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浅析英语诗歌——理解升华篇      在诗歌的理解与欣赏中,除了上面我们所讨论的诗歌的文体因素外,还包括其他很多因素,比如,诗歌的声音,语气,视角,象征,意象,用词特点,修辞手法,句法结构,作者,诗歌背景,诗歌内容等等因素。所以说对于一首诗的理解不仅仅局限于诗歌语言的文体特征分析。诗歌语言的文体特征是理解诗歌的一部分因素。




(ballad:A form of verse to be sung or recited and characterized by its presentation of a dramatic or exciting EPISODE in simple narrative form. F. B. Gum mere describes the ballad as "a poem meant for singing, quite impersonal in material, probably connected in its origins with the communal dance, but submitted to a process of oral tradition among people who are free from literary influences and fairly homogeneous in character."

Though the ballad is a FORM still much written, the so-called "popular ballad" in most literatures belongs to the early periods before written literature was highly developed. They still appear, however, in isolated sections and among illiterate and semi-literate peoples. In America the folk of the southern Appalachian mountains have maintained a ballad tradition, as have the cowboys of the western plains, and people associated with labor movements, particularly when marked by violence)



   视角是指诗中的说话者,如果诗中出现了 “I”,那么诗人就是以第一人称来写这首诗的。当然,诗中不会总出现第一人称,但诗中也存在视角的问题,视角的问题是一个很难理解的问题,但我们应该记住:诗中的视角不必是诗人本身,一首诗可能有多个视角。


Evans? Yes, many a time
I came down his bare flight
Of staires into the game kitchen
With its wood fire, where crickets sang
Accompaniment to the black kettle’s
Whine and so into the cold
Dark to smother in the thick tide
Of night that drifted about the walls
Of his stark farm on the hill ridge.
It was not the dark tilling my eyes
And mouth appalled me, not even the drip
Of rain like blood from the one tree
Weather-tortured. It was the dark
Silting the veins of the that sick man
I left stranded upon the vast
And lonely share of his bleak bed.

   “Dark” 一词多次使用,在这首诗中,这个词表达了作者的处境:诗人迷失了自己,感到孤独,生活在人生的黑影之中。


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