
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/12 14:30:25
身边的心理学 | 评论(6) EN3人推荐您感兴趣的这篇文章来自PSYTOPIC,网址是psytopic.com ,我们相信这次点击不会浪费您的时间。Why is it said that "People tend to prematurely sell stocks to make money, while the long-term stock holders lose money."? Wall Street has an old adage: the market by two forces, one is the greedy one is fear. Investment objective is to make money, but will be able to invest in making money? If you can make money, how much you can do? These two different questions to answer, in fact, represent an entirely different investment motives; different investment motives are brought about by different investment behavior; different investment behavior of different investment psychology. Recommend this article, talk about investment in common some mental errors. -psytopic.com

Buffett's first speech from the beginning of today's article it:

Buffett in a speech, referring to investment errors, pointing out that some people do not think the whole market will be prosperous, they just think they can select from among the remaining winners. He explained that, although innovation may make the world out of poverty, but the history of innovation in the late investors are not happy to end. The following are his words:

"This slide shows only a half pages of content, which content comes from a long list of 70, which includes all of the American Motors Corporation." He goes in the air shook the complete list. "It's above automotive companies have 2000: Motor vehicles are the half of the 20th century, the most significant invention. Its people's life had a dramatic impact. If you are the first batch of the birth of the automobile era witnessed how the country is because the development of automotive up, then you might say, "This is my investment in the field must be. "However, in a few years ago more than 2,000 automotive enterprises, only three enterprises survived. And, before long, the three company's selling price is lower than its book value, that is lower than the original investment companies and funds retained down amount. Thus, although the United States have had a car on the enormous positive impact, but investors have had the opposite impact. "

In this new model, the new concept of the rise of the Internet era, known as web2.0, web3.0 the dawn of time, Buffett's speech whether it will give us some ideas?

Next, please read by Xu published in the "Shanghai Securities News" on the article:

The first misunderstanding: over-confidence and control hallucinations.

A professional survey shows: 82% of the drivers for more than a year驾龄think beyond the general level of their own. Obviously, most people overestimate their own level. 2499 on the depth of entrepreneurs interviewed were as follows: 82 percent think their own business will be successful, while only 39 percent of people think other people's business will be as successful with them. This is difficult to avoid over-confidence.

Coins thrown in the former are almost all the casino betting rules. For example, guess the size of玩骰子, casino owners have found that gamblers place bets before the dice roll, dice shake than after bets is much greater. When the investment
People to make investment decisions, he would think of themselves in the future things have a big enough to grasp, it seems that they are able to grasp the changes in the future. In fact you what is happening in the future there is no ability to control, but because their participation, you will think that they have control. This is an over-confidence resulting from illusion of control.

Actual investment, over-confidence and control at least the illusion of three questions:

First of all transactions are frequent. Our shares in 2007 to see if it交割单print out. We overestimated the accuracy of information and their own ability to analyze information, resulting in frequent trading. Not only improve the transaction costs, but also lead us to more easily make a wrong investment decisions.

Can not fully decentralized investment: because too much confidence, leading to focus on investment, risk focus. Substantial concentration of investment in equity interests and other products, was completely out of major categories of asset allocation for the handover. Including the Christian Democratic, last year the vast majority of assets in equity funds as an investment varieties, even if the latter does not consider how changes in the end market, from the portfolio, risk management, such as any one point of view, this approach is unreasonable of.

Selectivity filter: only willing to accept information in support of his judgments, and the filter does not support their own judgments of the information, leading to even more believe that their own judgments. Pupil markets every day fight for existence, empty look of the many reasons to watch, the capital market at any time so, but many people firmly look out look often overlooked reason for the empty, even if those reasons are very obvious. Why not? Over-confidence and control of hallucinations caused by the selectivity filter for the information.

The second misunderstanding: the pride and regret psychological

People will avoid the lead to regrettable behavior, away from the thought that the pursuit of good behavior. Regret is that when people realize that before a decision is considered bad when emotionally suffering; proud when people are aware that a previous decision-making are identified correctly when triggered by emotional快乐.

For example: buy a few months you have been the same since a group of lottery numbers, friends suggest that you choose another number one group, you will change? In fact, any one knows the probability of two sets of winning numbers are the same.

There are four possible, change the original number of winning numbers, winning numbers to change the number of new, not changing the original number of winning numbers, not changing the number of friends recommend winning numbers. Consider what makes you regret it, and what makes you proud. Come take a look at their own decision. More people will not choose to replace the numbers, the reasons behind their selection is not a matter of fact the number of high probability, but if the change of number, the joy of winning did not adhere to the original winning numbers bring big pleasure. Similarly, if its not for you, friends recommend bring regret winning numbers, but also far less than if the change of number, while the original has its own numbers in the election that will bring regret.

Let's look at a more specific assumptions: You have two stocks, A and B shares. A stock is currently 20 percent profit, stock B is currently a loss of 20%. Who would you sell? The vast majority of investors choose to sell are holding a B, because A sold to bring their own feelings of happiness, while B is sold to bring their own emotional pain - I have to wait until at least return the cost of B price and then sell. This has been the seemingly ridiculous, but true happened many times conclusion: people tend to prematurely sell stocks to make money, and lose money long-term holders of stocks.

