
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 02:57:12
今天无意中到了一个美国的论坛,看到了一篇文章“China vs USA the coming conflict”本人英语不好,只能把个大概讲出来,希望各位见谅。
All the military weapons that china is currently buying is geared toward defeating the US 7th fleet. China recently purchased missles from USSR that can hover 4 ft above the water, and twists and turns every 2.5 seconds. Currently we don‘t have any defence against it.
中国目前所购买的所有军事武器都用于打败美国第7舰队的,中国目前从苏联(不知为何还称苏联USSR)购买的导弹可在距水面4英尺(4 ft,我想应该是4英尺的意思吧),每2.5秒会迂回一下,目前我们(指美国)还没有对应防护的办法。
最近,布什总统访问了中国,布什先生在中国发表了一次演讲,说明美国怎样不再压制贫穷(这句可能翻的不对,不过好像无关大碍),英语水平太差请高手翻一下吧(explaining how america do NOT repress the poor.)。我被震惊了,在那段时间里,中国的媒体为反对美国发动了一次侮蔑运动,说我们压制任何特殊群体。
Chinese Strategic Missile
A real threat to our country
The newest generation of Chinese strategic missile, including the Dong Feng-31, will narrow the gap between current Chinese, US and Russian ballistic missile designs. This system is a solid-fueled, three-stage mobile missile with a range of 8000 km carrying a 700 kg, one-megaton warhead. The DF-31 limited-range ICBM will give China a major strike capability that will be difficult to counterattack at any stage of its operation, from pre-flight mobile operations through terminal flight phases.
As with the JL-1/DF-21 combination, the DF-31 and JL-2 are land-based and sea-based variants of the same missile. The cancelled DF-25 conventionally armed IRBM was to have been based on the first two stages of the DF-31, and the DF-41 long-range ICBM will use these two stages with a large-diameter third stage.
Development of these missiles was accelerated following the successful test of their common 2m-diameter solid rocket motor in late 1983. The missile is apparently comparable in size and performance to the American TRIDENT C-4 long-range multiple-warhead three-stage solid fuel missile missile that is launched from submerged submarines.
Looks as though Chinese Intelligence agents have been busy-stealing US/Russian Secrets
The DF-31 has a range of about 5,000 miles, sufficient to hit targets along the entire West Coast of the United States and in several northern Rocky Mountain states. It is believed to incorporate design aspects similar to those of current generation Russian missiles. These could include upgraded mobility for the transporter-erector launcher [TEL], advanced materials for the booster and payload, use of penetration aids such as decoys or chaff, and an improved solid propellant.
US Likely To Put Anti-Chinese
ICBM Missile Shield In Afghanistan
KABUL (PNS) - As the United States is continuing military build up in the south of Afghanistan, the deployment of National Missile Defense system in the southern part of Afghanistan by Washington is likely to counter any inter-continental ballistic missile attack threat from China, diplomatic sources told PNS on Monday.
The United States has recently tested this system at a cost of 100 million dollars.The sources said the objective of the United State to come to this region was manifold. Primarily it aims to establish itself to have control on the would-be flowing natural resources (oil and gas -ed) from the Central Asian States via Afghanistan, to contain increasing Chinese economic and military influence, and to deploy anti-missile defence system in Afghanistan to counter ICBM attack from Beijing.
Sources also said that Americans would move on to this plan after at least two years and ensuring full political stability in Afghanistan. Russians have already expressed their opposition to the US National Missile Defence system. Iran had also warned US recently that its presence in Afghanistan will not be productive.
It may be mentioned here the United States has already established strategic military relations with India and an agreement to that effect was signed.
Now this makes sense, now that we are in Afghanistan a missile system installed there to counter Chinese ICBM missiles.
It seems as though the COLD WAR is heating up AGAIN, same region of the world different country.
India, and Pakistan both have missiles capable of hitting China or Russia, and both countries have nuclear warheads.
China now has a presence in South America, the Panama Canal, they are pushing Communist doctrine in South American countries like Venezuela,Mexico,Brazil just to name a few and they are using Cuba and it‘s Communist leader Castro as a proxy mouthpiece for Chinese influence in the region.
If the Chinese are successful in influencing countries of South America, they will eventually have a foothold to establish bases, deep water ports for their growing submarine fleet. They will accomplish what the Soviet Union tried during the missile crisis and failed. The United States is once again letting it‘s guard down and we could wake up someday to news cast reporting Chinese missile and submarine bases in South America....