
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/06 02:23:59
鸡飞狗跳  马不停蹄  谁人在狂欢?

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Asheville, USA: Presidential candidate Barack Obama is reflected in a teleprompter at a campaign rally in North Carolina
Photograph: Jason Reed /Reuters

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2008年10月5日,泰国普吉岛上的素食节(九皇节),Jui Tui 庙(华人寺庙)的一个乩童在起乩,下一步就是表演利器穿颊的神功。泰国的素食节源自客家人的九皇节。现在已经成为普吉岛最重要的节日之一,在每年的9、10月份举行,持续9天9夜,期间人们都吃素食,各大寺庙也有各种隆重的活动。
Phuket, Thailand: A devotee of the Chinese shrine of Jui Tui goes into a trance as he prepare himself to be pierced for a procession during the island‘s vegetarian festival
Photograph: Chumsak Kanoknan/Getty

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纳布卢斯,约旦河西岸:巴勒斯坦人穿过由以色列士兵把守的哈瓦拉检查站 。希望中东和平进程能继续啊。
Nablus, West Bank: An Israeli soldier stands guard as Palestinians cross the Hawara checkpoint
Photograph: Majdi Mohammed /AP

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Katra, Jammu: Competitors grapple during an India-Pakistan friendship wrestling contest
Photograph: Amit Gupta/Reuters

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葡萄牙 里斯本 2008年10月5日 Cavalia马术团的一场演出。Cavalia是太阳马戏团旗下的一个以表演马术为主的戏团。
Lisbon, Portugal: A rider performs with a horse at the Cavalia equestrian show
Photograph: Nacho Doce /Reuters

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匈牙利 布达佩斯 2008年10月5日 欧洲犬展上的中国冠毛犬。大约有2万只狗狗齐聚这次展会,也是欧洲规模最大的犬类展会。
Budapest, Hungary: Chinese crested dogs sit during the European dog show
Photograph: Laszlo Balogh/Reuters

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秘鲁 利马 人们带着宠物狗来到教堂,给自己的宠物祈福。10月4号是亚西西.圣方济日,即世界动物日。圣方济(St Francis )就是动物保护神。
Lima, Peru: An owner carries his dog as they wait for blessings outside a church during the feast of St Francis of Assisi
Photograph: Enrique Castro-Mendivil/Reuters

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以色列 耶路撒冷 2008年10月5日,作为赎罪日里加帕诺(Kaparot)仪式的一部分,一个犹太妇女正在用一只鸡在孩子头上晃三晃,认为这样能把过去一年的罪孽转移到这只鸡身上,然后把鸡杀了送给慈善机构,达到赎罪的意义。
Jerusalem, Israel: A Jewish woman swings a chicken over a child‘s head as part of a Kaparot ritual in which it is believed sins from the past year are transferred to the chicken, which is slaughtered and given to charity

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加利福尼亚州 亨廷顿海滩 当地居民聚在一起,首次举办海浪祈祷节,希望上帝能管住致命的海浪,祈求出海的人能安全回家。图中是冲浪教士Matt Munoz 带头冲向了大海。
Huntington Beach, USA: Surfing priest the Rev Matt Munoz heads to the sea during the first Blessing of the Waves ceremony where locals gathered to ask God for tubular waves, a killer swell and a safe return to shore
Photograph: Chris Carlson/AP

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墨西哥  Tijuana  一男子中弹身亡,横尸街头。过去的一周,贩毒团伙之间的火拼已经造成49人死亡。
Tijuana, Mexico: A man lies shot dead on a street. In the past week, 49 people have been killed in suspected drug-related gang violence in Mexico
Photograph: Guillermo Arias /AP

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印度 加尔各答 杜尔迦节 一位神父手持神灯在恒河边上祭祀杜尔迦女神。
Kolkata , India: A Hindu priest holds a sacred lamp during the Durga Puja festival on the banks of the river Ganges
Photograph: Jayanta Shaw/Reuters

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印度尼西亚 雅加达 一男子正试图清理吉利翁河上的垃圾。
Jakarta, Indonesia: A man tries to remove rubbish from Ciliwung river
Photograph: Crack Palinggi/Reuters

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俄罗斯 莫斯科 满地的落叶,一男子走过街道。秋天到了......
Moscow, Russia: A man walks through autumn leaves