As a result, Hakka accents in Taiwan vary from area to area. They can be divided into four general accents according to the areas from which the predecessors of the speakers came-the Sixian (or Four Counties), Hailu, Dapu, and Shao-an accents. The Raoping and Yongding accents are also used in some areas. The Sixian accent, being the most widely used, is used for the teaching purposes of this website. These teaching materials use the Tongyong romanization system.
6. 客家精神 The Hakka spirit
(1) 刻苦耐劳 Hardworking and Perseverant
As a result of relocating generation after generation, the Hakkas learned to be hardworking, persevering, and unpretentious as they struggled for survival against an adverse environment. These virtues, for which the Hakka are known to this day, have enabled the Hakkas to set down roots and set up hearth and home very quickly in new environments.
(2) 勤勉创业 Conscientious in Their Undertakings
The Hakka are highly esteemed for the success of their undertakings as, even when they are far away from home, they maintain their industrious spirit. The Singaporean government, the core of power of which is Hakka directed, is a good example. Successes of this kind should be accredited to the Hakka women who are steadfast and persevering in the face of difficulties. They perform farm work while running very frugal households. Consequently, the men can set their minds to other tasks away from home. The impressive amount of large Hakka businesses all along the coast of Southern China illustrates this truth.
(3) 团结奋斗 Solidarity
Life on the road caused the Hakkas stick together, leading to very strong, close-knit communities. Clans with the same family name often settled down together sharing a collective ancestral hall. This solidarity has helped the Hakkas become self-reliant economically, while presenting a formidable deterrent to would-be aggressors. The Hakkas are a very cohesive group, going through thick and thin together and pulling together in times of diversity.
(4) 重视教育. Stress Education
Several generations of Hakka commonly live together under the same roof. Despite their tendency for large families, the Hakkas place a great deal of emphasis on education, the money for which is taken from common clan assets, including accumulated inheritance property and money sent back from relatives living abroad. In the past, common assets were set up as Hakkas donated money from inheritances to help the sons of relatives to take government tests. Many Hakkas living abroad continue to contribute to education funds for relatives.
7. 客家信仰
(1) 义民庙 Yimin Temple
义民崇拜 Yimin Worship
Worship is particular to the Hakkas of Taiwan. Every seventh month of the lunar calendar, they hold a grand ceremony. The Yimin Festival and are held together and are sometimes mixed together. A big distinction between the two, however, is that Yimin is held for those who have lost their lives in defense of their homeland. The biggest ceremony of this type in Taiwan is the one at the Martyrs' Temple in Liaobao, Hsinpufang. They commemorate the Hakkas that fell during the Ling Shuang
(2) 三山国王 The Three Mountain Kings
三山传说 The Legend of the Three Mountain Kings
The Three Mountain Kings are the guardian spirits of the Hakka
According to records, the name Three Mountains is derived from the names of three famous mountains, the Du, Ming, and Ding Mountains, in Jieyang County, Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province. These beliefs are a relic of the nature and mountain worshiping traditions passed down from ancient times.
Another tradition has it that a man of prowess by the name of Chen You Lian led the people in a huge rebellion at the end of the Song Dynasty. Chaozhou and Shantou were brought completely under his control. To put down the revolt, Emperor Song Bing Di personally led his armies to war. Unfortunately, most of his army was wounded or killed. The rebel forces had Emperor Song Bing Di backed up to a river and it looked like he was ready to be captured. Suddenly, three generals routed the rebel armies, snatching victory out of their hands and saving the emperor. After the insurrection was put down, Emperor Song Bing Di wanted to commend the three generals for saving the day, but they were nowhere to be found. Later, it was pointed out to him that the three generals were actually three mountain spirits. The emperor ordered a temple to be built to show gratitude.
(3) 供奉神只 Offerings to Spirits
客家人崇拜的神只很多,除了三山国王,义民爷之外,常见的还有观音妈祖,伯公(土地公)等. 举凡家庭大事,如迁入新居,喜庆事,子女金榜题名,或逢年过节等都要祭天公和敬祖.
The Hakka worship many gods. In addition to the Three Mountain Kings and those fallen in battle, their gods include Matsu, and Bogong (local god). They worship the ruler of heaven and show their respect to their ancestors on all important occasions, such as moving home, weddings, children passing important examinations, and the New Years holiday.
The Hakkas offer incense and tea to the shrine to the ruler of heaven in their homes on the 1st and 15th of each lunar month and during the various holidays. During the lunar New Year holidays, they affix the couplets with the characters "魏魏乎天德" and "浩浩然神功" on either side of the shrine to praise the heavens for its glory. The most solemn rite dedicated to the ruler of heaven is the one held on the eve of weddings. On the night before his wedding, the groom carries a lantern, flag, and gong with his family surname written on them to show respect for ancestors and in the worship of Bogong (the local god). Between 11:00 and 1:00 on the night before the wedding, when everything is quiet, they worship the ruler of heaven and ask the heavens to bless their wedding. This is done to carry out this important occasion, as weddings are not only between two individuals; rather they are the responsibility of the families and society as a whole.
