The World - Why China Has the Torch - 2008 Ol...

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The WorldWhy China Has the Torch
Victor Fraile/Reuters
IN THE AIR With the Olympic Games set to begin in Beijing on Friday, concerns remain over the air quality. Pollution is among the issues weighing over these Games.
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Published: August 3, 2008
“One World, One Dream,” is the official motto of the Beijing Olympics that open Friday, but the world has become considerably more complicated since theInternational Olympic Committee awarded the 2008 Summer Games to China seven years ago.
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Olivier Morin/Agence France-Presse
AT LAST The Chinese delegation celebrates being awarded the Games.
That was long before China’s crackdown on Tibet this spring, before its support for the government of Sudan became an international issue and before air pollution became so threatening that the Ethiopian world-record holder in the marathon thought it better to run a shorter distance to protect his lungs.
It was also before the events of last week, when China restricted Internet access for reporters covering the Games (only to lift some restrictions following an uproar from the news media) and accused American lawmakers of “odious conduct” for making an issue of its human rights record.
The I.O.C. was well aware of the risks when it awarded the Summer Games to Beijing in 2001. But committee members believed in the inherent power of the Games — that they could foster change by focusing world attention on China, just as the 1988 Summer Games in South Korea helped advance that country’s transition to democracy.
Now the question looming as China prepares for the opening ceremonies is whether the committee made the right bet or took too lightly the possibility that protests or unforeseen events could divide rather than unite the nations whose athletes are gathering in Beijing.
Seven years ago, the prevailing attitude within the I.O.C. was that the world’s most populous nation deserved to host the world’s largest sporting event. China, after all, had acted with restraint after losing by two votes to Sydney, Australia, to host the 2000 Summer Games, even when the deciding votes turned out to have essentially been bought.
Speaking in 2001 about the political question, François Carrard, then the I.O.C.’s director general, said: “We are totally aware there is one issue on the table, and that is human rights. Either you say because of some serious human rights issues, we close the door, deliver a vote that is regarded as a sanction and hope things evolve better. The other way is to bet on openness. We are taking the bet that we will see many changes.”
Parsing the impact of the seven-year buildup is difficult. Even before its selection for the Olympics, China was, gradually, becoming more open for ordinary people. Yet, today, rights to free speech and assembly remain sharply restricted, ethnic minorities are repressed, the Communist Party dominates, and, in a report last week,Amnesty International said progress on human rights had been limited.
In some other ways, the bet has already paid off. Perhaps no other Olympics has been so intensely anticipated. China provides a shiny new wrapping on a package damaged by scandal, doping, the disappearance of Cold War rivalries and diminished public interest. “The Games are going to Beijing because it’s a show; the spectacle lives on and needs new and exciting places,” said Kevin Wamsley, a former director of the International Center for Olympic Studies at the University of Western Ontario.
Another wish might be fulfilled — that giving China a home-field advantage would blunt the political and sporting dominance that the United States gained with the fall of the Soviet Union.
“We need China to act as a check on the U.S.,” Ivan Slavkov, then an I.O.C. member from Bulgaria, said in 2001. “The U.S. is the only superpower. It dominates everything, including the Olympics and the medal tables.”
As the Games approach, though, the Olympic committee faces criticism — from without and within — for relying too much on chance and not enough on leverage in trying to hold Chinese leaders to their amorphous statements about change.
Jacques Rogge, the Belgian surgeon who is president of the I.O.C., has given wildly divergent responses to the human rights issue, saying that he was engaging in “silent diplomacy,” before switching tactics under pressure and publicly reminding the Chinese authorities that they pledged to use the Olympics “to advance the social agenda of China, including human rights.” No one would claim that he possesses the diplomatic skills of his predecessor,Juan Antonio Samaranch. Clearly, Dr. Rogge has been ill at ease in defining the I.O.C. as both a political lobby and a sports organization.
The Olympic committee did not sufficiently use its influence in setting markers for the Chinese to achieve on some issues, especially press freedoms during the Games, saidDick Pound, a committee member from Montreal, who stressed that he was speaking in general and not specifically about Dr. Rogge, whom he opposed in 2001 for the presidency of the organization.
“You can’t say, ‘You’ve got to free Tibet or embraceFalun Gong,’ ” Mr. Pound said. “And I’m not convinced that the way to get China to respond positively is to splash headlines in the Western press. But certainly some things are not so sensitive that they can’t even be discussed. We probably should have said, ‘Here are some minimum things we do need.’ ”
It was also a mistake, Mr. Pound said, to hold an international torch relay, which resulted in protests on the issue of Tibet. “We should have seen that coming a mile away,” he said.
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Even a more forceful I.O.C., however, would have had only a limited impact in persuading the Chinese to improve their record on human rights, many experts contend. The Olympics generally don’t undermine governments. Historically, strong regimes have used the Games to foment nationalism and become stronger, the most infamous example beingHitler and the 1936 Summer Games in Berlin. Intense media scrutiny ebbs when the Games end. And corporate sponsors are loathe to criticize the host country for fear of risking developing markets, especially one as lucrative as China’s.
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Despite Flaws, Rights in China Have Expanded (August 2, 2008)
Olympic Organizers to Weigh Unblocking More Web Sites (August 2, 2008)
Amnesty International Report on Human Rights in China (

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“From the very beginning, the Olympics were exploited by the ruling classes of the nations in which they were held,” David Wallechinsky, an Olympic historian, wrote in “The Complete Book of the Olympics.” I.O.C. delegates “support nationalism and they support the ruling elites of the various nations of the world, no matter if they are Communist or capitalist.”
Last week, Mr. Wallechinsky was quoted by The Associated Press as saying of the Beijing Games that “there is so much money being made, the I.O.C. has turned a blind eye.”
Other Olympic historians see more salutary potential in placing the Games in China.
One frequently cited example is South Korea. The country’s military dictatorship agreed to sweeping democratic changes a year before hosting the 1988 Summer Games in a decision forced by street protests, United States pressure, concern about the South Korean economy and fear that a crackdown would jeopardize the Olympics.
The I.O.C. can also claim a role in ending apartheid by banning South Africa from the Games from 1964 to 1992. The ban was the longest boycott of that country by the international community, furthering its isolation. It ended only after South Africa agreed to abolish apartheid and integrate the nation’s sports federations.
“The I.O.C. members I know most closely were never so naïve to think that China would be Korea all over again,” said John MacAloon, an Olympic historian at theUniversity of Chicago. “What they are counting on is that 20,000 reporters wandering around, and China’s experience having hosted the world, would perhaps lead the central authorities to realize they can afford greater tolerance and discourse without descending into chaos.”
Given that hope, the I.O.C. would almost certainly choose Beijing again if it had the chance at a do-over.
“It’s a risk worth taking,” Mr. Pound said. “The Games will be well delivered. You hope good will come from it. I don’t think any closed country that has hosted the Olympic Games has been the same thereafter. It can’t be.”