
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/12 06:10:53



BRIC (金砖四国)





组成:葡萄牙(Portugal)、爱尔兰(Ireland)、意大利(Italy)、希腊( Greece)和西班牙(Spain)




组成:联合国安理会五大常任理事国+德国The Permanent five members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany)




组成:研究型独立非政府组织(RINGO,Research and Independent Non-Governmental Organization), 工商业非政府组织( BINGO,Business and Industry Non-Governmental Organization) 以及政府筹办非政府组织 (GONGO, Government-Organized Non-Governmental Organization)

意义:随着非政府组织(NGOs)在国际事务中影响力和知名度的提高,文明社会分类学也随之为其划分了一个领域来区别那些不同寻常的非政府组织。如清洁空气政策中心(the Center for Clean Air Policy) 之类的研究型独立非政府组织RINGO)以及欧洲电力行业的Eurelectric(欧洲电力)之类的工商业非政府组织BINGOS 经常在环境变化谈判中出现。政府筹办非政府组织 (GONGO)通常是指那些由政府组建用以粉饰太平的组织。俄罗斯前克里姆林青年组织纳什(Nashi)就是一个著名的例子。

为什么这个词很坏:灵果RINGOs——此处取音译,下同,译者注)和宾果(BINGOs )只是听起来很傻。而且这些词让人想起的更多是披头士在教堂地下室开演唱会,而不是公众和私人联合制定温室气体排放标准。工商业非政府组织( BINGO)的出现表明(不是很准确的那种),通常的非政府组织是完全独立于行业利益之外的。事实上,许多所谓的独立非政府组织都依赖公司捐助才能开展活动。而政府筹办非政府组织 (GONGO),一个缩写词一般是不会在字面上自相矛盾的。为什么不直呼其名?政府机构。


组成: 地位协议(Status Of Forces Agreement)



The List: The World's Worst Acroynyms


Diplomats, soldiers, politicians and economists all love a good acronym. Here are five of the most misleading, insulting, and just plain annoying.


What does it stand for? Brazil, Russia, India, and China

What is it? In 2001, Goldman Sachs analysts popularized this term for referring to the fast-growing, populous developing countries that many think will become the world's dominant economic powers in the next century.

What's wrong with it: "BRIC" may connote strength or solidity to some, but it can just as easily bring to mind something inert, or brittle. It's also not exactly clear that these countries belong in the same category. Politically, Brazil and India are messy but vibrant democracies, while Russia and China are semiauthoritarian and completely authoritarian, respectively. Since the financial crisis, the four countries have followed different economic trajectories as well. Whereas Brazil, India, and China have been hurt, but look likely to continue growing at a slower but steady pace, the economic slowdown has hit Russia -- whose GDP is likely to shrink 6 percent this year -- like a ton of … well, you get the picture.



What does it stand for? Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain

What is it? The countries on Europe's periphery that have been hit especially hard by the financial crisis and most in need of bailout money. (PIIGS at the trough.) The term "PIGS," describing the four southern European economies, was likely first used by a German banker in a private letter to a client and quickly became a favorite of the European press in 2008. The double-I version, which includes troubled Ireland, is now more popular.

Why it's bad: Even before the swine-flu outbreak, this acronym was a rather insulting name for the countries that just a few months ago were being called "tigers" for their high growth rates and pro-business economic policies. The PIIGS were once held up as the model of what European integration could achieve. Yes, they may have behaved irresponsibly during the bubble, but given the woes of "core" states such as Germany, whose export-driven economy has been decimated by the global slowdown in demand, no one in Europe is really in a position to be calling these countries swine.



What does it stand for? The permanent five members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany

What is it? The group of countries conducting ongoing negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program consists of Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States, as well as Germany, which is not a Security Council member.

Why it's bad: Although not strictly an acronym, the name itself is a testament to how outdated the U.N. governance structure has become. A five-country system excluding the axis powers might have made sense in 1945, but today this rigid structure isn't adequate for taking on most global crises. When organizational names start turning into equations it's time to give them up. Remember the G7+1?



What does it stand for? Research and independent non-governmental organization, business and industry non-governmental organization, and government-organized non-governmental organization

What is it? As the influence and prominence of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) has grown in international affairs, a subfield of civil society taxonomy has grown to distinguish abnormal NGOs. RINGOs (such as the Center for Clean Air Policy) and BINGOS (such as the European electricity industry's Eurelectric) come up frequently in climate-change discussions. GONGO generally refers to organizations set up by authoritarian governments to fake the appearance of civil society. Nashi, Russia's state-organized, pro-Kremlin youth group, is a great example.

Why it's bad: RINGOs and BINGOs just sound silly, bringing to mind a Beatles concert in a church basement more than and public-private partnerships to address emissions standards. Creating the designation BINGO also implies, inaccurately, that normal NGOs are completely independent from the interests of industry. In fact, many so-called independent NGOs rely on corporate donations for their activities. As for GONGOs, an acronym generally shouldn't directly contradict itself. Why not just call them what they are? Government agencies.


What does it stand for? Status of forces agreement What is it? An agreement between a military and the foreign country where it is based. The best-known SOFA is the withdrawal agreement reached between the United States and Iraq in 2008.

Why it's bad: First of all, it's a fairly glib acronym for a fairly serious topic and tempts editors into writing awful punny headlines (getting off the SOFA, no SOFA to lean on, etc.). To Americans, the innocuous-sounding name also masks just how controversial SOFAs can be abroad. For many Iraqis, the "status" of U.S. forces is that of an occupying power. What's your least favorite acronym? E-mail us at
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