The Tribes of Taiwan
一. 台湾原住民分布图
The distributing diagram of the aborigines (tribes)of Taiwan
日期 : 91.12.25
Story Type : 原住民
太鲁阁族即将正名 成为台湾原住民第十二族
游揆上午巡视花莲噶玛兰部落,随后将转往秀林乡太鲁阁族集中地区,宣布这项好消息. 太鲁阁族向来被归为泰雅族,大致分布北起於花莲县和平溪,南迄红叶及太平溪这一广大的山麓地带,即花莲县秀林乡,万荣乡及少部份的卓溪乡立山,仑山等地.
The Tribes of Taiwan
The spirited hair dance performed by Yami woman.
Aborigines have adapted their housing to centuries of life on sub-tropical Taiwan.
Replicas of human skulls adorn an aborigine wall.
Evil spirits stay clear of this tribal art.
Island of Diversity
Before the Han Chinese immigration began in the mid-1600s, Taiwan was inha-bited by people belonging to the Austronesian race, the members of which lived in a vast area extending from Madagascar in the west to Hawaii and Easter Island in the east, and from New Zealand in the south to Taiwan in the north. Taiwan's aborigines are believed to have come from the Malay archipelago in different waves about 6,000 years ago at the earliest and less than 1,000 years ago at the latest. Since their languages are very different--more varied than those of the Philippines--some scholars suggest that Taiwan is the original homeland of all Austronesians. Archeological findings indicate that Taiwan had been inhabited by other people before the current aborigines came. However, little is known about them, particularly when and why they disappeared.
When the Han Chinese came to Taiwan, they divided, for convenience, the aborigines into Pingpu (plains) people and Kaoshan (mountain) people. They further subdivided the Pingpu people into 10 tribes and the Kaoshan people into nine. These labels are misnomers, for they don't reflect cultures and languages, or place of residence, properly. A tribe in one division often has more similarity with one in another division than with one in its own division, and three tribes of "mountain people" don't live in mountains at all.
The early Han Chinese immigrants were mostly bachelors, and many of them married Pingpu girls, which sped up the melding of the two ethnic groups. There is a Taiwanese saying that "We have mainland forefathers but no mainland foremothers." The Han Chinese totally overcame the Pingpu people and nearly killed their languages. However, many Pingpu phrases remain in Taiwanese. The word kanchiu (wife) is derived from the Siraya tongue of the Pingpu; and mangga , the old name of the Wanhua district of Taipei, is the language of Ketagalan, a Pingpu tribe that once lived there. None of Taiwan's aborigines had a written language. To study the Pingpu culture, one must rely on archeological finds, written records from Chinese, Japanese, Dutch and Spanish explorers and rulers, and remaining oral tradition.
The Nine Tribes
The Nine Tribes The nine tribes of the "mountain people" live in less accessible mountains, remote eastern Taiwan, and the offshore Orchid Island, where their culture and languages are relatively well preserved. Following are some of the distinctive historical traits of these nine remaining aborigine groups in Taiwan. Noted traits that were common to these groups included tattooing (except among the Yami and Bunun), pantheism, shamanism, and head-hunting (except among the Yami).
The Atayal are distributed over a large area in northern Taiwan. Their language can be divided into the Atayal and Sediq branches and is not closely related to any other aborigine language. Atayal men are good hunters, and Atayal women good weavers. In the past, facial tattooing among men and women, for beauty and distinction and to ward off evil spirits, was a feature of this tribe. This practice has been outlawed since the Japanese occupation (1895-1945). Now only those Atayals over 80 years old still have tattoos on their faces.
The Atayal kinship system is patrilineal. Leaders of several religious groups of a community usually constitute the political authority. The prototypical Atayal house is either semi-subterranean or built at ground level, and is made of wood and thatch. There is a watch tower for each cluster of houses.
The Saisiyat are the smallest of Taiwan's aboriginal tribes in terms of population and area. They are surrounded and strongly influenced by Hakkas and the Atayal, and were the first among the tribes to be acculturated by the Han Chinese and adopt Chinese names. Like that of the Atayal, tattooing was also a feature of the Saisiyat.
The Saisiyat are noted for a unique festival of theirs: the Ceremony of the Pygmies--pas-ta'ai. The legend has it that a group of pygmies once taught the Saisiyat to farm, sing, and dance, but also harassed and raped the Saisiyat women. The Saisiyat entrapped and massacred all the pygmies but two. As the two survivors were escaping to the east, they cursed the Saisiyat. To appease the souls of the pygmies, the pas-ta'ai is held once every two years at the tenth full moon of the lunar calendar, and a grand pas-ta'ai takes place once every 10 years. Like the Greeks observing Olympia, the Saisiyat forsake fights and quarrels during the pas-ta'ai.
