
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 12:00:36
Nov 24, 2010
Chinese student decapitates woman
SAINT PETERSBURG - A CHINESE medical student decapitated a 59-year-old secretary at a Russian university before turning himself in to the Chinese consulate, investigators said on Tuesday.
'A 27-year-old Chinese student confessed to the crime at the Chinese consulate. He was arrested,' said a spokesman for investigators in St Petersburg.
The headless body of the secretary at Saint Petersburg's First Medical university was discovered on Monday, the spokesman said. The student went to the consulate shortly afterwards and confessed to his crime.
The student had been enrolled in the school until November 2009, when he was expelled for non-payment of tuition fees, according to investigators. -- AFP