
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/26 09:03:45
题目:输入一个整数数组,判断该数组是不是某二元查找树的后序遍历的结果。如果是返回true,否则返回false。 例如输入5、7、6、9、11、10、8,由于这一整数序列是如下树的后序遍历结果:
       /  \
      6    10
    / \    / \
   5   7   9  11
using namespace std;
// Verify whether a squence of integers are the post order traversal
// of a binary search tree (BST)
// Input: squence - the squence of integers
//        length  - the length of squence
// Return: return ture if the squence is traversal result of a BST,
//         otherwise, return false
bool verifySquenceOfBST(int squence[], int length)
      if(squence == NULL || length <= 0)
            return false;
      // root of a BST is at the end of post order traversal squence
      int root = squence[length - 1];
      // the nodes in left sub-tree are less than the root
      int i = 0;
      for(; i < length - 1; ++ i)
            if(squence > root)
      }      // the nodes in the right sub-tree are greater than the root
      int j = i;
      for(; j < length - 1; ++ j)
            if(squence[j] < root)
                  return false;
      }      // verify whether the left sub-tree is a BST
      bool left = true;
      if(i > 0)
            left = verifySquenceOfBST(squence, i);      // verify whether the right sub-tree is a BST
      bool right = true;
      if(i < length - 1)
            right = verifySquenceOfBST(squence + i, length - i - 1);      return (left && right);