The Bunun live in the mountainous regions of central Taiwan. They are patrilineal, have strong family ties, and practice the extraction of certain front teeth as a sign of social identity as well as adulthood. The Bunun are good singers and often sing when working. Their harmonic skills are advanced and elegant, and they impressed the world with their "Millet Harvest Song" at an international ethnic music convention in 1953.
The Tsou live on the west side of the middle section of the central mountain range. The "Northern Tsou" and "Southern Tsou" are distinct in language and custom. In the past two centuries, the Tsou's population has decreased dramatically due to the expansion of surrounding ethnic groups and also to various epidemics.
The typical Tsou house has rounded corners and a dome-shaped thatched roof which extends almost to the mud floor. The men's meeting huts, or kuba, serve as religious, political, and masculinity training centers. Enemy heads and a box of implements for igniting fires are kept there; women are not allowed in a kuba. The past significance of hunting among the Tsou is evident in their extensive use of leather in clothing.
The Paiwan live in the mountains of the southern end of Taiwan and are divided into the Raval and Butaul branches. They live on farming as well as hunting, animal husbandry, and creek fishing. They have a social system founded on land ownership, and their kinship is ambilineal. The Paiwan are noted for their wood and stone sculpture. The Butaul branch holds a major sacrificial rite every five years, called maleveq, to invite the spirits of their dead ancestors to come and bless the living.
Rukai woman in festive dress and action.
Master wood carvers earn the utmost respect in the Rukai community.
The Rukai live in the southern part of the central mountain range. Their economic activities, social strata, and kinship are similar to those of the Paiwan, with the distinction that the Rukai practice primogeniture. Rukai houses are built of wood, bamboo, and thatch as well as stone slab. Some houses, including the roof, are built entirely of stone slabs. Rukai women are good cloth and basket weavers, and Rukai men are good wood carvers. Master wood carvers are highly respected in the tribe. The lily flower is comparable to the laurel worn by the heroes of ancient Greece; only very brave warriors and very chaste women, after being recognized by the chief, have the right to wear it.
The Ami, with a population of 123,000--the largest of all of Taiwan's aborigine tribes--are mainly plains dwellers, living in the valleys and coastal plains of eastern Taiwan. The Ami are divided into five groups based on geography, custom, and language.
The Ami began to use oxen in cultivating paddies relatively early. Fishing is an important part of their economy, but hunting is now solely recreational. In Ami society, kinship is matrilineal, but men's clubs are well organized. Ami villages are relatively large, each with a population of between 200 and more than 1,000. The Ami are the only aboriginal tribe on the island of Taiwan to practice the art of pottery making.
The Ami harvest festivals have evolved from warrior training. Nowadays sports, symbolic fishing in the open seas, and singing and dancing are observed throughout the villages in a series of celebrations in July and August.
The Puyuma live in the small Taitung plain and surrounding hills in southeast Taiwan. They are an agricultural people, supplementing their harvest with fishing and hunting. The Puyuma kinship system is ambilineal; while family inheritance goes to the eldest daughter, men and women share in kinship equally. The village is an independent political unit in Puyuma society, and feuding is common among villages. Young men's houses are centers for education, warrior training, and religious ceremonies. Teenage Puyuma boys used to receive spartan education at the men's house five months a year. The men's house also serves as the house of spirits, or karumaan. Each clan has its own karumaan.
Launching a freshly constructed boat is one of the most important occasions of Yami sea-going life.
Yami The Yami live on Orchid Island, or Lanyu, a small island lying in the Pacific Ocean 60 kilometers southeast of Taiwan. Evidence shows that the Yami reached Orchid Island less than a thousand years ago from the Batan islands in the Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Luzon.
Fishing is central to the Yami economy and is supplemented by farming. Men are responsible for building and fishing, women for farming. The Yami kinship system is basically patrilineal although they also observe matrilineal kinship rules in matters like marriage taboos and revenge. The prototypical Yami dwelling consists of a semi-subterranean house, a work house, and a rest pavilion. Pottery making is an outstanding feature of Yami culture. The first launching of a newly completed boat and the Flying Fish festival in the spring are the Yami's most important celebrations.
Taiwan's Aborigines Today
With tender care
Let us set in motion
our blood that is once again warm
Let us recall
our songs
our dances
our sacred rituals
And the tradition
of unselfish mutual coexistence
Between us and the earth
Paiwan Poet Monaneng
Head-hunting is long gone, tattooing is fading away, and pantheism and shamanism have largely given way to Christianity. Young people are leaving their traditional occupations and habitats and are taking up jobs in the cities. Aborigine languages are still spoken; but native speakers are dwindling in number and youngsters, who are more fluent in Mandarin or Taiwanese, have difficulty communicating with their elders. Some traditions are still maintained, like holding harvest festivals and wearing loincloths by men on Orchid Island; but new habits are forming, like watching TV and wearing western attire. Chiefs and other old-fashioned leaders are still respected, but elected representatives and officials have taken away much of their authority and functions. Remoteness and isolation of habitat have attenuated; intermarriage among the tribes and other ethnic groups is getting popular. According to the 1990 Taiwan census the island's total aborigine population amounted to under 340,000 individuals.
The once masters of Taiwan have now become a minority group on their own land. Like other minorities elsewhere, they deserve their fair share of the world. As Taiwan is undergoing rapid democratization and the emphasis on human rights is becoming more prevalent all over the world, Taiwan's aborigines are being more assertive on their well-being. They have become more aware of the need to preserve their culture and maintain their identity. Some are beginning to forsake their compulsory Han Chinese names and return to their traditional names; and, officially, they are now called aborigines instead of "mountain" people.
Annual holidays and festivals
农历新年 Lunar New Year in Taiwan
To keep ghosts and monsters away, prints of Door Gods are pasted on the front of doors. (Courtesy of the Council for Culture Affairs
The Lunar New Year is the most significant festival for ethnic Chinese around the world, wherever they come from. It is a very jubilant occasion mainly because it is the time when people take a break from work to get together with family and friends.
The origin of the Lunar New Year Festival can be traced back thousands of years, involving a series of colorful legends and traditions. One of the most famous legends is Nian 年, an extremely cruel and ferocious beast that the ancients believed would devour people on New Year's Eve. To keep Nian away, red-paper couplets are pasted on doors, torches are lit, and firecrackers are set off throughout the night, because Nian is said to fear the color red, the light of fire, and loud noises. Early the next morning, as feelings of triumph and renewal fill the air at successfully keeping Nian away for another year, the most popular greeting heard is gong si 恭喜, or "congratulations."
To ensure good luck in the coming year, the Taiwanese always give every dish a special name. This dish is called the "Five Blessings for the New Year" and represents longevity, wealth, peace, wisdom, and righteousness.
Even though Lunar New Year celebrations generally last for only several days, starting on New Year's Eve, the festival itself is actually about three weeks long. It begins on the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, the day, it is believed, when various gods ascend to heaven to pay their respects and report on household affairs to the Jade Emperor, the supreme Taoist deity. According to tradition, households busily honor these gods by burning ritualistic paper money to provide for their traveling expenses. Another ritual is to smear malt sugar on the lips of the Kitchen God, one of the traveling deities, to ensure that he either submits a favorable report to the Jade Emperor or keeps silent.
Next, "spring couplets" are hung up around the house. Spring couplets are paper scrolls and squares inscribed with blessings and auspicious words, such as "good fortune," "wealth," "longevity," and "springtime." The paper squares are usually pasted upside down, because the Mandarin word for "upside down," dao, is a homonym of the word "arrival." Thus, the paper squares represent the "arrival" of spring and the "coming" of prosperous times.
Tradition says that the wider the split in the top of the fa gao 发糕, which is a type of rice cake, the more prosperous the coming year will be.
On Lunar New Year's Eve, family members who are no longer living at home make a special effort to return home for reunion and share in a sumptuous meal. At that time, family members hand out hong bao, or "lucky money" in red envelopes, to elders and children. They also try to stay up all night to welcome the New Year, as it was long believed that by doing so on New Year's Eve, their parents would live a longer life. Thus, lights are kept on the entire night--not just to drive away Nian, as in ancient times, but also as an excuse to make the most of the family get-together. In addition, some families even hold religious ceremonies after midnight to welcome
the God of the New Year into their homes, a ritual that is often concluded with a huge barrage of firecrackers.
For children, the most exciting part of the holiday comes when they receive their hong bao 红包, red envelopes full of cash.
The first order of business on Lunar New Year's Day is offering ritual homage to one's ancestors. Reverence is then paid to the gods, followed by younger family members paying their respects to their living elders. New clothes are worn, and visits are made to friends, neighbors, and relatives to exchange good wishes of gong si fa cai 恭喜发财, which means gong si fa cai 恭喜发财, which means "congratulations and prosperity." As an occasion for reconciliation, it's a time when old grudges are cast aside amidst an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness.
One of the most spectacular sights during the Lunar New Year Festival is the dragon and lion dance. The heads of these fearsome beasts are supposed to ward off evil, and the nimble movements of the dancers provide a grand spectacle enjoyable to everyone.
The second day of the Lunar New Year Festival is the day that married daughters return to their parents' home. If she is a newlywed, her husband must accompany her and bring gifts for her family. According to a charming legend, the third day of the Lunar New Year is the day when mice marry off their daughters. Thus, on that night, people are supposed to go to bed early so that the mice can perform their wedding ceremonies.
On the fourth day, the fervor begins to ebb. In the afternoon, people prepare offerings of food to welcome the return of the Kitchen God and his retinue from their trip to the Jade Emperor's court. The Kitchen God's return signifies the end of freedom from spiritual surveillance, hence the popular saying: "It's never too early to send off the gods, and never too late to invite them back."
Markets are bustling with people buying food for the Lunar New Year holidays
Day five almost brings the Lunar New Year festivities to a close. All offerings are removed from the altars and life returns to normal. Finally, on the ninth day, numerous offerings are set out in the forecourt or central courtyard of temples to celebrate the birthday of the Jade Emperor, who was believed to have been born immediately after midnight on the ninth day.
