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  • QA Psychology
  • 原因--0x5003eaed”指令引用的“0x000000000”内存。该内存不能为“read”。”

    2007-01-22 15:11:28










  • 介绍一个学习Ruby的网站,欢迎大家交流!

    2006-12-29 15:58:58



    ruby program, 挺好,有中文的。比较基础、全面!






  • 群体思维

    2009-06-01 18:50:40

  • The key point for QA to communicate with developer

    2009-06-01 15:25:38

    Did you find sometimes it was difficult to let developer to get your meaning, perhaps a bug, or the feature discussion?

    As the experience I've got, I found the key point is that, the mode of thinking  is quite different. When the QA is expanding a problem or thinking the anwswer,they are in Divergent Thinking; however, when the developer's thinking mode is Recapitulation Thinking, they are always trying to summarize the content and generalize all the scenarios to a method.

    The thinking mode is opposite between QA and developer, so once you learn this point, you would know how to express the problem and items in an easy way to a developer.

    Hope this is helpful for you! Share me your idea....
  • Psycology and Testing

    2008-12-26 11:33:30

    The goal of a good software test was better is a psychological  one. We humans  often tend to try to reach a given goal directly. So if we are supposed to prove the correctness of a program, we will undeliberately run tests that are less likely to detect a faults. On the other hand, if it is the goal of a test to find a fault, we will automatically orientate our efforts in this direction and produce better tests.

    Psychology also helps to explain why this field has been treated so stepmotherly. A lot of programmers  start to identify themselves with their programs when working on them for a longer period of time. Since software testing is a destructive  activity which is directed against their work they regard it as a direct personal attack. Due to this, a lot of programmers did not help to develop better methods for software quality control  or even tried to hinder this process.

    Owing to this problem,  most western software developing companies make use of external testers  or at least of a separated testing department. In some companies the project leaders try to avoid a direct contact between the programmers and the testers, because this reduces the psychological  barrier, and it forces the developers to make better documentations . Otherwise misunderstandings are inevitable and will cause additional work for the developers.

    --Quoted Passage

  • How to be a good tester!!

    2008-12-25 16:31:07


    因为测试工作的本质就是要弥补开发的不足, 找出开发和产品的不足和没有考虑到的地方;另外,测试的工作特色是大量性和重复性,因此,这就要求测试工作人员要有比较高的EQ来处理工作;还有一个特色,测试其实很大部分是在找Bug, 相对于开发人员来说,就是找茬!要如何处理这种与开发人员的微妙关系呢?进一步地,测试人员也不仅仅是找出软件的错误,还要能从用户角度,分析确定判定是否符合用户的使用习惯,所以,网络社会学和心理学也很重要。所以,一名优秀的测试人员,至少要能处理这几种情况,这就要求测试人员必须是综合素质比较高的。


    在我之前的测试工作中,没参与一个项目的测试工作,他们都会称我为该项目的杀手。原因是我经常会发现一些比较严重的和隐藏相对比较深的bug。刚开始测试的时候,总觉得bug都爱来找我, 后来我总结了一下,只要坚持下面的几个原则,会有利于Testing,帮助你发现bug.
    1. Be sensitive.
    2. Adverse thinking.
    3. Catch any issue you meet
    4. Focus on the related features, do a case to cover the more features the better.

  • 软件测试职业发展分类

    2008-06-12 23:50:09




    QC: 具体实施测试工作的人,其实广度里的分类都属于这个范畴。
    EPC:过程改进。 这个已经不仅仅是从测试角度来考量的工作了,它是从工作流程角度来提高工作效率,保证工作质量的了。
  • QA workflow for exchanged project

    2008-03-18 20:48:52

    Recently, I analyzed and summarized the experience on working for QA exchanged project, give a share for all.
    Workflow for project testing, and clarify the responsibilities to project owner and tester.

    • Project owner should learn of PRD, clarify all requirements.
    • Review PRD with developers and PM at the beginning of the project, to figure out the issue of design, and make a common sense to the PRD
    • Project owner should build the test plan.
    • Tester responsibilities:
    1. Each tester should learn about PRD of separated different functions before testing, but focusing on different function's testing in different iterations, and expand the function scenarios.
    2. Each tester should focus on different functions testing in different iteration in the project processing, and should cover all functions at the end of the project process.
    3. Run the test case and report the bugs.
    • Project owner responsibilities:
    1. Project owner should distribute different function tasks list to testers as MS OneNote format (currently);
    2. Daily review bugs with tester;
    3. Daily report for current project testing status to Team Leader;
    4. Give iteration testing report to project group, including developer, to clarify the project status to all members, and improve the confidence of developers for the project.
    5. Report the need of testers.
    • For added new features and updated features (via email, document, or Team System task, and so on), project owner should make a collection and make an associated to the PRD with updated time.
    • Project owner should update the test cases in time, and all the testers should follow the test plan on their testing.
    • Prepare automatic test cases for Smoking testing on the project process
    • On the project process, if the develop can provide a finished task list to QA, that would make the test work in high efficiency.
  • 看微软是如何管理项目的?

    2007-11-30 17:15:25

    4。评审需求文档, 参与人员包括,此模块的开发人员和测试人员;开发经理和测试经理(评审需求用来保证和其他模块兼容);市场人员(从用户角度考虑);大头(据说是比尔.G直接的下属)这六个人去评审这个模块的需求,这六个人一起去看需求文档是否合理细致,实行一票否决制,任何一个人不Sign Off都不能通过。

    测试后期到准备发布阶段,发布评估标准(Release Criteria):

    l         95%的测试用例通过率,且持续时间>5天。

    l         允许有5%的case不通过,但级别不能是重要的case..

    l         代码覆盖率>85%

    l         ZBB零bug边界,保持15天
  • Recorder for WATiR

    2007-11-29 10:14:01

    Scott Hanselman and Rutger Smit, improved and re-released the original WatirMaker with new name WatirRecorder++. Its a Windows Application that compiles and runs on .NET version 1.1. So to run this recorder you need to have .NET framework 1.1 installed on your machine. Upgraded version for .NET platform 2.0 will be released soon by the authors.

    You can download the tool here.
  • 如何在 Watir 中识别各种 HTML 对象

    2007-11-27 19:16:01

    The HTML Elements that are currently supported include:

    button tags with type=button, submit, image or reset radio tags with the type=radio; known as radio buttons check_box tags with type=checkbox text_field tags with the type=text (single-line), type=textarea (multi-line), and type=password hidden tags with type=hidden select_list