
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 06:05:29
虽然『廉价航空』(Budget Airline)是个耳熟能详的名词,但仍有许多背包客对于它的服务及内容,仍旧一知半解,只知道搭飞机可以省下不少的旅费,却不知这样的航空服务与一般航空公司的服务差异在哪里,于是今天决定撰写关于这方面的信息,揭开其神秘面纱。全世界最早出现的航空公司是美国西南航空(Pacific Southwest Airlines),再一九七O年代时期,便以『廉价』为号召,在美国航空市场奠定基础,之后陆陆续续出现知名的Ryan air、Easy jet等欧洲航线的廉价航空公司,在亚洲也有捷星航空(Jet Asia)、虎航(Tiger Air)、马来西亚的亚洲航空(Asia Air)等廉价航空公司服务。廉价航空为何『廉价』?羊毛当然出在羊身上,所谓『一分钱、一分货』,这些廉价航空公司提供如此廉价优惠的机票,当然有效『降低成本』及『额外营收』是最主要增加公司业绩的方式,搭乘廉价航空旅行将一改你对『传统航空』公司的观念及看法,提出下列差异性供你参考:在增加『额外营收』的做法上:1. 无免费餐点:肚子饿了怎么办?只要拿起做以前方的菜单,直接向空姐点餐就行啦!但是这些都是必须额外付费的,而且菜色内容大多以简单料理的三明治及可乐为主,一般价位在$5-10USD之间。2. 无免费视听娱乐器材:想看电影、听音乐吗?可以租赁相关设施,价位在$10-15USD之间,可自行携带影音设施(例如i Pod)上机使用。3. 机上活动空间较为狭窄:为了增加收入,减少公共活动区域,增加班机座位是廉价航空的特色之一,进入机舱内,你会发现除了空姐服务的中央走道外,其余的空间都被座椅填满了,虽然活动空间较为狭小,运气好,遇到该班机载客量不高时,乘客就定位后,空置座位就是最舒适的『床』了。4. 降落非主要城市:廉价航空公司在降落地点的选择上,除热门航线外,许多航线都是『非热门航线』,降落在非主要城市,以老虎航空为例,该公司飞往澳洲的航线,目前只有『达尔文』及『柏斯』,至于东岸热门城市『悉尼』及『墨尔本』,除航权的问题外,主要还是在于『达尔文』及『柏斯』当地政府为刺激观光业,对于飞往当地的航空公司不仅给予优惠的机场使用费外,当地旅游业者(赌场)及政府甚至给予互惠及各种补偿措施,对于该公司可说是一笔额外增加的收入。在增加『降低成本』的做法上:1. 服务人员较少:虽然是『廉价航空』但不代表机上没有『空姐』、『空少』的服务,只是人数较少,由于无需提供『供餐』等基本服务,因此,机上仅维持基本服务员人数。(当然『空姐』、『空少』还是年轻又漂亮啦!不用担心遇到『恐龙』或『阿姑』!哈哈!)2. 无空桥服务:经常搭乘飞机的背包客都知道,一般登上飞机都是走『空桥』进入比较方便,廉价航空公司,为了节省营运成本,多无提供『空桥服务』,因此乘客必须提著行李,自行登梯上飞机,对于行动不便或是老人家,这点比较麻烦(当然并非每家廉价航空公司都是如此)。3. 降落次要机场:这类航空公司,降低成本的另一方式就是,选择降落在各大城市的『次要机场』,以澳洲MELB为例,这城市有两个主要机场,知名廉价航空公司『Jetstar』便选择降落在MELB的『次要机场』作为降低成本的方式,这样的做法对旅客较不便利,因此在选择廉价航空前,做好是先打听清楚,该班机降落机场位置,不然省了机票钱,多了当地移动的交通费用,其实并没有真正省下多少钱。4. 无『实体机票』:为了节省成本,廉价航空公司可以说无所不用其极,透过网络订票,不仅大幅降低柜台成本,透过『电子机票』的方式,旅客先行在网络上完成订票作业,只要备妥『护照』及『订位号码』直接前往登机柜台报到即可登机。5. 不透过『旅行社』代售:这类廉价机票为了降低成本,很少委托旅行社贩售机票(无须给旅行社回扣),因此大多采『直营』方式(透过网络系统)开放各方订位,降低的成本直接回馈给乘客,部分旅行社提供代订服务,由于毫无利润可言,因此透过旅行社代订,通常需要额外负担『手续费』(10%左右),个人建议,还是自己上网订省钱。6. 降低广告预算:由于廉价航空公司的知名度不高,很少花大笔钱在广告预算上,主要还是成本考量,因此乘客取得这类廉价航空信息较为不易,最后还是选择知名航空公司作为旅行的交通选择,个人建议可以透过网络系统查询的方式,还是可以查询到许多信息的。以上为『廉价航空』之所以廉价的原因。选择廉价航空的技巧?1. 货比三家不吃亏:『据说』目前全球廉价航空公司已达百家以上,且大部分的廉价航空公司都是以短程为主(航程四小时),但是当你决定从甲地到乙地时,可以透过多方比较的方式,选择最廉价的机票,货比三家真的不吃亏。2. 把握优惠促销:廉价航空公司虽然在广告投注较少的预算,但是对『机票促销』可是一点都不手软,常逛廉价机票网站可以发现『一元机票』及『免费机票』的促销方案,遇到这样难得的机会,不下手就是跟自己过意不去(所谓『一元机票』及『免费机票』是指,机票本身的价钱免费或一元,至于『机场税』、『兵险』等其他费用,消费者当然得自己负担,毕竟航空公司没有义务帮你负担这笔费用)。3. 提早订位:当你已经决定前往目的地时间时,提早订位通常可以拿到非常优惠的价格,以『老虎航空』(Tiger Airline)为例:今年(2007)三月飞西澳Perth($170SD)与五月飞($70SD),价格就有差异,越早订位价格当然越优惠(除非中途遇到『优惠促销』方案)。4. 分段购票:如果目的地已确定,利用『转乘』的方式,分段购票有时省下来的费用,甚至可以多买『回程票』了,例如:从台湾出发抵达西澳Perth,由于目前没有『廉价航空』可以从台湾直飞,最好的选择方式就是从台湾搭乘『捷星航空』(Jetstar)到新加坡,之后从新加坡改搭『老虎航空』(Tiger Airline)直飞西澳Perth,如果时间拿捏准确加上运气奇佳,一趟下来只要含税价台币六千多一点(Jetstar:$2888NTD+Tiger:$3300NTD=$6188NTD),因此只要搭配得当,利用不同廉价航空公司的促销方案,真的可以节省一笔庞大的支出。5. 『来回票』不一定比较划算:很多人都会有一种迷失就是,『来回票』一定比『单程票』还要划算,这样的概念用在『一般机票』是绝对的,但是对于『廉价机票』,这点可就不一定了!因为廉价航空公司经常有促销方案,就像股票一样,永远都不知道『最佳买点』在哪里里,因此,个人不建议购买『来回机票』(除非短程旅行),不然等待时机,终有一天会遇到最『理想』的票价的。6. 选择『离峰时间』:所有航空公司都有所谓『尖峰时间』(Rush Hour)跟『离峰时间』(Off Peak)票价的差异,虽然搭乘同一天的班机,但是不同时间点的票价,落差很大,因此在『麻烦』及『便利』之间取得一个平衡,这点也是在选择机票时,必须列入考量的。7. 采取『团购』方式:集合众人的力量,有时可以取得更为便宜的票价,廉价航空公司也是希望多点人选择该航空,不定时会推出『二人同行半价优惠』及『买二送一』(Buy 2 Get 1 Free)等方案,因此利用『团购』的方式,也是节省费用的方式之一。8. 弹性票价(Flexible Ticket):除了『优惠票价』外,还有一种称之为『弹性票价』,这类机票价格比较昂贵一点(还是比『一般机票』便宜),但因为具有弹性调整时间及行程(无需额外收费),如果你是属于『举棋不定』又想省钱的背包客,『弹性票价』也是一个不错的选择。虽然已经是『廉价』航空了!如果能够拿到『更廉价』,何乐而不为呢?你说是吧!选择廉价航空应注意事项?1. 避免更改行程:『廉价机票』又称『计画机票』,因此,在购票之前最好仔细考虑行程,因为如果临时更改时间及地点,航空公司会额外索取『手续费』,有时『手续费』的价值便超过当初所购买的『一切费用』(机票及各项税款),所以能不更改尽量不要改,否则『廉价机票』也会变得『不廉价』罗!2. 