All offerings are removed from the altars and life returns to normal. Finally, on the ninth day, numerous offerings are set out in the forecourt or central courtyard of temples to celebrate the birthday of the Jade Emperor, who was believed to have been born immediately after midnight on the ninth day.
As in all such festivals, food plays an important role throughout the Lunar New Year Festival, and dinners tend to be especially lavish. Many of the dishes made at this time are served because they are regarded as symbols of good luck. For instance, fish (yu) represent "having enough to spare," garlic chives (jiou cai) stand for "everlasting," turnips (cai tou) mean "good omens," and fish balls (yu wan) and meat balls (rou wan) represent "reunion." Auspicious refreshments are also prepared at this time, such as glutinous rice flour pudding (nian-gao), which is said to make people "advance toward higher positions and prosperity step by step." People usually have dumplings (shuei jiao) too, which look like shoe-shaped gold and are supposed to help those who eat them to amass fortunes and wealth.
Because the Mandarin word for fish (yu) is also a homonym for "surplus," fish decorations are popular during the Lunar New Year Festival.
During the Lunar New Year Festival, temples are crowded with worshippers burning incense and presenting offerings in prayer for fortune and happiness in the coming year.
The Lunar New Year Festival is not all freewheeling fun, however, and certain negative superstitions and taboos at this time have never quite lost their pervasive force. For example, people believe it is unlucky to sweep the floor during the first five days of the Lunar New Year, because one might accidentally sweep one's good luck and wealth out of the house. Bad language and talk of death are severely frowned upon. If a dish is broken, it is vital to say suei suei ping an 岁岁平安, which means "peace throughout the year," as quickly as possible. Joss sticks and altar candles must be kept burning day and night to encourage longevity; and in some households, knives and scissors are put away so that no one will accidentally cut the "thread of good luck" in the year to come.
With its animated movement and brightly colored costumes, dragon and lion dancing stands out as one of the biggest events of the Lunar New Year Festival.
The painting Peace and Prosperity at the New Year by Huang Yue 黄钺 (Cing dynasty) depicts the festive atmosphere of writing and putting up spring couplets during the Lunar New Year Festival. (Courtesy of the National Palace Museum)
A few of these superstitions and rituals have a spiritual aspect to them, and all of Taiwan's temples are usually very busy during this time of year as large numbers of people crowd into them with elevated incense sticks to pray for good luck. Indeed, some of the major temples close their main gates before midnight on Lunar New Year's Eve as noisy and expectant crowds gather outside. At the stroke of midnight, the doors are thrown wide open and people surge forward in an attempt to be the first to place their incense sticks into the censer, as another long-standing tradition states that the first person to do so will be blessed with good luck throughout the coming year.
Although some of the Lunar New Year's magic has worn off in Taiwan because of the island's steady march toward industrialization, the festival and accompanying celebration are still unrivaled in importance. Long before the holiday, street vendors have already begun to seek out the best sites to display their "spring couplets." Shopping for Lunar New Year's fare also begins early and is still one of the holiday's most characteristic activities in Taiwan. For instance, Taipei's Dihua Street in an older part of town, which is renowned for its foodstuffs, often bustles with people buying groceries for the Lunar New Year Festival. Familiar songs and traditional music associated with Lunar New Year are broadcast through loudspeakers in department stores, many of which hold year-end sales to attract wage earners, whose pockets are weighted down by the traditional annual bonus that is always paid at this time of year.
除夕的前几天,远赴他乡工作及求学的游子开始计画著归乡的日期.为避免在返乡途中遇到塞车,人们通常会提前启程.运送返乡旅客的火车,巴士及飞机总是班班爆满.无论社会如何变迁,这个与家人团聚的观念,仍然在新年庆典活动中占著最重要的地位. 因此,无论旅程如何的劳累,一旦与家人团聚在桌前享用一年一度最重要的年夜饭时,所有的不便与辛劳都是值得的.
Thus, several days before Lunar New Year's Eve, people living far away from their families begin to prepare for their journey home. In an attempt to beat the traffic jams, many hit the road on the previous day. Those relying on public transportation will often camp out in sleeping bags at airports, train stations, and bus terminals to ensure that they get reservations for the dates they want, as tickets are usually snapped up the second they go on sale. Trains, buses, and planes are always packed.
No matter how grueling the journey may turn out to be, though, all of the inconveniences are considered to be worth it once the family has gathered around the table to eat their Lunar New Year's Eve dinner, the most important meal of the year. Indeed, no matter what changes may occur over time, the notion of getting together with the family will always lie at the heart of Lunar New Year celebrations.
二. 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival The Moon Festiva
Watching the bright moonlight and feeling deep longing for their loved ones.
Always On the 15th Day of the 8th Month by the Chinese Lunar Calendar
The Moon Festival is a holiday in China. It's an occasion for family reunion. Chinese families like to get together to eat the moon cakes and watch the moon at the Moon Festival night.
