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    饭也吃了,超市也逛了,这时我身上的钱也所剩无几,他说去我租房的地方座座吧,就带着我左拐右拐的,搞得我完全没了方向感,我问他还有多远啊,他说就在前面,把我带到一栋五层的楼房,上楼时他们让我走在前面,一直走到最顶层,上面还有两重铁门,这时一开门,my god屋子里居然座了七八个人,里面除了一张桌子和几张椅子一个抽屉以外再也没其它家具。屋里每个人都很热情的和我握手打招呼并自我介绍,他说这些都是他的同事,叫我随便点,我觉得他的朋友太热情了,是不是他混得很好?这时候他们开始和我聊天,随便一问,居然大部分都是老乡,他乡遇故乡人,这一来我的防备心理一下就松懈了很多,聊了一会儿就吃晚饭了,他们个个都给我夹菜,我想这里的人还真够好客的,吃完饭他又要带我去公园玩,我想他怎么这么喜欢逛,不是逛超市就是去公园,于是就和他们两个一起走了,走了一会他又找个地方座下来和我聊天,不断和我聊上初中时的一些事情,一直聊了一个多小时,这时候他的那个“女朋友”说:“你们两个聊得那么起劲,我一个人无聊死了,大哥哥借你的手机给我听歌好不?”,于是我就把手机拿给了她,我们一直聊到晚上十点多钟才回去,回到家他叫我先洗个澡,那个女孩子还拿着我的手机,她说里面的歌她好喜欢,想再听一会儿,我就答应了,等我洗完澡出来,那个女孩子已经跑了,这时我才知道上当了,他们已经把我的手机拿走了,不让家里人知道我在哪里,还想拖我后腿不让我走。后来又有人不断的给我讲故事,讲笑话,我完全没有心情去听,一直搞到十一点多钟他们还在讲,这时我找借口说困了,他叫我去里面房间睡觉。

    您感兴趣的这篇文章来自PSYTOPIC,网址是psytopic.com ,我们相信这次点击不会浪费您的时间。这是Psytopic的指纹密码:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wc3l0b3BpYy5jb20v,您可以凭这个指纹在google搜索到我们的网站。

    第二天早上六点钟左右我就醒了,我本想早点回去,但他让我再睡一会儿,七点钟左右的时候我就起床了,这时我看到一个个都起来了,到了八点钟左右门铃不断的响,隔几分钟就有人进来,但我发现大部分是两个一起的进来,到了后来我一数,屋子里面有十多个人,我感到有点害怕了,这时候又过来一个人,他立刻用普通话跟我说:“介绍一下,这是我们合作公司干得非常出色的廖辉廖主任。”我问他这是怎么回事,他说:“老同学,我看你在那边工资并不是很高,所以叫你到这边来做业务员。”我一听就知道被这个家伙给骗了,我大声跟他说:“你放屁,我什么时候说过要到你这里来做业务员的,我现在马上回去。”这时那个廖主任就说:“朋友,到了一个新环境你要现实点。”,我没理他,直接冲到厨房去拿菜刀,我准备砍了廖建国这个畜牲不如的东西,这时他们十多个人拖着我,把菜刀抢走了,并威胁我再冲动的话让我出不了这个房间,我也没有办法跟他们对抗,好汉不吃眼前亏,那个廖主任又接着说:“李余生,你先座下来,听我把话说完,你同学把你叫来也无非是叫你了解一个新的行业,用不了多久,只要5到7天时间,我相信时间你有吧”,我说我一天时间都没有,来的时候没有请假,我得赶紧回去上班,半天也呆不下,别说5到7天。他说那你晚上跟你老大请个假,他又接着说:“我来的时候和你一样,也冲动,也排斥,但我可以用一颗冷静的头脑去证实,你先冷静下来,好好了解一下吧,七天之后你要走的话也可以,到时候我给你一个密码箱,你帮我带到一个地方,里面也许是一把枪,也许是几包白粉。”我一听这话吓得魂都差点掉了,这不是摆明不让我走吗。说完之后他们开始把凉席铺到地上,这让我再次不寒而悚,以为真的会摆出白粉或者枪枝之类的东西,这时我看到那些所谓的“业务员”一个个座到席子上面去,有人搬了几张小凳子在草席两边,我那悬着的心才稍微放下那么一点点,这时候他们开始唱歌,一个个都很有激情,争先恐后的上台去唱,几个人唱过之后开始有人叫我上去唱歌,我推脱自己不会唱,但他们一个又一个的在后面推我,还说唱歌可以煅炼心理素质,我没办法就唱了一首陈星的《新打工谣》,台下使劲的鼓掌,唱完之后他们还叫我再唱一首,我没理他们下来了,到八点10分的时候就没人再唱了,这个时候台上的两个主持人开始引入早会的主题:“在进入工作状态之前我有必要向大家提出两点小小的要求:横成排,竖成行,两边的朋友向中间靠拢,有手机通讯工具的请暂时打成震动,不能打成震动的请暂时关机。”这时候他们一个个的表情开始变得很严肃了,眼睛都不眨一下的望着台上的主持人,另一个主持人说道:“好,没机会了,可以说连锁人活着就是一种精神,对待生活嘻嘻哈哈,对待工作一丝不苟,会场是神圣的,是我们的第二生命,我希望哪位朋友不要做出与会场格格不入的动作,否则我会取消他上台的资格……”接下来我一句也不想再听,完全当作他在放屁,这个时候他又讲到:“我们国家现在有假冒伪劣产品、不正当市场关系、三角债、产销瓶颈、下岗再就业五大内忧和加入世贸一大外患,这些问题怎么解决呢?就要靠我们,靠我们的连锁加盟推销,我们的行为是与国家的方针政策相符合的,是不违法的。连锁加盟推销将成为21世纪中国的基本国策。这也是穷人发财致富的最后一班车了,让我们去努力吧!” 他讲得很卖力也很煽情,一口气讲了近一个小时。接下来他又讲到了合作公司及推销产品时说:“我们合作公司座落在深圳市繁华的深蓝大道,北方大厦十楼,肇鑫源经贸有限公司,法人代表李宏,经营锦隆西服和登美露化妆品两大品牌一百多个系列,其性质是:特许经营,特许连锁。”这时我再看下面的人,一个个就像虔诚的基督教徒一样。这时另一个主持人讲到了加入公司的四个条件:“加入公司有四个条件:1必须年满18周岁,2有一张合法的中华人民共和国居民身份证,3要由公司老业务员(他们称之为老朋友)推荐,消费或购买公司的一套产品你的推荐人给你做担保,4满足以上几个条件恭喜你成为我们公司一名E级别业务员。”我一听心里就觉得好笑,这叫做四个条件,这样的条件只要是人就可以来,乞丐都可能做得到,不是传销是什么,接下来他又讲到了业务员的级别待遇;“待遇是按级别分的,共分为EDCBA五级,E、D两级为普通业务员,按35%提成,C级为主任,B级为经理,都按45%提成,A级为总裁,按55%提成,如果升到A级,一年就可以收入300万,而且保证每个人两年零三个月后都能成功带走650万。”说到这里我注意到,下面听的人,满眼都充满了对金钱的渴望,好像看到650万放在桌上一样。













