中国将加大抑制通胀力度 China sets policy to rein in inflation

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 03:35:37
2010年12月13日 07:24 AM

中国将加大抑制通胀力度China sets policy to rein in inflation

英国《金融时报》 杰夫•代尔 北京, 帕提•沃德米尔 上海报道

China will step up efforts to combat inflation next year after prices rose more than 5 per cent in November, according to a statement released after an annual economic policy meeting in Beijing.


The rise in the consumer price index by 5.1 per cent in November was higher than expected, and up from 4.4 per cent in October. It is also well above the government’s 3 per cent inflation target, and will increase pressure on the authorities to raise interest rates and further rein in the huge monetary stimulus of the past two years.


State media said on Sunday, at the conclusion of a three-day conference to set economic policy for 2011, that the government’s goal would be to battle inflation without jeopardising growth.


“The priority is to actively and properly handle the relationship between steady and relatively fast economic growth, economic restructuring and managing inflation expectations,” state radio reported.


The conference reiterated that Chinese currency policy would remain basically stable next year. China remains under heavy international pressure to let the renminbi appreciate.


The annual economic meeting chaired by Hu Jintao, China’s president, reaffirmed a shift to a “prudent” monetary policy from the previous “appropriately loose” stance. The shift was announced by the Chinese communist party’s ruling body last week, raising expectations for an imminent increase in interest rates. On Friday, the central bank raised reserve requirements for commercial banks for the fifth time this year – and the third in just over a month – in order to drain liquidity from the financial system.


The weekend’s further increase in inflation, combined with a renewed surge in fixed asset investment and exports, will fuel concerns that the economy is overheating.


The biggest contributor to rising inflation was food prices, which increased 11.7 per cent year-on-year, against 10.1 per cent in October. Non-food inflation also rose from 1.6 per cent in October to 1.9 per cent.


According to Qian Wang at JP Morgan in Hong Kong, strong fiscal spending “coupled with the still accommodative monetary environment . . . and low interest rates raise the risk of overheating by early next year”.

摩根大通(JP Morgan)驻香港的王黔表示,积极的财政支出“加上仍然宽松的货币环境……以及低利率,加大了明年年初经济过热的风险”。

Andy Rothman, at CLSA in Shanghai, warned that the inflation rise was mainly the result of bad weather, which has raised the price of vegetables. Although interest rates might rise by 0.25 per cent by year-end, he did not predict a significant tightening next year.

里昂证券(CLSA)驻上海的安迪•罗斯曼(Andy Rothman)警告称,通胀上升主要是因为恶劣天气——它推升了蔬菜价格。尽管年底前可能加息25个基点,但他预计明年不会出台大规模的紧缩措施。

“Overcapacity and strong competition leaves few firms with the ability to fully pass these higher costs on to final goods prices,” he said.
