[BBC英国问答] Popular Sports 热门运动_爱词霸资讯__英语学习|英语培...5月20日

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/23 14:07:27
Are you a fan of any of these sports?
What are the most popular sports in Britain?
Listener from Yunnan Music Radio
Many different kinds of sport are played in Britain including football, cricket, rugby, tennis and hockey.
These are team sports and they require a certain number of people to participate. However, there is also a wide range of individual sports such as cycling, jogging, walking and yoga.
So what are the most popular sports in Britain?
Yang Li and Tracy talked to a few sports fans in London to find out.
Once you have listened to Yang Li’s report, why not take our quiz to check your understanding?
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