    1. 非法传销往往打着合法的旗子来骗取善良人们的信任,希望大家能有一颗清醒的头脑识破非法传销,不让更多的人上当受骗。
    2. 做传销的人大部分都是骗取身边要好的朋友,如果说你身边的朋友一而再,再而三的邀请你到某个地方去玩,或者给你开了一份待遇较好的工作请慎重对待,可以委婉的拒绝,要么叫他过来(在传销组织里面一年到头都没有假期的)要么不接他的电话。
    3. 如果你因不好意思拒绝朋友的盛情邀请而到某个传销的城市时,应多看看城市的面貌,可以从你朋友口中所说的跟你看到的相比较,如果差别较大,请不要犹豫,应立刻座车返回,如果当日不能返回请把手机关机找一家旅馆住下,第二天返回。
    4. 失业或不满足现有工资待遇者,在找工作时应谨慎对待,相信一句话:“天下没有免费的午餐。”不要相信那些所谓工资待遇高,而要求比较低的工作,极有可能是传销公司的一种骗人的手段。
    5. 很久没和你见面的人突然频繁和你联系,每次都用公用电话,从来不用手机,通话时间一般不超过三分钟,这种人极可能在干传销(1。传销组织里没上C级别没资格用手机,2。传销组织里级别低的人每天都要从亲戚朋友那里设法得到很多人的号码,然后按照性格,学历,职务,收入等情况进行分类,由高级别人员出主意怎么打电话,通话时间大多不超过三分钟)
    6. 如果误入传销组织,不要相信任何一个人,学会随机应变,并设法逃走,始终记得一句话:“宁愿相信世上有鬼,不愿相信连锁人的嘴。”


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    Brainwashing is almost synonymous with pyramid schemes. The so-called brainwashing, is to replace the interference of external information in the original thinking of the parties and their internalization of a process. MLM is a means and firearms, as an offense or not, is to use people. Unfortunately, the present is not pyramid selling most products, but sell their interpersonal trust. Not so much "money" is a pyramid of power, as that's "missing" is the real driving force. Lack of money for people, for money; lack of love, for love; even if you are wealthy, or rich Capella University, may fall into the trap without being aware of MLM, as long as you need inside. Very often people may not be able to cry to shake the soul and influence, may be just a psychological trick. -Psytopic.com

    Disclaimer: the following, Psytopic only as a tool and means to introduce, without judge color, welcome to discuss at the end users.

    How to brainwash?

    Brainwashing first from the military, the KGB (the former Soviet spy agency) invent things, has undergone numerous tests, and now is a very mature technology, as long as people, as long as enough time, there is no way to withstand.

    Brainwash the people's will power can not compete, not easy to test! In particular, psychology, philosophy or the media who know little about science, or weak people, three days might be brainwashed. Better estimates of rational thinking person can be anti about a week. Because, a week or so, even if your logic is not "wash", but your emotions have been a serious infection, as long as the will of the all too easy, they entered.

