
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 06:07:58


This guys do a good thing. They grow bears, treat them as pets (who didn’t dream about having a bear as a pet, at least in Russia?), and then release them to the wild nature. They treat them in such a way that small bears learn to get the food by themselves and don’t trust other humans so that not to get in trouble in their future wild life.
Scroll down for a video too. 这些人在做好事,他们养育熊宝宝,像宠物那样训练它们(在俄国没有梦想过拥有熊作宠物的人很少么?),并且他们把它们放归野生自然环境,他们教育小熊如何自己找食物和不被别的人类欺骗这样在它们的野外生活中就不会有麻烦了。(熊宝宝很可爱啊~~,愿它们生活幸福。)--by mtjs


















And a video:

submitted by Adan, via ifaw-russia