
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/08 05:06:02
Retooling Your Resume to Change Fields
So you want to move to a different field entirely? Your father said, "You‘ll never be able to do it." Your mother said, "After we spent all that money on your degree?" Fortunately, your friends and/or significant other said, "Sure, why not?" We here at Monster say, "Go for it, but don‘t forget to give your resume a makeover."
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1.Remember a resume is a marketing document, not a career obituary.
Don‘t tell your career history in this document. Do your homework researching the organizations to which you‘re applying. Feature in the resume what you can do for them in the future, rather than what you‘ve done in the past. This is a cold call, and you‘re the product.
2.It‘s up to you to show potential employers how your experience in another field will benefit them -- don‘t expect them to make the effort.
The average person spends seven seconds scanning a resume before he or she decides whether to put it in the maybe pile or the circular file. Don‘t ask this person to spend any of that precious time trying to figure out where you‘d fit in the organization. That‘s totally up to you! Because you‘ve done your research -- there‘s that R word again -- you‘ll have some idea of where the organization is going and what skills and competencies it‘s going to need. Pitch yourself as expert in those areas, and don‘t worry about downplaying or leaving out the rest.
3.You‘re probably better off with a functional resume.
A functional resume offers you the best opportunity to showcase skills rather than job experience -- it‘s a forward-looking kind of resume. The highlights or profile section at the top functions as a sort of editorial page where you can show the relationship between the kind of person you are and the demands of the job. It also offers a chance to show that your style will fit with the culture of the organization. Yana Parker has a terrific resume book called The Resume Catalog: 200 Damn Good Examples.
4.The best strategy is to make the resume an afterthought.
Our culture is screwy in a number of ways, as most of us know. One of the strangest miscalculations afoot in the land is a bias against career changers. Tom Peters has said repeatedly that employers should never hire anybody who hasn‘t changed fields or had gaps in his or her resume, but that message about creativity, a fresh vantage point and risk taking doesn‘t seem to have infiltrated the bunker of most human resource departments. Therefore, the best thing to do about your resume is to network like mad, talk your way into an organization through the side door, or take them by surprise with a referral to talk to somebody important about working there when there are no jobs posted. In that way, you won‘t be competing with a bunch of people who have more credentials than you do in the new field. The resume? Oh, you‘ll just pass that on to HR as a matter of course, after the deal has been signed.
Changing fields is one of the best things you can do for your career and for your mental health. Just don‘t ever ask headhunters to help you do it -- it doesn‘t calculate for them, and they‘ll tell you you‘re not marketable. Don‘t mention it to your parents either. There‘s no point in setting them up for a coronary. But you should talk to your friends, particularly those in the fields you‘re considering. And you should, of course, keep talking to Monster.
你想要进入到一个全新的职业领域?你爸爸说:“别痴心妄想了。”你妈妈说,“你想让我们为你读书花的那么多钱都打水漂吗?”幸亏你的朋友们或是恋人说了:“当然可以,为什么不呢?”我们 Monster的意见是:“自己决定的事情就努力去做吧,但是别忘了把你的简历改头换面一下。”
功能履历让你有机会更好地展示自己的优点,而不是过去的工作经历——它是一种“向前看”型的履历。履历的第一项——特长或者个人资料这一部分相当于报纸上的“社论版”,在这一栏里你可以展示你是怎样的一个人,你的性格和工作需求有哪些联系。这一栏还让你有机会展示你的风格能使你很好地融入公司文化。Yana Parker有一本非常不错的履历参考书叫做《履历目录:优秀范文200篇》
我们都知道,我们的文化在许多方面都很古怪。最奇怪的事情之一就是许多人对于转行的人有偏见。Tom Peters反复地说老板绝不应该聘任那些从没转过行或者从没有失过业的人,但是这一关于创造性、创新优势和冒险的说法并没能够打破绝大多数人力资源部门的心理防线。所以,最好的办法就是疯也似地发展人脉关系,通过其他的一些方法“说”进公司,或者在对方公司并没有招聘计划的时候直接去和公司的重要人物表达自己希望加入的意图。那样的话,你就不需要和一大堆比你在这一领域更有优势的人竞争了。那么履历呢?哦,你只需要走走过场,把它象征性地交给人力资源部门就行了,因为那时合同都已经签完了。