    Brainwashing methods commonly used:

    Tamper with the concept
    Repeatedly to strengthen
    Others suggest
    Pressure groups

    The steps and process of brainwashing:

    1. Stimulate desire. Brainwashing is a fundamental rejection of the original understanding, so the first step will stimulate your needs and desires.

    2. Set goals. Stimulate your mood, so you set goals to expand. Then you associate with a better life, a beautiful idea, and the unconditional support you.

    3. Does not allow Reflection. Because the goal of step with their ability to establish clearly inconsistent with, people will doubt, re-reflection, a clear reality, or escape, take a false concept. This is the key to brainwashing. They will not give you time to think, that there is absolutely not enough. The teaching process must continue for more than 2 hours, and is likely to be a large number of math problems, or thinking problems, let your mind into a state reeling. This is a good time, but hypnotic suggestion. Until all the mess of things here, the link between the concept becomes more loose, and new things also add to the mix, and denied the normal way of thinking, the concept of stealing change and then form.

    4. Firm approach. "You work for a few years on it?" "15 years." "No money?", "No money, for what?" "Because when the teacher had no money." OK, now you know how to do it? "I know the (very excited the way, just get the same inspiration)!" "To do it!" "Only I can save XXXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX," (a nose and a tear!).

    5. Other means:

    1). Group pressure. The lecture, teach people to help you from the heart, the other morning to the students is also a firm believer that you are novice. Well, how can we not be groups excluded? Would compromise it, to compromise the moment you gradually assimilated.

    2). To the individual. Techniques used to create a sensational "home" feeling or emotions were running high in the collective atmosphere of the individual's sense of complete annihilation which, like the collective call, hug, sing, play games, etc., in the face of a strong personal sense of collective consciousness, the could easily fall apart.

    3). Removal of the person's rational defense. Use of people's blind spots in knowledge, a lot of information distortion and reconstruct people's perception, it may be allowed to accept.

    4). To attack the moral sense. The evil side of human nature have induced out, when morality disappears from the sky, desire a grand debut, those passive fooled blink of an eye becomes active deceptive person.

    5). The right way pay award.

    6). Speaker of the strong expectations from the heart (leather Marion effect.)

    7). Order to create a sense of belonging.

    8). "Scientific" development (which is estimated there are specialized professors engage in this line in the guide).

    These are just some list, please add your comments.


    Pyramid schemes in the common brainwashing technique:

    1: carefully selected the "market": join not the purpose of development is of overriding importance. In the pyramid organization, the development of "market" (offline) called to invite the "new friends."

    Solicitation of an object must have the following conditions:
    1. Related to the not in place. This point is just adding friends is important, because you just joined, no results, so who better to grasp a good relationship;
    2. A sense of professionalism. It means love of money, want to make big money, those talents are, have been brilliant, and now the best person to make a comeback;
    3. Life success. Added later after the appeal, others to believe that a good lie;
    4. Need not need to change. Do not offer particularly rich;
    5. To not to face. If the new friends do not give face, it is hard to stay to stay to look, to face the people face a significant loss Yes;
    6. There is no time. Do not invite people who are too busy, he had no time left to show you;
    7. Simpleton much more. Eye-and more people are not invited, difficult to grasp;
    8. There is no money. Do not invite people who have no money, of course, can borrow is not included.

    Second: the station to meet people, "with a friend."
    According to the characteristics of new friends to arrange a suitable friend (generally veteran salesman) and reference access to the railway station. To all the guidance to "bring a friend" to do. Especially not to tell the truth before a new friend, "with friends" try to bring new friends into the classroom lectures, but also taken the trouble to talk about life. On the social. Talk about ideals, called "three-on." "Three talk" is not to talk about the company, not on product, not on the system; tell the truth even more on it after the successful people who made the recommendation can not talk, can not say that trade is good, only cross-infection to other people your friends to communicate, communicate with other people's friends, you go. This will not cause new friends circle rope feeling. In addition, "with friends" must find ways to set a new friend the truth, to see what questions, and then promptly report to the leadership, leadership communication targeted.

    3: sensational medium, the initial "brainwashing."
    In a closed environment, through the medium of instruction, "successful" experience of introductions, described a "bright future", can achieve higher short-term rate of return fire, "rookie" into groups of fanatical desire of illegal pyramid schemes.

    4: After-school communication, instill the so-called "Success."
    MLM organizations boast that they are a changing people of the industry, is a university without walls, to learn a few doors in the university have failed to learn the knowledge. Provide a stage for everyone, so we heartily to perform. Active power per day recommended by its own direct sales staff to talk about their experiences and feelings before and after accession. Each speaker is full of passion, full of hope, talking about moving office or even crying, and the scene is very agitation. Especially young people, as if to find his own stage of life. So what makes MLM organizations have such a great temptation to do? Can not be denied, companies organizations, "used" to learn is the best, their fallacies are packaged by the success of science, spoke eloquently, clearly and logically, so that newcomers to the new friends have brand new feeling.

