Google Operating System: 10 Feature Requests For Google Notebook [Anonymoused]

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/23 20:27:40
10 Feature Requests For Google Notebook
Dear Google Notebook team,
I usedGoogle Notebook from the first day you launched it and I liked it. I evencreated notes to help me with my blog posts. But I have some small request for you.
1. export notes as PDF files
2. images should be cached on Google servers (at least as thumbnails if it‘s a copyright issue, or even as files from Google Image Search cache)
3. gadgets for Personalized Homepage and Google Desktop
4. share a private notebook with your Gmail contacts, or only with some people
5. integrate Google Notebook with Google Calendar, so you can show notes from events
6. upload documents (.doc, .pdf, .xls) and images
7. notes should be searchable from Google Desktop and Gmail
8. a version optimized for mobile phones
9. original text should be differentiated from annotations
10. integrate Notebook with Google Toolbar and kill the Firefox extension and the IE plugin
and another request: sticky notes, notes that should stand out (maybe linked with events from Google Calendar)
I hope I don‘t ask for too much.
I would add integration of all bookmarking services of Google - staring in Gmail, staring in Reader, Google Bookmarks etc.
A human readable url for public notebooks...
Two things:
The ability for it to take bookmarks that you have stored locally on you computer ( like firefox bookmarks) and add them online and whne there are new bookmarks sych them.
The other is I wouldn‘t like it with the toolbar becasue not everyone uses it....
and it slows your browser down to have too many extentions
( or could could just make a version with it, like with google pack)
I second request number one. Perhaps make it possible to import PDFs as well.