一 轮 皎 洁 的 明 月 , 自 古 就 是 人 们 吟 咏 歌 颂 的 主 角 , 中 秋 节 的 月 亮 , 更 令 人 有 温 馨 的 感 受 . 相 传 中 秋 节 源 自 於 古 代 祭 祀 月 神 的 礼 仪 , 后 来 加 入 了 吃 月 饼 的 传 说 , 又 为 中 秋 节 增 添 了 民 族 意 识 .
中 秋 节 正 值 秋 收 时 节 , 台 湾 民 间 也 同 时 在 这 一 天 祭 拜 土 地 公 , 以 求 来 年 有 更 好 的 收 成 .
The clear and radiant moon has been a subject of Chinese poetry and song since ancient times. And the moonlight of Mid-Autumn Festival brings particular warmth and ease to the hearts of the people of China. This festival is said to have originated from the ancient ceremony of Sacrificing to the Moon Goddess. When that ceremony was later combined with the Legend of Eating Mooncakes, Mid-Autumn Festival grew in the popular consciousness to become the major occasion that it is today.
Since Mid-Autumn Festival coincides with the fall harvest, the occasion is also celebrated in Taiwan by making offerings to the Earth God Tu-ti Gong in hope that he will make the next year's harvest even more bountiful.
「 月 圆 人 团 圆 」 , 中 国 人 素 喜 以 月 圆 象 徵 人 团 圆 , 因 此 中 秋 节 也 是 团 圆 的 日 子 . 当 夜 全 家 一 同 到 各 地 风 景 名 胜 迎 风 赏 月 , 吃 著 月 饼 及 柚 子 , 祈 求 全 家 平 安 , 而 月 亮 在 「 嫦 娥 奔 月 」 , 「 吴 刚 伐 桂 」 及 「 玉 兔 捣 药 」 等 传 说 中 , 变 得 更 富 生 命 力 .
"When the moon is full, mankind is one" -- In China, the full moon has always represented the gatherings of friends and family. Thus, Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunions. On this night, families will go together to scenic spots and parks for moon appreciation parties, eating moon-cakes and pomeloes in the cool night air and praying for a safe year. This festival has been made even more lively by the three legends of Chang-O Flees to the Moon, Wu Kang Chops Down the Cassia Tree, and the Jade Rabbit Grinds Medicine.
The origin and the legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival
相传远古时,大地有十个太阳,当时个太阳一起升空,烤焦了所有庄稼草木,人们生活非常困苦.玉帝特别派后羿下凡救助百姓,后羿用弓箭射下九个太阳,还除掉大地上的毒蛇猛兽,人们才得安居乐业. 不料,被射落九个的太阳皆是天帝之子,天帝便十分恼怒地将后羿和妻子嫦娥贬入凡间.西王母很同情羿的遭遇,就把长生不老药送给他,但嫦娥起了私心,一个人偷偷吞服,身体竟轻飘上天.然而,嫦娥怕到天庭会受到众仙取笑,只好奔往月亮,成了广寒宫主--月神娘娘.嫦娥奔月的当天,据说就是八月十五日,於是后人便在每年的八月十五日祭月.
(1) 传说: The legend
嫦娥奔月 Chang-O Flees to the Moon
吴刚伐桂 Wu Kang Chops Down the Cassia Tree
相传有三位神仙变成三个可怜的老人,向狐狸,猴子,兔子求食,狐狸与猴子都有食物可以济助,唯有兔子束手无策.后来兔子说:「你们吃我的肉吧!」就跃入烈火中,将自己烧熟,神仙大受感动,把兔子送到月宫内,成了玉兔 . 〈资料来源:行 政 院 新 闻 局〉
(2)习俗: Custom
2. 中秋节的由来与传说之二:
The origin and the legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival
(1) 由来与传说 --------------------------------
The origin and the legend
The customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival
(2.1) 拜土地公,拜公妈:
Making offerings to the Earth God Tu-ti Gong
(2.2) 祭月(拜月娘),赏月:
Making offerings to the moon,
Watching the bright moonlight and feel deep longing for their loved ones.
祭月的习俗之所以在唐代以后迅速流行於民间,与唐明皇游月宫的传说有很密切的关系.《唐逸史》记载:鄂州人罗公远,俟候唐明皇在中秋夜赏月.看著唐玄宗目不转睛的一直望著明月,便邀请玄宗去游月宫.他取出一根拐子向著空中掷去,突然化为一条银色的大桥,他请玄宗一同上了大桥,差不多走了数十里远,觉得精光夺目,寒气逼人,才发现到达一座大宫殿前.罗公远说:这就是月宫了!玄宗见到有数百个仙女穿著素练宽衣,在广大的宫廷中跳舞,歌声嘹亮,音韵非常优美,便问说:「这是什麼曲子 」罗公远回答说:「就叫霓裳羽衣曲」.玄宗牢牢记住那曲子的声调,回到宫中,立即命人依照他所记的声调,编成了一支「霓裳羽衣曲」.
