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高考解题指南 2007-05-10 22:37:25 阅读104 评论0   字号: 订阅




    请看下例: 写作1 (共1小题;满分15分)请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述所给的全部信息内容。 (看不到图,请点击标题打开或下载,就有图了)








1. 标题。

2. 必须使用5个句子介绍所给的全部内容。

3. 将5个句子组成连贯的短文,必须保证有3个句子为复合句。

4. 字数要求:60—80字。


    这是一篇既有图画又有文字提供背景的基础写作题。故事很简单,考生在写的过程中不要考虑太复杂,以免写偏题。要求中的第一项就是“标题”,所以我们的作文如果没有题目,会被扣掉1—2分。该作文题目可以从thief或owner of the lost两方面考虑,比如:A sly thief/A clever thief/What a thief或An unhappy day/What a day等。当然题目最好要和所给的“情景”有明显的联系,该题“情景说明”的第5点明显指出了:狡猾的小偷。背景中的失主没有给出名字,所以写的时候还要给他起一个名字。可能用到的词汇:取钱get/draw/collect money from a bank;锁在……上lock …onto…/chain…to…/tie…to…;砍树cut down the tree(s)



    A sly Thief One Sunday morning, Mr. Zhang went to draw some money from the bank on his motorbike. When he arrived, he found no Park there and in order to avoid the motorbike being stolen, Mr. Zhang locked his motorbike onto the two big strong trees before he entered the bank. Unfortunately, when he came out he found (that) his motorbike was lost. The two big trees were cut down and his motorbike was gone. He said angrily: “What a sly thief.”



    所给范文用了约80个英语单词按题目要求简明扼要地描述了所发生的故事。文章虽短,也有三个部分:第一句是第一部分,交代了故事的时间、地点、人物等;从第二句到文章的倒数第二句为第二部分,描述了事情的主要经过;最后一句是第三部分,表达了失主无可奈何的情感。文章用词朴素、叙事清晰,无多余的所谓“发挥”或“想象”。句式活跃,全文除用了when/before/when/that引导的四个从句外,还有两个由and连接的并列句,一个作直接宾语的感叹句“What a sly thief!” 一个动名词的复合结构“the motorbike being stolen”等,另外,在叙事中表达情绪活动的Unfortunately也使用得恰到好处。






写作2 (共1小题;满分25分)




1. 概括短文的内容要点。

2. 说明青少年孩子和父母之间格格不入或相处得融洽的原因。

3. 你如何看待这个问题?




     When parents make a lot of rules about their children’s behaviour, they make trouble—— for themselves. I used to spend half my time making sure my rules were obeyed, and the other half answering questions like “Jack can get up whenever he likes, so why can’t I?” or “Why can’t I play with Angela? Jack’s mum doesn’t mind who he play with.” Or “Jack can drink anything he likes. Why can’t I drink wine too?” Jack’s mum, I decided, was a wise woman. I started saying things like “Of course, dear. You can drink as much wine as you like.” and “No, I don’t mind how late you get up.” and “Yes, dear, you can play with Angela as often as you like.” The results have been marvelous. They don’t want to get up late any more; they’ve stopped playing with Angela. I’ve now realized (as Jack’s mum realized a long time ago) that they only wanted to do these nasty things because they weren’t allowed to.



     Like many other things, parents are also different from one another. Some are eager to control their children’s behaviour or get their children “protected” under their wings and do everything for them. Some are acting just the opposite; They never say to their children what the children must do or must obey, etc. But what is the strangest is that those who wanted to make rules to control their children felt troubled, because their children never obeyed the rules. And those who let their children act freely are always feeling the children do as they wished. Why are the results of the two ways of managing children so different? The reasons lie in, I think, first and the most, children are usually vigorous energetic and curious. They feel everything fresh and eagerly like to put their noses into what they cannot get or get in touch with easily. If they can touch the thing easily they will not be feeling curious about it and act normally. Another reason may be that most of the young are likely to go against “the trend of the times” and disobey others. If we can discuss with them about what we want them to accept or do, they will probably feel it easy to, and will happily obey you. So I think the art of helping the children grow is very important.