    Rich people are eager to seize the psychological demand, criticism of present society, mining the dark side of society, so that the future of people lost their sense of social status and life create ill feeling. And to seize this opportunity to beautify their undertakings, so that people feel that only the cause is able to do it! So that entrants produce distorted pursuit of money! There is the courage they have advocated, learn the words of Comrade Deng Xiaoping: Whether black or white is a good cat caught mouse. Mislead good people should have the courage skirted the law, and even contempt for the law. At inciting people to social injustice, resentment and provoke everyone's dissatisfaction with government and law enforcement in order to achieve the purpose of seducing.

    5: "People helping people" play the warmth card
    MLM organizations use today's society Moral Degeneration, growing apathy among people, advocating that they are a "people helping people" in the industry, is a successful environment for life. Strongly to create a new friend "home" warmth. Take car from the moment, "home" on every possible care Azeri "new friends", we rush to shake hands with you, accompany you play poker, play games; even give you a wash water, feet. Laundry, accompany You call the parents reported that "peace"; in the first few days, not even asked you for food; "home" in the regular organization "psychological sharing", "Kaixinyike" and other activities, encourage you to change some of the shortcomings of the body. If you shy or timid, the other person you applaud, and inspiring; "family" members still talk to each other encouragement and sharing "", especially by some of the so-called successful on their own "into line" experience, allowing you to increase the confidence ; that, regardless of origin, all trying to cook, sweep the floor. Eating the same big pot, sleeping on the floor, capable of suffering, financial management, experience "sharpening education." In this full of "human touch" of the family atmosphere, a newcomer can not help the "parents" into their confidence, with the side of the "brothers and sisters" pro-one "home." Off guard, involuntary admission that environment, increase the team's identity.

    For each new friend play the tired tactics would not give you a little rest time. In addition to lectures, is to talk about the industry and play poker, a game. So you just get off the exhausted, no time to think, the only feeling is sleepy. In this situation, your mind, mind has been an early defeat, and was occupied their thoughts, you are not they prisoners? Strange!

    6: in time, "Q", strengthening the "brainwashing" effect
    Almost every new friends that just arrived that a pyramid scheme, strongly rejected, not approved, a lot of doubts in mind. For such queries, direct sales organization has already prepared to justify all kinds of "Answer."

    7: Surface fair, confused people
    MLM organization advocating they do is one of the most fair and equitable trade, regardless of your age, size, level of education, how much wealth, there is no social background, here we are starting from scratch. Foresight to make money first, too late after the money, knew not to make money. Just select the same, get the same. In fact the success rate of only 2%, 98% of people are able to escape defeat, means that 98% of the 2% who are the so-called successful people be made a scapegoat, cruelty than any traditional industries.

    MLM group characteristics:

    MLM organization is a highly cohesive group, because members share the same objectives, the members of the same specification, the members of the same emotions. They are an enthusiastic group, he has unlimited enthusiasm, immense confidence and a wrong direction.

    The composition of population distribution, in general terms, is 98% and 2% low-income people with high incomes. The main composition of farmers, laid-off workers, some teachers, minority students, and some self-employed and workers.



    How self-brainwashing?

    Saying: can not doubt that you are in any doubt negative thinking.
    ─ ─ A friend said that this was not enough respect for the individual consciousness. True, Psytopic here only as a tool and means to introduce, without judge color.

    The following are friends, "tea" made by the summary:

    The first step, knowing they have to Sha
    The second step, not to abandon all their negative thoughts to this matter, believe, believe it from the heart;
    The third step is to always imagine myself to accomplish this, after the state of immersive way to imagine, to achieve their purpose in the following state;
    The fourth step, when the discovery of any traces of life and want to achieve things that have little relationship, must be captured, and gratitude (so I believe this incident will lead to more successful / existing);
    The fifth step, so you've done more things, the expected results did not happen, we must go, not worry, no doubt, can not be shaken, because this is the negative energy, the universe will feel, will lead to The results can not be finally reached the end must be put aside and not think about the results, more important, can not doubt, has maintained peace of mind, waiting for something thought into.

    Invisible pyramid schemes?

    We often say that pyramid schemes, mainly refers to the physical product, when used for intangible products, it also has similar qualities to become a kind of invisible pyramid.

    Here are some friends on a "master" comments clips:

    If we remove the background music scene, masked speaker passion to play outside, just to see, and we find that the content is so empty, which is full of exaggerated and fabricated arguments and facts, then they peel off if, We will find only the well-known major principles, and everyone should love his family and so on. Who does not know these principles? As for how to love each person has their own expression, if we really want to love, will eventually be reflected out.

    But the speaker will usually start students labeled as conscienceless criminals or people who have problems, as if the children born to crime victims that bring them close to him, educate their people, their life is to atone as long as the children begin begin understanding the atonement! Attack the weakness of human emotions in order to achieve a certain psychological resonance, and to create a very appealing presentation is very effective depth illusion.

    What he was doing just Yijianshuangdiao, promote these virtues of truth, not only will not break the law and can both fame and fortune. In my opinion, he and engage in pyramid selling in the crook no big difference between the different pyramid is only his "virtues."


    How to jump out of MLM trap?

    Two words: self-denial.
    You need to face a possible that you do not want to face the best thing is the negation of self. This is your "exit costs" is the "price"; the higher the cost the time of entry and exit of the process is more difficult.