Su Shi Poetry 苏轼 水调歌头
[Su DongPo]
明月几时有 把酒问青天.
Will a moon so bright ever arise again
Drink a cupful of wine and ask of the sky.
I don't know where the palace gate of heaven is,
Or even the year in which tonight slips by.
I want to return riding the whirl-wind! But I
Feel afraid that this heaven of jasper and jade
Lets in the cold, its palaces rear so high.
I shall get up and dance with my own shadow.
Fro Round the red pavilion
Slanting through the lattices
Onto every wakeful eye,
Moon, why should you bear a grudge, O why
Insist in time of separation so the fill the sky
Men know joy and sorrow, parting and reunion;
The moon lacks luster, brightly shines; is al, is less.
Perfection was never easily come by.
Though miles apart, could men but live for ever
Dreaming they shared this moonlight endlessly! m life endured among men how far a cry!
(2.3) 吃月饼,柚子:
Eat the moon cake, pomelo
Pomelo Fruit
Other activities
陆,民间信仰Folk Beliefs
Temple goers offer prayers for peace and security. (Photo by Pu Hua-chi)
Taiwan folk beliefs have their roots in polytheism and various seasonal customs and festivals. Through these customs and festivals, the people of Taiwan are able to add enjoyment to their daily lives, maintain cultural identity with friends and relatives, and remove doubts or ease difficulties through religious rituals.
皇 大帝,王母娘娘,雷,电,风,雨,山,河,田,井,桥……等诸神;亦有出自祖先崇拜,如年节祭祖和清明扫墓;其他或为祈求文教或为敬仰忠义,如台南七星娘娘庙在七夕的「做十六岁」成年礼.这些神明崇拜,除有特定的祭祀日子,大抵皆融入全年中的岁时节俗活动.春秋两季诞生或是庆典中的神明,大多是慈祥可亲;炎炎夏月中诞生的神明,脾气则较为火爆或阴森骇人.
Many early Han immigrants lost their lives on the perilous voyage across the Taiwan Strait or in the difficult conditions on the island. For this reason, Ma Zu 妈祖, Goddess of the Sea, and Wang Ye 王爷, God of Pestilence, became the two most worshipped deities in Taiwan. As in other parts of the world, such deities as the Heavenly Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝; Wang Mu Niang Niang 王母娘娘, the "Queen Mother of the West"; and lesser gods, representing thunder, lightning, wind, rain, mountains, rivers, farmlands, wells, and bridges, are also worshipped out of a combination of fear and reverence for nature. Taiwan folk beliefs also include the veneration of one's ancestors, especially during the Lunar New Year and on Tomb-Sweeping Day.
Some deities in Taiwan are worshipped for special blessings or for cultural purposes. For instance, coming-of-age ritual held on the seventh night of the seventh lunar month at the Ci Sing Niang Niang 七星娘娘 Temple in Tainan is performed only for teenagers who have reached 16 years of age. Other gods are revered for loyalty and justice.
However, with the exception of several special days set aside for specific ceremonies and rituals, the worship of deities is often directly integrated into seasonal customs and festivals. Gods and goddesses associated with spring and autumn are usually kind and benevolent, while those connected to the scorching heat of summer tend to have violent tempers and are often gruesome and frightening.
Suei 岁, or year, represents the beginning and end of one year, while shih 时, or time, represents the four seasons. Ba jie 八节, or eight festivals, refers to the eight stages of distinct climatic changes that take place within the 24 divisions of one solar year. Those eight stages are: the Beginning of Spring, the Spring Equinox, the Beginning of Summer, the Summer Solstice, the Beginning of Autumn, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Winter, and the Winter Solstice. Su 俗 refers to the miscellaneous customs and other important activities that cannot be classified under the categories of suei, shih, or jie.
台南县 水镇元宵节放蜂炮,声势惊人.
Bottle rockets set off in Tainan County's Yanshuei Township during the Lantern Festival create an impressive display of sound and action. (Photo by Chang Su-ching
A flag adorned with prayer charms is carried by followers of Ma Zu during an annual procession around the island.
Sky lanterns released during the Lantern Festival float gently upward above Pingsi Rural Township in Taipei County. (Photo by Tsuh Tse-juang)
虽然台湾社会几乎已经完全现代化,各种地方性的民间信仰相关活动,仍然散见各地,有些活动更加发扬为年度的文化祭典.传统社会最重要的信仰和活动就是过年,新年期间各种祭祖拜神的礼俗都有为自己或别人祈褔的意思.传统的新年是过了元宵才结束.元宵时分,各地都有炸寒单爷,炸轿或炸土地公的习俗;商家通常在店门口用鞭炮炸这些财神以祈求来年能发财.至今已有一百九十余年历史的台南县盐水镇元宵蜂炮,虽然不是炸土地公,但也是个具有相同意义的民俗活动. 元宵祈子的风俗,最主要的象徵莫过於「灯」,因为「灯」和「男丁」同音.此外,以当年生肖动物为主题,高立於中正纪念堂大广场,辅以雷射光照射的巨型电动花灯,近年来已成为台北的新春重要活动.
