Section c导学案

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 06:46:54

Section c

Studying aims 学习目标

1. Learn some new words and a phrase:学习新单词和短语。

way, on one’s way home, wrong, meat

2. Talk about worries and thanks:谈论有关担心和感谢的用语。



1.               (几点)is it ?   It’s              (9点)

2.What are his            (最喜欢的)animals .

3. It’s                go to school . 该是上学的时间了。

4. It’s                 (一刻钟) past seven.

5. Let’s                               (去动物园)


1. 听1a并跟读。小组读。


1.  康康在他回家的路上碰见了猴宝宝。                                

2.  你怎么啦?                                 

3.  我找不到回家的路。                                

4.  让我来帮你吧。                                

5.  我们到了。                                

6.  你真太好了。                                

7.  谢谢你的帮助。                                



1.  你能翻译下面的短语吗?

 ① on my way to school  ②on Tom’s way to West Hill

③on Jim’s way home    ④. on their way there

观察以上句子,on one’s way to… 意思是:                    其中句中的one’s指的是                          

思考:为什么① ② 句中的 school  West Hill 前有to ,而③④句中的home  there 前没有 to ?

2.  观察并翻译下面的句子,你能有什么发现?

① What’s wrong with you ?  ③ What’s wrong with your pen ? 

② What’s wrong with Tom’s mother?  ④ What’s wrong with this bike ?

用来询问对方出了什么事或某物有什么毛病用                    表达。



即时演练:①出什么事了Jim?   What’s                   Jim ?

② 你的猫怎么了? What’s                   with your cat ?

3.  It’s very kind of you . 意思是            相当于                  

你知道在什么情况下用It’s very kind of you .吗?

拓展:kind 是形容词,意为                对某人友好是                

e.g. My teacher is kind to me .

4. Thank you for your help.  

   Thank you for helping me.

Thank you for buying me a car.   


即时演练:Thank him for helping me . = Thank him                     .

Thank you for           (look)after my pet cat .



1.                           , I meet Baby Monkey .(在我回家的路上)

2. What’s      (有问题的)with you , Tom?

3. I think      (肉)is the tiger’s food .


1.It’s       of you to help me find my son . Thank you !

  A .  good     B.  kind    C.  well   D.  great

2. ---My book is lost .( 丢了 )

--- Don’t worry .                    

A . Let me help you.     B.  Please help you .    

C . Let you help me.     D.  Please help me .   

3.                     your bike ?  It’s broken (坏了) 。

A . What’s wrong with       B . What’s the matter with

C . What’s up with          D. A 、B and C

4. I can’t find the way           school , but I know my way         home .

A . to , to    B . 不填,to     C . to , 不填   D . 不填, 不填

5. Thank you           me this bike .

A . about giving     B . to give    C . for giving   D . give

6. ---Don’t worry . Let me help you.

--- It’s very kind        you .

A . to    B . of    C . in   D. on  

7.              his students.

A . is kind to   B .is kind of   C .are kind to    D .are kind of