Credo Reference 该项的相关词条 intelligencer \in-te-...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 06:37:56
名录 > Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary > in•tel•li•genc•er  \in-?te-l?-j?n(t)-s?r; -?te-l?-?jen(t)-, -?te-l?-?\该项的相关词条 in•tel•li•genc•er  \in-?te-l?-j?n(t)-s?r; -?te-l?-?jen(t)-, -?te-l?-?\ intelligencer 位于 A Dictionary of Diplomacy

A term employed in the early modern period for any supplier of intelligence to a diplomatic mission or directly to a government. An...

in•tel•li•genc•er 位于 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

n-t?l?-j?n-s?r, -j?n- n. pronunciation 1. One who conveys news or information. 2. A secret agent, an informer, or a...

intelligencer 位于 The Macquarie Dictionary

/ntl?d?ns?/ noun 1. an informer; a spy. 2. Archaic someone or something that conveys information. ...

intelligencer 位于 The Penguin English Dictionary

noun archaic somebody who brings news; a reporter. ...

intelligencer 位于 Collins English Dictionary