    My MLM Record

    August 29, 2007 morning, when I again took to the streets Enping when there is a long lost feeling of freedom, like a caged bird is placed in nature for a long time. As the car slowly out Enping the station, this moment, I do not know is happy or sad, or anything else, a kind word in deep feeling. With the car running, the scenery a little bit backwards tossed away, from slow to fast until the fuzzy, so I have spent the 23 days of the place was finally left behind me ... ...

    Things had to from the August 5, 2007 as his starting August 5 in the morning, just a night on the night nearly a decade, I received a junior high school students did not meet the kind invitation of the phone, he called Liao Jianguo, claiming a mold factory in Enping, cheap wages, as the weekend never work overtime, would like to invite me to play Yun Ping, said there are hot spring town, out of the trust of students, but also because of the new things curiosity, I did not much care about, also readily agreed to go play some Enping Unexpectedly, the walk actually took almost a no-return, was almost deserted me, and I almost desperate, and the future lost ... ... seat of the car 5 hours later, I came to Yun Ping, Dongguan city, got off the first feeling is that it is too run down, not a coastal city should have life, and even cities which are more taxis less, the streets only to see hordes of motorcycles run in the streets, one out of the station I called my classmate wanted to call him to pick me up, been hung up, I thought he went on the road to the so I do not answer the phone, I send a message with the past, said: "I arrived at the station, you came to pick me again." After a few minutes a message came back: "You wait, I'll come . "I waited over 10 minutes, he finally, and a girl came up and started I did not care too much about the girl that was his girlfriend, when I saw my classmates had, and previous or similar, look no change , but wearing too simple, also wearing a brand of watches not yell, I thought to myself, how is this going on, ah, a few years I have not seen this dress today, said his monthly salary of thousands of ah, how to look how are not ah, but this idea just flashed in my mind, did not take too much notice. Then he and I talk while walking together, chatting about the junior high school we read bits and pieces, my mind was at once brought before him, so that was a lot of things have been ignored, then he asked me to dinner No, I said have not had time to eat lunch, he took me to a very ordinary restaurant, just when we ate and talked, the girl said she phone battery died, told me by phone to her on the phone, At that time I felt a little wrong, why take my long-distance phone roaming play local phone, but I gave her a mobile phone, and after a few minutes, I did not call her no matter, I said my phone battery died , the phone has come to a meal, he said, Let us go, do not mean to pay me, I thought old school really not mean, they paid for themselves. (Later she learned that he wanted me to pay to see me with how much money, so that I can not go home the money ran out) then he took me to the water and soil, he said, old school, long time no play , and get some things entertain you, I say good, we bought a big packet, finally, I still think we have to smoke, so he took a Double Happiness cigarettes to the cashier, said when he touched the pockets of : "old school, sorry, just come pick you left in a hurry, and forgot to bring money, who have enough money," no way I paid 178.

    Eat food, and supermarket shopping, and then I have nothing left him the money, he said, I am renting a place to go right into every bar, turn right on with my left's, and made me completely out of sense of direction , I asked him how far ah, he said in front of me took a five-story buildings, when they let me go upstairs in the front all the way to the top level, above have double steel doors , then opened the door, my god the house actually seat seven or eight individuals, which in addition to a table and a few chairs away from a drawer never to other furniture. Everyone is warm the room and I say hello and introduce myself to shake hands, he said these are his colleagues, told me casually, I think his friend is too warm, is not he getting along well? This time they started and I were talking casually asked and actually most of the villagers, foreign land met people from his homeland, the psychological preparedness to me a lot about the relaxed, ate dinner, chatted for a while, they all gave I take their food, I would like to hospitable people here also Zhengou, and after dinner he took me to the park to play again, I think how he is so fond of shopping, not the water and soil is to the park, so they go with their two , and go for a while, he find a place to sit down and talk to me constantly and I talk to some of the things in junior high school, has been talking for over an hour, at this time that his "girlfriend", said: "You two talking so vigorously, I bored to death a man, a big brother to me through your cell phone songs any better? ", so I'll show it to her cell phone, we have been talking to the 22 o'clock or so before they go back home He told me to first take a bath, the girl still holding my cell phone, which she said she really like the song, would like to hear for a while, I agreed, so I bathed them, the girl has run away , then I knew fooled, they took away my phone, let family know where I am, want to drag my leg would not let me go. Later, it was constantly telling me stories, tell jokes, I have no mood to listen to, has got more than eleven minutes they were still talking, when I found the excuse that the storm, and he told me to go inside the room to sleep.

