
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 09:58:33

6. annoy[E5nCI] vt.1.(使)烦恼,使生气(常用于被动语态):She was annoyed with him because he was late. 因为他迟到,她对他生气。2.打扰,烦扰:The flies keep annoying me. 这些苍蝇使我不得安宁。 

【注意】表示对某人感到厌烦或生气,通常与介词with 连用,不用to:He is becoming annoyed with her. 他开始对她感到厌烦。若表示对某物厌烦或生气,通常与介词 about, at, by 等连用:She was annoyed at your saying that. 她因为你说的那番话而感到生气。Everyone is annoyed about the matter. 大家都为此事感到烦恼。

【辨析】annoyed与annoying:前者表示感到生气,后者表示令人生气:He was annoyed. 他很生气。/ He was annoying. 他很烦人。

7. approach[[5pr[JtF] v.向…靠近,接近:He approached the birds quickly and watched them. 他悄悄上前观察那些小鸟。n.1.[U]接近,靠近:Our approach drove away the wild animals. 我们一靠近就把野兽赶跑了。2.[U]通路,入口,(对问题的)门径:There are two approaches to the problem. 处理这个问题有两种方法。

【用法】表示具体靠近或走近某人或某事物时,通常只用作及物动词,不要按汉语意思在其后误加介词 to, near 等:The train is now approaching London Paddington. 火车正在靠近伦敦的帕丁顿车站(不能说…approaching to [near] London Paddington)。当然其后也可以不出现某人或某事物,此时为不及物动词。不过,它若用于引申义,则可接介词to:The cat approaches to the tiger. 猫类似于虎。

8. architecture[5B:kItektF[] n.1.[U]建筑,建筑学:He majored in naval architecture at university. 他在大学专学造船学 2.[U,C](某国或某个时代的)建筑式样,建筑物:He likes the architecture of Paris. 他喜欢巴黎的建筑风格。3.构造,结构:the architecture of a book一本书的结构

9. badminton[5bAdmIntEn] n.[U]羽毛球(运动):The kids are playing badminton. 孩子们在打羽毛球。


10. band[bAnd] n.1.[C]带,绳,条形物:thick band 粗绳 / Put a rubber band round these books. 用一根橡皮筋把这些书扎住。2.[C]群,帮,伙:a band of robbers 一伙强盗 3.[C](吹奏)乐队:a military band 军乐队 / jazz band 爵士乐队4.[C]条纹:a white plate with a blue band round the edge 带蓝边的白盘子 5.波段, 频带:the 19-metre band 19米的波段

11. basic[5beIsIk] adj.基本的,基础的:a basic course in French 法语的一门基础课程 / The industry’s basic problem is the lack of demand. 工业方面的根本问题是缺乏需求。

12. border[5bC:dE(r)] n.1. [C]边缘:Her handkerchief has a lace border. 她的手帕有花边。2. [C]边境,国界:We crossed the border into the Switzerland. 我们从边界进入瑞士国境。

13. brake[breIk] n. [C]闸,刹车:The car brakes didn’t work well. 这辆车的刹车失灵了。vi.刹车:She braked suddenly to avoid the dog. 为了不撞上那条狗,她突然急刹车。

14. brand[brAnd] n.1.[C]烙印,火印:These cattle have my brand on them. 这些牛身上打有我的烙印标志。2.[C](商品的)牌子,品种,商标:I don’t like this brand of rice. 我不喜欢这种牌子的大米。 vt.打烙印于…,印商标于…,加污名于:Those actions have branded him a thief. 那些行动已为他加上盗贼的臭名。

15. burden[5b/:dn] n.[C]担子,负担,负重,责任:Am I a burden to [on] you. 我是你的累赘吗?vt.加负担于,使…负(重但):He doesn’t want to burden you with his troubles. 他不想以他的苦恼来加重你的负担。