黑石向亚洲“调兵遣将” Blackstone targets Asia as dealmaker moves to Hong Kong

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 07:47:15
2010年12月14日 07:19 AM

黑石向亚洲“调兵遣将”Blackstone targets Asia as dealmaker moves to Hong Kong

英国《金融时报》 汉妮•桑德尔 香港报道 评论 中文 

Blackstone is sending Michael Chae, one of its senior executives, from New York to Hong Kong to head its Asian private equity operations, underscoring the increasing importance of the region to the world’s largest buy-out firm by assets under management.

黑石集团(Blackstone)将其高管Michael Chae从纽约派往香港,负责其亚洲私人股本业务,突显出该地区对于这家全球管理下资产规模最大的收购集团日益增长的重要性。

Tony James, Blackstone’s president, expects that half of Blackstone’s private equity deals will be in Asia next year.

黑石总裁托尼•詹姆斯(Tony James)预计,明年黑石一半的私人股本交易将发生在亚洲。

Mr Chae has spent much of his career at Blackstone doing telecoms and media deals, including Nielsen, Weather Channel and Michael’s Stores.

Chae的大部分职业生涯在黑石度过,从事电信和媒体业交易,其中包括尼尔森(Nielsen)、天气频道(Weather Channel)和Michael’s Stores。

Steve Schwarzman, Blackstone’s founder, described him as “one of our most senior leaders and a seasoned partner”.

黑石发起人史蒂夫•施瓦茨曼(Steve Schwarzman)将Chae描述为“我们最资深的高管和经验丰富的合伙人之一”。

Mr Schwarzman also said that Antony Leung, head of greater China, would join the executive committee of the firm. The announcement comes as competition for deals and financing grows more intense in Asia, a region on which all the international buy-out firms are intensely focused.

施瓦茨曼还表示,大中华区主席梁锦松(Antony Leung)将进入该公司执委会。黑石宣布上述声明之际,在被所有国际收购公司密切关注的亚洲地区,对于交易和融资的竞争变得越来越激烈。

Their task is complicated by the fact that local rainmakers with their own connections are leaving western banks and investment companies to raise funds on their own.


Although significant financing has been lined up for China deals, the deal flow remains disappointing.


At a recent conference the head of Asia at a rival firm described China as opaque, untransparent and lacking in opportunities.


Despite a well-publicised investment in Blackstone by CIC, China’s sovereign wealth fund, the group has done far fewer deals in China than in India.


Reflecting the growing importance of China to Blackstone, Mr Schwarzman and Mr James took most of the US- and Europe-based chief executives of companies in their portfolio, as well as a large contingent of Blackstone staff, to Shanghai at the end of October where they met senior political leaders.


The group stayed in the Blackstone-owned Hilton Hotel – another deal on which Mr Chae worked.

代表团入住黑石旗下的希尔顿酒店(Hilton Hotel)——这是Chae经手的另一项交易。

Blackstone also has a host of advisory assignments in China and has recently expanded its real estate transactions in the region. Mr Chae is not currently involved in that side of the business.