    About six o'clock the next morning I woke up, I wanted to go back earlier, but he let me sleep for a while, about seven o'clock when I got up, when I see an all up to eight o'clock bell rang constantly, every few minutes, someone came in, but I found that most of the two come together, to me was the number of houses which have more than 10 individuals, I am a little scared, and this time has come a man, he immediately said to me in Mandarin: "tell us, this is us doing very good Liao Huiliao company director." I asked him how this is going on, he said: "The old school, I see you there is not very high wages, it is called you to do the salesmen here. "I listened to know is this guy fool you, I loudly said to him:" Do you fart, When did I say to you to salesman to do here, I immediately go back now. "then that Mr Liao said:" My friends, to a new environment, you need to be realistic. "I did not mind him, directly rushed to pick up kitchen knives, I am prepared to chop Liao Jianguo the beast as something more than a dozen individuals then they dragged me and snatched the knife and threatened me to let me out of impulse, then can not this room, I have no way to fight with them, man does not take immediate loss, that Mr Liao then went on: "Li Yusheng, you first sit down, listen to me finish, your classmates called you a desire to tell you about a new industry, before long, as long as 5 to 7 days, I believe the time you have it, "I said I do not have a day to not leave when I have to hurry back to work half a day to stay too high, let alone 5-7 days. He said the evening with your boss you requested a leave, he added: "When I came to like you, too impulsive, too exclusive, but I could use a cool head to confirm that you cool down properly look at it, after seven days, then you can go to when I give you a password box, you help me to a place, which may be a gun, maybe a few packs of white powder. "I heard these words scare may have almost lost soul, this is not clearly indicated not let me go. After much talking, they began laying the mat to the ground, which I do not Haner frightened again, that will really put on heroin or guns or anything, when I saw the so-called "salesmen" one by one seat go to the mat above, it was moved a few small stools on both sides of the mat, my heart just a little hung down a little bit, this time they began to sing, one by one have a great passion, rushed the stage to sing a few Personal sung call me up after the start was to sing, I will not shirk their own singing, but they one after another behind me and said you can sing Lian Duan psychological, I can not sing Xing Chen on the " The new wage Ballad ", the audience straining applause, over and over again after they told me to sing, I did not ignore them down to 8:10, when no one sing, and this time the two stage a moderator introduced the theme of the morning: "Prior to entering the working state all I need to make two small request: horizontal rows, vertical trip, friends of both sides to move closer to the center, with mobile communication tool temporarily labeled as shock, vibration can not be labeled as temporarily shut down. "This is a month when they became a very serious expression, and eyes blinking in looking at the stage of the host, one host said:" Well , no chance, and it can be said is a chain of people alive the spirit of life, laughing treatment, treatment of meticulous work, the venue is sacred, is our second life, I hope not to make friends with the venue which fit the action, otherwise I will cancel the eligibility of his power ... ... "Then I do not want to listen to an entirely as he fart, this time he spoke:" Our country is now a fake and shoddy products, improper market relations, debt default, production and marketing bottlenecks, re-employment of laid-off within the five major concern and a major foreign aggression accession to the WTO, how these problems be solved? to rely on us, by selling our franchise, our behavior is consistent with national policies, is not illegal. Franchise marketing will be the 21st century, China's basic national policy. This is the poor fortune of the last bus, let us go up! "He made it very hard very sensational, breath spoke for nearly an hour. Then he spoke of the partner companies and marketing products, said: "We are co-located in the heart of the Deep Blue Road, Shenzhen, Northern Building, 10 Floor, Zhao Xinyuan Trade Co., Ltd., the legal representative Li, business services and Kam Lóng revealed two major U.S. cosmetics brands registered more than 100 series, its nature: Franchise, Franchise Business. "Then I look at the people below, one by one the same as devout Christians. Then the other presenters talked about joining the company of four conditions: "joined the company there are four conditions: 1 must be over 18 years of age, 2 The People's Republic of China with a legal resident identity cards, three to the old salesman from the company ( They call an old friend) recommended, consumption or purchase of the company's suite of products you recommend one to you as collateral, more than 4 to meet several conditions congratulate you as our company an E-level clerk. "I have a heart to feel funny, this is called the four conditions, such conditions can be as long as they were since the beggars could do, not what marketing is, then he talked about the level of treatment clerk; "treatment is based on grade points, divided into EDCBA 5, E, D 2 for general clerk, commission by 35%, C-class as the director, B-class for the manager in accordance with a 45% commission, A-level for the president, by 55% of the commission, if l to A-level, three million a year to income, and ensure that everyone can be successful after two years and three months of taking 6.5 million. "Here I note that the following people who listen, eyeful is full of money desire, as if to see the same 6.5 million on the table.