买了不能退款:大部份的廉价航空都没有『退款服务』,主要是因为这类航空公司本身所提供的机票价格已经低于『市场价』许多,有时甚至是『免费机票』(航空公司该如何退给你呢?),所以这类航空公司并不提供『退款服务』,当然也有些航空公司会要求将客户的『退款』,转成『客户信用额度』,下次购买机票时可以从里头扣款(毕竟这是少数),如果真的无法继续计画行程,不是白白浪费,就是建议更改行程(只是额外增加的费用,还不如重新购买来得便宜),至于『机场税』、『兵险』等税务费用当然无法退还,这点是必须提醒各位的。3. 提早办理登机手续:廉价航空的服务一视同仁,并没有『舱等』差异的服务,开放性选择座位方式,先进入先选择座位,因此,想要有个舒适的乘座空间,避免选择前面的位置,建议提早办理登机手续,通常后面的位置比较少人坐,飞机起飞后,只要旁边的座位没有人,就可以『躺平休息』一路睡到目的地了!4. 行李限重:廉价航空最令人困扰的莫过于『行李限重』的问题了,行李限重在15-20KG上下(其实与一般航空公司大同小异,只是较无弹性可言),一旦超重了,就必须额外付费办理托运,所以行李的重量最好预做规划。5. 网络购票安全性:绝大部分的『廉价机票』都是透过网络交易(航空公司降低成本的考量),因此网络购票的『安全性』是许多背包客所担心的,大部份的廉价航空公司对于『网络交易』都有一定妥善处理的做法,当然有会有意外(黑客侵入),如果真的担心网络交易的安全,个人建议亲自电洽(或电子信件)询问该如何现金付款,这样的作法相对无法得到网络订票的优惠价,只能说见仁见智罗!6. 飞安事故:许多人对于廉价航空都会有『廉价』=『不安全』的迷思,严格说来这点恐怕是多虑的,虽然廉价航空公司为了降低成本可能采购较为老旧的机型,但是人命关天,没有任何一家航空公司会拿乘客生命开玩笑,飞安的问题不在于机型老旧与否,在于『安全维护』是否彻底执行,因此应该破除『廉价』=『不安全』的迷思。提供一个有趣的数值供大家参考:目前全球廉价航空失事率仅百万分之零点七(安全性无庸置疑),但是最近印尼『亚当航空』的空难事件(2007 01 01)却为『廉价航空』飞安蒙上一层阴影。A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills , discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that offers generally low fares in exchange for eliminating many traditional passenger services. The concept originated in the United States before spreading to Europe in the early 1990s and subsequently to much of the rest of the world.The term originated within the airline industry referring to airlines with a lower operating cost structure than their competitors. While the term is often applied to any carrier with low ticket prices and limited services, regardless of their operating models, low-cost carriers should not be confused with regional airlines that operate short flights without service, or with full-service airlines offering some reduced fares.Business modelLow-cost carrier business model practices include:a single passenger classa single type of aircraft (commonly the Airbus A320 or Boeing 737 families), reducing training and servicing costsa minimum set of optional equipment on the aircraft, further reducing costs of acquisition and maintenance, as well as keeping the weight of the aircraft lower and thus saving fuel:no AVOD etc.; often excluding conveniences such as ACARS and autothrottleno in-flight entertainment systems made availableno seat recliners, seat pockets, window blinds or seat headrest coversa simple fare scheme, such as charging one-way tickets half that of round-trips (typically fares increase as the plane fills up, which rewards early reservations)flying to cheaper, less congested secondary airports and flying early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid air traffic delays and take advantage of lower landing feesfast turnaround times (allowing maximum use of aircraft)unreserved seating (encouraging passengers to board early and quickly, thus further decreasing turnaround times)simplified routes, emphasizing point-to-point transit instead of transfers at hubs (again enhancing aircraft use and eliminating disruption due to delayed passengers or luggage missing connecting flights)encourage the use of direct flights. Luggage is not automatically transferred from one flight to another, even if both flights are with the same company.generation of ancillary revenue from a variety of activities, such as à la carte features and commission-based productsemphasis on direct