The third misunderstanding: nostalgic past

The so-called nostalgic past, people tended to refer to past results as a similar investment in a risk assessment decision-making considerations, and even is very important. Why does it have in 2007 the Fund's sales scenarios so popular? Majority of ordinary people is not found in the Fund's investment value, not their risk of the investment decision-making, even if only by drawing on the banks of the Customer Manager for risk decision-making expertise. According to neighbors, are they just bought a fund to make money, and children uncle bought him two of the fund money and other reasons, have made investment decisions. We call it a "wealth effect." And investment, such as himself make any money then, this wealth effect is even more apparent. In fact, little investment experience of investors are aware, the investment risks and benefits with the past performance of the investment are not directly related, or even the past on behalf of high-yield usually overdrawn on its future earnings, resulting in maintaining high-yield are very difficult.

A famous psychology experiment. First experiment: Request for 95 undergraduates to participate in finance or not to participate in positive and negative about the gambling coin decision-making, 41 percent of people choose to participate. The second experiment, the same educational background, find another 95 people involved in the experiment, different lies in the fact that prior staff members free of charge by the organization presented to them to participate in this sweepstakes gambling 15 U.S. dollars. Results, 78% of the people chosen to participate. This is the famous "Casino money effect": In the casino, people tend not to make their money gambling as "their own", but rather as a "casino", the big losers back. Every Las Vegas casino where, as long as you stay at the hotel, the room is almost always a gift that chip, which is a casino boss wisdom. Similarly, the investment decision-making in general, once the previous similar investment decisions made money, many people tend to judge the two: the first is just now talking about using the experience to judge the investment is good, continue to invest even additional. The second judge: This is a white-earned money, not me, and continue to invest in the worst case scenario亏掉. Thus, we have been to see the big bull market was in the course of continuous additional investment.

The "sentimentally attached to the past" as a kind of mental errors, not to deny the importance of concluding investment experience. Must admit that behind in the capital market has to maintain its operation of the most basic laws of the host, it is difficult to change. But we also believe that the laws remain unchanged, but its manifestations are varied. To the end of 2005 to the current market as an example: in 2006, we were immersed in a long bear market thinking; fell 5.30 Let us sum up the pre-hard rubbish shares, stocks, st stock market thoroughly subversive; when we spent a few months before finally delighted to find that the value of investments, long-term holding, the blue chips, resource stocks, the long-term hold, then we suffer deep.

Rather than the capital market is not the law, but we know it is not enough. We are their superficial understanding of the law may lead to a bigger loss. So, I have heard senior members of the industry so that we a memorable words: make a lot of money on intelligence, to make a little money on technology, know-how to lose money on.

The fourth misunderstanding: the representation of thought and familiar with the thinking

Psychology study found that the human brain using a shortcut to simplify the analysis of information processing. Use of these shortcuts, the brain can be estimated rather than an answer to analyze all the information. This will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of the brain, but also difficult to correctly analyze the investors of new information, so as to arrive at wrong conclusions.

Representation based on a fixed pattern of thinking to analyze and judge, think things with similar characteristics are the same. Familiar with the thinking that people are familiar with the likes of things, to make investment decisions when the same is true. Often someone with a fund, a stock with repeated operation. If it is out of the company, the fund companies and fund managers are long-term, deeper understanding, which operate beyond reproach. In fact, the majority of people is not the case. They are concerned about the operation of a securities or varieties, simply because "I often do this." Just like the fans always like to support local teams. Let us look at the United States an example of 401k pension plans. The study found that 42% of the 401k pension plan assets invested in shares of the Company. Because they are familiar with their own companies, often result in the Company's ratio of investment is too high, and this is very dangerous. For example, the Enron Corporation plans to invest in this company as much as 60 percent of companies going bankrupt led to a loss of pension plans 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. Summed up in terms of: Thinking familiar with the lead to two questions: first, to overestimate their own investment in the value of investment goods; Secondly, the investment focus is only due to a substantial improve familiar. Two issues together, and that is a big problem.

High IQ investment game, in this game, only beat themselves, others can be overcome. Now known as the mental errors, it can not be entirely avoided, but the grasp of these errors can help us as much as possible to avoid this type of error. Finally, we again read Buffett's famous quote: I like the majority of investors will be greed and fear. But I like the majority of investors are different, people greedy, I fear; others fear, I greed.

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    “这张幻灯片只有列示半页内容,而这些内容来自于一张长达70页的清单,里面包括了美国所有的汽车公司。”他在空中晃了晃那张完整的清单。“这上面有2000家汽车公司:汽车是20世纪上半叶最重大的发明。它对人们的生活产生了巨大的影响。如果你在第一批汽车诞生的时代目睹国家是如何因为汽车而发展起来,那么你可能会说,“这是我必须要投资的领域。” 但是,在几年前的2000多家汽车企业中,只有三家企业活了下来。而且,曾几何时,这三家公司的出售价格都低于其账面价值,即低于当初投入公司并留存下来的资金数额。因此,虽然汽车对美国产生了巨大的正面影响,但却对投资者产生了相反的冲击。”









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