437 畜牧與獸醫Husbandry and veterinary

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 10:42:54
437 畜牧與獸醫Husbandry and veterinary  昆蟲業入437.8 參見483.3乳品業 437.1 畜牧總論Husbandry in general   畜牧學、畜產學入此

437.1023 畜牧法規Husbandry laws and regulations

437.103 畜產研究與機構Animal products research and institutions

437.11 畜禽營養學Animal alimentology;畜禽飼養Animal feeding

437.111 飼養法Feeding methods

437.112 牧野Rangeland

437.113 牧草Pasture grasses    牧草調製、乾草、青儲草、半乾青儲草等入此參見434.14牧草類、飼料作物

437.114 飼料Feeds    纖維性飼料、能量飼料、蛋白質補充飼料、油脂飼料等入此

437.115 飼料添加劑Feed additives礦物質補充料、維生素補充料、抗生素等入此

437.13 畜禽育種學;畜禽繁殖學Animal genetics and breeding

437.14 畜禽多樣性Animal diversity

437.18 畜牧經濟Husbandry economics

437.181 畜牧行政Husbandry administration;畜牧政策Husbandry Policies

437.182 畜產運銷Animal products marketing  參見483畜牧水產品業

437.19 畜產經營Animal products management 牧野、牧場等經營入此

437.191 畜禽舍規劃與管理Animal building planning and management

437.192 畜牧機械與自動化Husbandry machines and automation

437.2 獸醫Veterinarians 同:動物醫學  獸醫公共衛生學入此 參見438.5水產疾病與防治

437.201 中醫獸醫Chinese medicine veterinarians

437.202 獸醫經濟Veterinarian economics

437.203 獸醫研究與機構Veterinarian research and  institutes

437.21 畜禽解剖學Aanimal anatomy;畜禽組織學Animal histology同:動物組織學(Physiology of livestocks and fowls)

437.22 畜禽生理學Animal physiology;畜禽醫化學Animal medical chemistry同:動物生理學

437.23 畜禽藥理學Animal pharmacology

437.24 畜禽病理學Animal pathology


437.243 畜禽細菌學Animal bacteriology

437.245 畜禽免疫學Animal immunology

437.247 畜禽寄生蟲學Animal parasitology同:家畜寄生蟲學

437.25 畜禽內科學Animal medicine

437.255 畜禽診斷學Animal diagnosis

437.257 畜禽傳染病Animal infectious diseases


437.26 家畜外科學Domestic animals surgery

437.27 家畜產科學Domestic animals obstetrics

437.28 獸醫院Veterinary hospitals;動物醫院Animal hospitals;獸醫師Veterinary surgeon

437.29 獸醫行政Veterinary administration

437.3 家畜Domestic animals

437.31 牛Cattles

437.311 生理Physiology;解剖Anatomy

437.313 遺傳Genetics;選種Selection;育種Breeding;繁殖Reproduction

437.314 飼養管理Feeding management

437.315 疾病與防治Disease and control437.32 馬Horses 仿437.311-.315分 參見594.67馬政、馬營

437.33 綿羊Sheeps山羊、羊駝等入此 仿437.311-.315分

437.34 豬Swines 仿437.311-.315分

437.35 犬Dogs 同:狗 仿437.311-.315分

437.36 貓Cats  仿437.311-.315分

437.37 兔Rabbits

437.7 家禽Poultries

437.71 雞Chickens珠雞、雉雞、孔雀等入此

437.713 雞種Chicken breeds

437.714 飼養Raise

437.716 育雛Feeding chicks

437.717 雞病Chicken diseases

437.718 養雞業Chicken industries

437.72 火雞Turkeys

437.74 鴨Ducks仿437.713-.718複分

437.75 鵝Geese

437.77 鴿Pigeons;鳩Doves

437.78 駝鳥Osteriches

437.79 其他家禽Other Poultries

437.8 昆蟲業Insect culture

437.81 栽桑Mulberry culture

437.82 養蠶Sericulture

437.83 養蜂Apiculture

437.9 狩獵業Hunting;動物保護Animal protection參見993.75狩獵

437.91 狩獵Hunting

437.92 動物保護Animal protection 
  • S8 畜牧动物医学狩猎
  • S81 普通畜牧学
  • S82 家畜
  • S83 家禽
  • S85 动物医学兽医学
  • S86 狩猎野生动物驯养
  • S87 畜禽产品的综合利用
  • S88 蚕桑
  • S89 养蜂益虫饲养