    One and a half hour later the venue was finally over, I have rubbed his sore ass seat, not the people living here 22 go hand in hand, I just Shengelanyao, this time a salesman came over to chat with me and asked I am the knowledge training understand how much, what do not know where so I can be a few perfunctory him, but he put the so-called business knowledge forcibly indoctrinated me again, next time do not live Here people are gone on to play the game, and very simple games such as performance goes, guessing, Rock Paper Scissors, tell the truth and so on. Game for nearly an hour, had wanted to let my brain can not stop to think about other things, eleven more to eat, I would have hungry at noon after dinner, everyone else went to sleep, I just want to find a place to lie down, and then wait for an opportunity to look for cell phone, and then immediately go back, when a salesman approached me again to chat and asked what I thought, I said that here too boring, was not any TV watching, not any Internet, people almost suffocated, and he actually said my unstable state of mind, and I fainted, could have been related to so do at home, I was thinking all kinds of venting their discontent with.
    The farmers are a little, went to the site of the afternoon, and above all, singing, and then the open is what they call "the exchange of ideas will tell the truth." Mainly for the "new friends" and set that they know what the process industries, as well as old friends that he is to join, how to change the thinking of "selling franchise," What knowledge. Many people are scrambling to speak up. Spoke very vividly. Them is to make new people feel they are doing is really exist, are to be believed, for you to not harm you, is called you a fortune to know the information. Venue for one and a half hours to the end, after the meetings is a salesman came to me and chat, said the industry is simply how good, how to save money, but when I asked them how to save money, they will morning business knowledge that is not saying the right, but listen carefully to know, I do not want to speak to him again, after talking with him day and I go back, go back to the future is to play the game, has played to more than five minutes before dinner, after dinner there once salesman to brainwash me, six more minutes until it finished, they took me to another venue to continue the meeting after more than seven, this means using the chat , more targeted, the three "old friends" face me. They use their own examples to "educate" me, trying to place the morning and afternoon will speak the contents of the forced indoctrination into my brain. For more than nine, a man approached me to chat, surname temperature, they call him Wenjing Li, is also very warm and I talked about, he first asked me to eat here, how well used to living right kind of customer stereotyped, and then ask if I have 7 days time, then I think since he is a manager told him not leave now, when ah call, so I said, I do not have 7 days time, unless the leave of absence before There, he said, under such arrangements are made for me, I ask for 7 days so let me go if I go, he said sure let me go back to things as I have a lot of untouched, but in this 7 days time, or do not go well, here are a lot of people who sell heroin, for your safety, every day I was sent away with you, although I know he said not really, but I just can be believed, more than 10 minutes after he is gone, then a director came and asked if I was not trying to call leave, I said yes, he said, can call, but you can not say where, can not say something, otherwise I'll let you go back, there is no opportunity to call, I had reluctantly agreed, so I called my department head, when he called hands-free cell phone open, We say that every word he can hear, if he thinks is right not satisfied at any time to hang up Naju Hua, section chief, said I had to request a week off, not daring to speak their nest my fool MLM come, only that there is some things can not go back here with friends, and then go back later to tell you that is what hung up.

    On the third day again got up early, everything is the same as before, the morning singing, and then on the venue, I heard an exceptionally serious, although I think that speaks pretty decent text area, but there are too many loopholes, Imagine , spent 3,860 yuan to buy two suits and a cosmetics business will give you a right to do, then told two friends came together about two years you will earn on the 6.5 million, the reality of these things do, except to money like crazy people will believe, unfortunately a lot of people can not thought about it, obsessed with money went. Bulk of the site is also clerk came to me after the chat, all comes down to the topic or industry, one by one is always blowing in your ear trouble can save 6.5 million, if you are not interested, then they call you one by one hypocrisy, heard I'm sick of annoying, but I also do not matter much to them only perfunctory they said that this is an opportunity. In fact, I do not mind all the time thinking about escape, but their protection insurance, let me bailing can not run away. PM still is, "tell the truth of ideas", which simply denounced during the Cultural Revolution will be with almost the same on both sides of the audience to understand the performance of the industry which is not good enough if a friend, will be director of his former dog feces are not as good as, although they book Not much time, but the curse of the level of true art, you can curse on stage for half an hour, not even a repeat, then, sometimes people really have thought he heard a problem where, in order to maintain that they have a clear mind, I can only keep in mind the curse them and curse them had a better dog feces. Down the hall again after the usual chat, then I am fully aware of how a group of people they are, and mouth to tell you the virtue and morality, family responsibility and filial piety and other things, in fact, entirely in mind is how to tame your willing to them to lie, from home money to them. Can say no when my heart is full here, I just obsessed with how to escape a little sleep at night when I could not sleep, the heart has been in constant churn, I traveled two days carefully thought for a moment place, and the possibility to place, when I suddenly thought of the day he and I are walking down the street, suddenly run away again if the bar might be a motorcycle, then fled to think of this thought I do not go to sleep at ease the.

    The fourth day I make the intention to escape, I was ready to go to the venue in the afternoon on the way to escape, midday lunch break at home after only three individuals, I and my classmates and Liao, both of them are not really good strong, down the stairs when I was ready to run away, one downstairs, I simply said to him: "old school, I can not go one day stay only with you a bye." finish call legs and ran, when he later arrived, I hurried into the street to see a motorcycle jump, motorcycle drivers who know the fear, call me down, my heart suddenly cold half, then Also intercepted another motorcycle, just go by him, and Liao two men pulled up, the motorcycle driver then called me down, I could not only down, then they started coaxing me to say good words, that we do not force you to stay here, you have to go right away the phone, or that time you said we have your phone, then said as she pushed me over there to the venue, As the venue through a small alley, not many people saw, I was inside the alley that they brought to the venue, a lot of the past on from the room out of a salesman, one by one in turn gave me a thought, but I do not believe that they , has been standing in front of a mahjong, and I know that they are afraid to hit people where they advised me to see no use, called a large C-level officers to speak to me, the man said: "Brother, do not impulse, and I we are all fellow Hunan, what words can not say you do not stand here to see the impact of bad neighbors, first went to the venue it, you can go ah, tomorrow Liao Founding send you through the hole. "I did not see the run run away, and now they are so many people here can only promise him that to let me crawl back in the ghost place nearly 20 days. The venue is at the scene of what can be imagined, but also a struggle sessions, the object of criticism that I, the first batch of my office is Mr Liao, then what is the Director Xu Long, director of a month in succession to power, as if I was the most heinous in their eyes, prisoners, and they became a savior, as I put them all in the audience as rabies patients, and they do not care about in mind that everyone criticizing them for several generations, finally a half hour In the heated atmosphere of repression but later, about the venue some people find me to chat at once, forcibly instill their thoughts, whether you're willing to listen. I never said a word, except that is shaking his head nodding, they have no alternative but to let me go back.

