
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/07 15:09:20


In Tractate Sanhedrin of the Talmud it is said: 'Seven days before the deluge, the Holy One changed the primeval order and the sun rose in the west and set in the east.
Worlds in Collision, p.126
In the Papyrus Ipuwer it is similarly stated that 'the land turns round [over] as does a potter's wheel,' and 'Earth turns upside down.
Worlds in Collision, p.121
At certain periods the universe has its present circular motion, and at other periods it revolves in the reverse direction. There is at that time great destruction of animals in general, and only a small part of the human race survives
Politicus, by Plato



The rising of the sun from the west one of the things which must happen.
Kitab al Irshad, The Twelfth Imam


The Hour will not be established ... till the sun rises from the West.
The Hadiths


Rotation Stoppage, then Shift

And he said in the sight of Israel. Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. So the sun stood still in the midst of the heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day (Joshua 10: 12-13).
Worlds in Collision, p.55


China: At the time of the miracle is said to have happened that the sun during a span of ten days did not set, the forests were ignited, and a multitude of abominable vermin was brought forth.'In the lifetime of Yao [Yahou] the sun did not set for full ten days and the entire land was flooded.'
Worlds in Collision, p.114


In the manuscripts of Avila and Molina, who collected the traditions of the Indians of the New World, it is related that the sun did not appear for five days, a cosmic collision of stars preceded the cataclysm; people and animals tried to escape to mountain caves. 'Scarcely had they reached there, when the sea, breaking out of bounds following a terrifying shock, began the rise of the pacific coast. But as the sea rose, filling the valleys and the plains around, the mountain of Ancasmarca rose too, like a ship on the waves. During the five days that this cataclysm lasted, the sun did not show its face and the earth remained in darkness.'
Worlds in Collision, p.76

阿维拉和莫利纳的手稿里收集了“新世界”印第安人的传统,这与太阳5天没有出现有关联,大灾难前宇宙中的星辰相互碰撞了。人与动物的尽力逃往山区中的洞穴。 '他们刚一到达那里,这时候海洋冲破了界限,接着是一股可怕的冲击,太平洋沿岸海水开始上升。但是,随着海面的上升,山谷和周围的平原被填满了,Ancasmarca山脉也在升起,就像浪涛上的小船。在这5天里,大灾难持续着,太阳没有露脸,地球仍然处在黑暗之中。”