sales of tickets, especially over the Internet (avoiding fees and commissions paid to travel agents and computer reservations systems)employees working in multiple roles, for instance flight attendants also cleaning the aircraft or working as gate agents (limiting personnel costs)a disinclination to handle Special Service passengers, for instance by placing a higher age limit on unaccompanied minors than full service carriersaggressive fuel hedging programspassengers paying charges for extras, such as hold luggage, online check in and priority boardingavoiding using jetways to board and alight passengers by using a mobile stairway which is a cheaper alternative.not supplying meals in a flight, but offering snacks, sandwiches and drinks instead to purchase on boardNot every low-cost carrier implements all of the above points. For example, some try to differentiate themselves with allocated seating, while others operate more than one aircraft type, still others will have relatively high operating costs but lower fares.The price policy of the low cost carriers is usually very dynamic, with discounts and tickets in promotion. Even if the advertised price may be very low, sometimes it does not include charges & taxes.As the number of low-cost carriers has grown, these airlines have begun to compete with one another in addition to the traditional carriers. In the US, airlines have responded by introducing variations to the model. Frontier Airlines and JetBlue Airways advertise satellite television. Advertiser-supported Skybus Airlines launched from Columbus in 2007, but ceased operations in April, 2008. In Europe, the emphasis has remained on reducing costs and no-frills service. In 2004, Ryanair announced proposals to eliminate reclining seats, window blinds, seat headrest covers, and seat pockets from its aircraft.The budget airlines frequently offer flights at low prices – often flights are advertised as free (plus applicable taxes, fees and charges.) Perhaps as many (or as few) as ten percent of the seats on any flight are offered at the lowest price, and are the first to sell. The prices steadily rise thereafter to a point where they can be comparable or more expensive than a flight on a full-service carrier.Additional expenses charged can border on the fraudulent, such as levying a credit card charge while credit card is the only payment method accepted.Traditional perceptions of the "low-cost carrier" as a stripped-down, no-frills airline, as seen on Southwest Airlines, have been changing as new entrants to the market adapt the business model in new ways. AirTran Airways and Spirit Airlines offer a premium cabin while Frontier and JetBlue offer live in-flight television, sometimes for an extra fee. AirTran has XM Satellite Radio available at every seat. Frontier, JetBlue, and AirTran all use assigned seating. Some airlines even have services not available on some legacy carriers, such as mood lighting, found in Virgin America.HistoryThe first successful low-cost carrier was Pacific Southwest Airlines in the United States, which pioneered the concept in 1949. Often, this credit has been incorrectly given to Southwest Airlines which began service in 1971 and has been profitable every year since 1973. With the advent of aviation deregulation the