
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/24 01:13:17
2009-11-06 08:45:58  人民网 


    人民网11月6日电 美国德克萨斯州福德胡特陆军基地5日下午发生枪击事件,共造成7人死亡,另有20人受伤。美陆军发言人表示,该基地已经被封锁,至少有一名枪手被捕。美联邦调查局已经向当地派出特工进行调查。
























Fort Hood Massacre: Perhaps a Wake-Up Call For Concealed Weapons U.S. Army first responders use a table as a stretcher to transport a wounded soldier to an awaiting ambulance at Fort Hood First responders registered nurse Dembrosky and head nurse Major McKinney arrive to talk with reporters about their ... Command Sgt. Major Coleman and Col. Hill board a blackhawk helicopter as they depart Fort Hood Army Post in Fort Hood A first responder during the Fort Hood shooting renders honors at retreat after aiding his fellow soldiers 

Now that the lame street media has made it’s best attempt to blame the horrible deaths of 13 of our soldiers and the wounding of 38 others on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, let’s get one small fact straight. Major Malik Nadal Hasan was never sent into combat prior the yesterday’s incident. The idea that PSST played a part in this cowardly rampage just shows you how the Left wants to shape & sway our minds about what actually happened.

First, they take their lead from President Obama who holds a press conference to warn against ‘jumping to conclusions”. A stern warning to the Lame Streeter’s about turning the story into a Muslim fanatic committing a terrorist act on American soil and killing innocent servicemen & women.

As expected, the Lame Street Media followed suit and tried to focus the story on the effects of PSST on our returning soldiers. They have also tried to use the story as a spring board to accelerate the withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan & Iraq. This is something that our Commander-in-Chief has found hard to do ever since he was told that an additional 40K troops were needed.

So in what appeared to be the perfect storm in making the case for withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan & Iraq, the media took the angle that best fit in with their goal and the one that simply provided another excuse for our President to do so.

If I chose to believe the mainstreamer’s version of the story, I can then make a case for civilians to carry around concealed weapons to combat this type of carnage.

Instead of trying to hide behind the veil of political correctness and douse all thoughts of Muslim retribution against American culture in this case, why not talk about the need to keep our Gun rights as strong as ever. Because if the media is going to sell all of us on the idea that this was some random act of violence and blame it on psychological stress or other factor, I want to be able to protect myself and the lives of others around me should this take place in my town, airport or workplace.

If the media wants to ignore the other side of the coin - that only the warped mind of a Muslim fanatic could enact this sort of anger and rage on our military men & women, then I want to be prepared to deal with the random act of a stressed out gunman by using force against force.

If it were not for the heroic efforts of police Officer Kimberly Munley who responded to the 911 call and shot down Hasan, the death toll could have been a lot higher. Had someone else in that Readiness center had been armed at the time, perhaps the death toll may not have been as high. Carrying a concealed weapon is not a guarantee, but it changes the odds.

If anything positive could ever come out of this tragic event is to highlight the importance of giving civilians the right to carry concealed weapons. This is a prime example of why the right to bear arms and carry a concealed weapon is necessary and a deterrent to this type of crime. Already many states have are considering enacting this law to allow for students to carry weapons on campus.

Perhaps if Hasan had known that anyone in that Readiness center may have been armed, he may have thought twice about it. No one would know this with any certainty, but by not allowing the right to carry a concealed weapon, the result would have definitely been the same.

Too often, innocent bystanders are at the mercy of these attacks with no way to defend themselves or those around them. Let’s not be swayed by political correctness and be allowed to make this story about something that it is not. Let’s not lose sight of our right to bear arms and the impact it may have when the next Malik Nadal Hasan decides to strike again.

Additional reading:

