Google Base:未来的信息标准

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/20 16:12:30
Google Base终于在昨天正式推出了,很巧正好也是在这几天看到了一个关于Google Base的报告,文中对Google Base的描述很全面,相信会让大家对Google Base有更清楚的认识:
1. Will aim to be a massive, universal database, and listing service, allowing for
very easy listing and finding of any thing that users want to buy or sell; Google will
aim to have Base do to current listing services what GoogleMaps did to other mapping services: provide a major leap technological forward that redefines the industry.
2. Will be free or substantially free for all users, unlikely to have fee-based
3. Will be very easy to use, with a robust search capability far above that found on
any other e-Commerce or listing service.
4. Will focus mostly on local transactions but allow people to connect to each other
in many ways.
5. Technology-driven filtering will allow users to connect to each other easily
(possibly through GMail and GTalk).
6. Will be monetized eventually through paid search listings, similar to Froogle.
7. Unlikely to provide a transaction platform although some form of payment
system may be offered later.
8. Could integrate some of the most useful related functions such as GoogleMaps,
GoogleTalk, Google Local, Froogle...
之前对Google Base的猜测非常多,有人认为它将是EBay的竞争对手,有人认为它的出现将对Craglist造成非常大的冲击,看完以上的八点,我想这个未来的产业链会更加清晰。在我看来,最能体现Google Base核心的应该是第一点中的这句“Google will aim to have Base do to current listing services what GoogleMaps did to other mapping services: provide a major leap technological forward that redefines the industry.”。正如它的名字一样,它想做的是基准的东西,Craglist和EBay并非它的本意,它更想做的是整个互联网信息的标准制定者!在Google的互联网里,未来可能会有成千上万的Craglist、EBay,大家都做着本地化、专业化的服务,各自发挥自己的优势,到那时,不管是Craglist,还是EBay,都要按照Google Base的标准来定义改变自己的数据格式,否则将被众人所抛弃。
Google Base另一个可怕之处在于它成功的将Google的其它服务串在了一起。过去,我们会为Google推出的每一个服务叫好,但拍过掌以后很多便淡忘了。但基于信息的Google Base把握了互联网最本质的东西,而从这里出发可以串出通讯服务(Gmail、Gtalk)、地图服务(Google Map)、本地服务(Google Local)以及未来的媒体服务(Google Magzine&Google Newspaper)等等...