Even in modern Taiwan, various traditional religious activities are still readily apparent. Indeed, a few of these activities have even become annual cultural ceremonies. The most important activity in traditional Taiwanese society is the celebration of the Lunar New Year. During this holiday, every ritual and custom used to worship various spirits holds a special meaning. Traditionally, Lunar New Year festivities last until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.
On the day of the Lantern Festival, the people customarily set off firecrackers in front of an image of either Han Dan 寒单, one of the Gods of Wealth; a palanquin, used to transport deities; or the Earth God. Merchants, in particular, perform this custom in front of their stores to bring good fortune to their businesses. The practice of setting off large quantities of firecrackers in Tainan County's Yanshuei Township during the Lantern Festival has a history of more than 190 years. Although the custom is not related to the worship of the Earth God, the activity still has similar meaning for the people of the area.
Another important custom during the Lantern Festival is the ritual of praying for a son. This tradition comes from the fact that in the Taiwanese dialect the words for "lantern" and "boy" are homophones.
In recent years, another important annual event has become popular in Taipei during the Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival holidays. At the main plaza of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, a massive animal lantern, corresponding to the Chinese Zodiac animal of the year, is constructed and decorated with many lights and illuminated with laser beams.
Since Taiwan is hot and humid in the summer, the early Chinese immigrants were plagued by many diseases, leading them to devise numerous rites and ceremonies to prevent epidemics. One traditional ritual to drive away the God of Pestilence is the burning of Wang Ye's boat, an event held in the spring and autumn in southern Taiwan.
Similar activities are held during the Dragon Boat Festival, which marks the arrival of summer. On this day, people drink syong huang 雄黄 wine (a liquor containing a small amount of realgar) and adorn their doors with moxa and calami branches to drive away pestilence. They also wrap glutinous rice in bamboo leaves (zong zih 粽子) and hold dragon boat races. In the past, dragon boat races were held annually with great fanfare in every major port and riverside city. This tradition is still very strong today, and the dragon boat races held on Taipei's Keelung River even attract foreign teams.
Another traditional event in the summer is the Ghost Festival, which has been the largest and most representative ceremony in Keelung City for 145 years.
The ciang gu ceremony held at Toucheng Township during the Ghost Festival presents offerings to wandering spirits.
传统的中元旧习中,宜兰头城,屏东恒春则 盛行「抢孤」活动.不论是哪一项活动,台湾人民普祭孤魂野鬼的虔诚心意丝毫未变. 秋天要报答天地诸神宽厚赐予一年的丰收,最重要的代表是土地公和大树公.人们尊重土地和树木,於今看来就是生态环境保护的表徵.冬季的尾牙是一年例行祭日的最后一次,也是一年之中最能代表圆满结束的日子;全家聚集吃润饼,公司行号更要宴请员工客户,感谢大家过去一年的努力,希望来年大家仍能同心协力.
In Ilan County's Toucheng and Pingtung County's Hengchun, the Ghost Festival celebrations include a traditional pole-climbing event called ciang gu 抢孤. Regardless of which activity is practiced, the people of Taiwan are sincere in their desire to deliver these wandering spirits.
When autumn arrives, votive offerings are made to the deities, particularly the Earth God and the Tree God for providing rich harvests for the year. Some have likened the respect shown to these gods to a concern for the ecology and environment.
As winter sets in, the wei ya 尾牙 brings a perfect end to the year. Families gather together to eat run bing 润饼, which consists of finely chopped vegetables and shredded meat wrapped in a thin piece of pastry. Employers also treat employees to a wei ya feast, thanking them for their hard work during the past and encouraging them to continue their efforts in the coming year.
Folk beliefs in Taiwan are a positive reflection of the people's wish for harmonious interaction, coexistence, and co-prosperity among heaven, earth, and mankind. They also reflect Taiwan's reverence for the basic social virtues of loyalty, piety, fidelity, and justice. These ideas are the most valuable assets enabling people to live on this earth.
A pair of rounded bamboo blocks is cast to the ground to divine instructions from the gods.
Abundant offerings attest to the devotion of the faithful in Taiwan. (Photo by Huang Chung-hsin)
The imposing countenance of a door god guards the security of local households.
In Keelung, water lanterns are released during the Ghost Festival for the spirits of those lost at sea.
台南县 水镇元宵节放蜂炮,声势惊人.
Bottle rockets set off in Tainan County's Yanshuei Township during the Lantern Festival create an impressive display of sound and action. (Photo by Chang Su-ching)
Sky lanterns released during the Lantern Festival float gently upward above Pingsi Rural Township in Taipei County. (Photo by Tsuh Tse-juang)
A flag adorned with prayer charms is carried by followers of Ma Zu during an annual procession around the island. (Photo by Chang Su-ching)
Ma Zu 妈祖, Goddess of the Sea, is the most widely worshipped deity in Taiwan.