Iraqis celebrate US troops leaving cities伊拉克民众“欢送”美军走人

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 02:47:41
Iraqis celebrate US troops leaving cities
FROM China Daily
PUBLISHED: 2009-06-30

Iraqi forces assumed formal control of Baghdad and other cities Tuesday after American troops handed over security in urban areas.
A countdown clock broadcast on Iraqi TV ticked to zero as the midnight deadline passed for US combat troops to finish their pullback to bases outside cities.
对于美军撤离一事,伊拉克总理Nouri al-Maliki的高级顾问Sadiq al-Rikabi表示:“美军已经撤离伊拉克城市,我们正在庆祝重掌国家主权。”
"The withdrawal of American troops is completed now from all cities," said Sadiq al-Rikabi, a senior adviser to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. "We are now celebrating the restoration of sovereignty."
The Pentagon did not offer any comment to mark the passing of the deadline.
Fireworks, not bombings, colored the Baghdad skyline late Monday, and thousands attended a party in a park where singers performed patriotic songs. Loudspeakers at police stations and military checkpoints played recordings of similar tunes throughout the day, as Iraqi military vehicles decorated with flowers and national flags patrolled the capital.
Waleed al-Bahadili也参加了这个庆祝派对。他说:“今天,不论是什叶派教徒,逊尼派教徒还是库尔德人,大家都很开心。因为过去美国人带给我们的伤害和侮辱实在太大了!”
"All of us are happy - Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds on this day," Waleed al-Bahadili said as he celebrated at the park. "The Americans harmed and insulted us too much."
Al-Maliki declared a public holiday and proclaimed June 30 as "National Sovereignty Day."
Midnight`s handover to Iraqi forces filled many citizens with pride but also trepidation that government forces are not ready and that violence will rise. Shiites fear more bombings by Sunni militants; Sunnis fear that the Shiite-dominated Iraqi security forces will give them little protection.
If the Iraqis can hold down violence in the coming months, it will show the country is finally on the road to stability. If they fail, it will pose a challenge to President Barack Obama`s pledge to end an unpopular war that has claimed the lives of more than 4,300 US troops and tens of thousands of Iraqis.
除了战场上的伤亡,战争还严重影响了人们的生活。自伊拉克战争爆发以来,由于害怕遭到自杀性爆炸袭击,伊拉克民众很少举行大型集会活动。此次在巴格达公园的庆祝派对规模之大可以说是空前的。但是,由于在过去的10天里已经有250多人死于轰炸,伊拉克副总统Tariq al-Hashemi要求民众在美军撤离期间远离拥挤场所,但民众并没有听取他的建议。
The gathering at the Baghdad park was unprecedented in size for such a postwar event in a city where people tend to avoid large gatherings for fear of suicide bombers. They ignored an appeal by Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi to stay away from crowded places during the US pullback, which has seen more than 250 people killed in bombings over the past 10 days.
Security at the party was stifling, as it was throughout much of Baghdad where increased checkpoints dotted the streets and identity checks were methodical. Police using bomb sniffers searched every man, woman and child who attended the party.
(Translator & Editor: sylvie)
hand over 交出,移交
countdown 倒计时
pullback 撤退(尤指军事上有计划的)撤离
Pentagon 五角大楼
military checkpoint 军事检查哨
patrol 巡逻,巡查
Shiites 什叶派教徒
Sunnis 〈伊斯兰〉逊尼派教徒
Kurds 库尔德人
National Sovereignty Day 国家主权日
trepidation 恐惧,惊惶,忧虑