model spread to Europe as well, the most notable successes being Ireland's Ryanair, which began low-fares operations in 1990, and EasyJet, formed in 1995. Low cost carriers developed in Asia and Oceania from 2000 led by operators such as Malaysia's AirAsia, India's Air Deccan and Australia's Virgin Blue. The low-cost carrier model is applicable worldwide, although deregulated markets are most suited for its rapid spread. In 2006, new LCCs were announced in Saudi Arabia and Mexico.Low-cost carriers can pose a serious threat to traditional "full service" airlines, since the high cost structure of full-service carriers can prevent them from competing effectively on price - one of the most important factors for consumers when selecting a carrier. From 2001 to 2003, when the aviation industry was rocked by terrorism, war and SARS, the large majority of traditional airlines suffered heavy losses while low-cost carriers generally stayed profitable.Many carriers opted to launch their own no-frills airlines, such as KLM's Buzz, British Airways' Go, Air India's Air-India Express and United's Ted, but have found it difficult to avoid cannibalizing their core business. Exceptions to this have been BMI's Bmibaby, Germanwings which is controlled 100% by Lufthansa and Jetstar in Australia, fully owned by Qantas, all of which successfully operate alongside their full-service counterparts.For holiday destinations, low cost airlines also compete with seat-only charter sales. However, the inflexibility of charters (particularly as regards length of stay) makes them unpopular with many travelers.The entry of new nations into the European Union from Eastern Europe and moves towards compliance with EU legislation by those who have not yet joined, has led to an extension of open skies arrangements. This has led to the establishment of low-cost routes by existing and new operators such as Hungary-based Wizz Air, which took its first flight on May 19, 2004 and Slovakia-based SkyEurope, which took its first flight on February 13, 2002. From 2004 to 2007 routes have been established into Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Turkey and Israel. By the end of 2007, there were over 45 low-cost carriers operating almost 3,500 routes around Europe.AmericasBrazilIn Brazil, Gol Transportes Aéreos began operating on January 15, 2001. WebJet Linhas Aéreas followed in 2006. Azul Brazilian Airlines started operations in southeast and south of Brazil on November 5 , 2008]].CanadaIn Canada, Air Canada has found it difficult to compete with new low-cost rivals such as WestJet, Canjet, and Jetsgo despite its previously dominant position in the market: Air Canada entered a period of bankruptcy protection in 2003, but emerged from protection in September 2004. Air Canada operated two low-fare subsidiaries, Tango and Zip, but both were discontinued. Jetsgo ceased operations on March 11, 2005 and Canjet discontinued scheduled air services on September 10, 2006.Today WestJet is the primary low-cost airline in Canada. Previously, Zoom Airlines provided an additional option, but ceased operations on August 28, 2008 due to financial problems. Air Canada has started to offer "Tango" fares (not associated with the aforementioned airline)英文的你去这里看看吧http://bowli.cn/budget-airline-usa