    The next few days, I always silent, thinking all the time or mind to escape, taking naps in the afternoon when I suddenly thought of a way: write a note, tell me the address and phone family, thrown into others home and ask them to call me to help my family. I take advantage of the opportunity to write a few toilet paper, the above reads: "Which, if well-meaning people to see, please give me a call to my girlfriend, Tel: 13580771249 tell her I'm in Jincheng North Yue Yi Road near the supermarket, I was gang control of illegal pyramid scheme, called her family to help me here, a search of help. "venue every night to plug the way I always take my note to the door of someone's home years, some people at home I plug twice.

    In this way every day so every day I hope, also full of disappointment, never did see the family come and save me, the way in to the site has not seen a police patrol, day every day that an old according to their models go on, isolated, no television, no newspapers, can not call, I really do not understand why they so believe in the almost two years of primitive society on what basis can save time, to 650 million, and I slouched in the meet here everyone in the same heart to think of leaving all the time, one afternoon they took me to the place and not the same as a few days ago, on a site know to the second hurdle - Gao Qian Guan. Down the hall after a director and I were talking and he said: "In the past the first hurdle you may find the time to understand how the 6.5 million more realistic, then I tell you now how this money come out of their own money to save money, previously told you about the 3860 off your old security, but now I tell you, you come here you have not secured any person, and not 3860 is 10 000 Gao Qian, "my mind was thinking, No wonder at the first hurdle to understand how the time has never been any money to ask you something, had a fear that the money people will flee, he added: "I know that the disposal of 10,000 dollars is how you, 3860 is be used to buy products and operating rights, the 6140 is two years in the development of networks of all expenses, save money do you think this is unrealistic? "I felt a funny, this time you told me that these things, the third days, I suspect, and now also say, 3860 to buy two suits, and a cosmetics will give you a franchise, this does not mean that you daydream, but my mouth was, said: "their own money to save money, certainly reality. "He actually said the sentence:" Your perception is high, is expected to do in this industry, really is the case, do the same as our industry is like digging a well, out of 10,000 dollars is equivalent to dig a well, then down time, you wait for a drink Oasis. "Then he asked me:" Do you think 10 000 Bo 6.5 million worth? This is not a chance? "I said:" Pupils are aware of this issue really is so, then definitely worth it indeed is a rich opportunity. "He said:" Here today, do you consider it carefully, think clearly a home on the phone asking for money, life is a chance that , do not miss a bold Bo. "to go back there a director came to me after the chat, asked me what the problem is not, I said I only had 7 days, please leave, this is the eighth day, and will be counted me absenteeism, and absenteeism will automatically leave for three days, so I have to go back and do separation procedures, social insurance also has thousands of dollars, to me personally to go back, this is from my work I can not waste. Then he pretends to be re-sound long words said to me: "I can understand your feelings, but you know, events are informal, do want to succeed, we must initiate the most drastic, this time leaving himself ah you give yourself, you To know how to measure, which side which side light weight, you over there two thousand dollars a month compared Nenggen you here, willing to be willing to have homes there must be ah, you get something far greater than lost. "The When I finally understood, when they want me Well, by all means let me no turning back, then it will listen to his arrangements, and is called in under the eaves, had to bow his attitude is not possible at this time would make me go back, I really am a bit desperate, I pretend very painful to tell him that I would consider. Over and over again of how another night I could not sleep, I like a lot, everyone here said they will not leave you strong, but everyone to take some way for you no way out, like a cat caught the mouse to play first enough to eat, like, say, when the first day after seven days can go, but it is the eighth day of no one let me go, told him this morning, when he actually came to me: "you do not see clearly the industry, otherwise you will not be this kind. "I do not know what to look at the industry, is not called by their successful brainwashing see clearly, when I suddenly thought they wanted me to Gao Qian, so I just can call home, as long as I have the opportunity to tell them I am tipping off the address, tell them to come here to pick me back, so do not be able to go.

    Ninth day of the night, another name came to me to chat director Xu is a woman, start with a lot of care, so do not ask me eating habits, sleep better not like it, I patiently listen to her completed in less than two minutes she began to ask me a million 10 000 Bo worthwhile, I use a certain tone told her worth, she asked if I wanted to go home and engage in the money, I said like, this time she laughed, and said that I really did not wrong you have courage and ability, the money comes out I'll set aside for you, she asked when I call, I say tomorrow you can start calling, she asked me think clearly not, I say make it clear, she said that today I will plan better, tomorrow to tell you how to make the call, and then left.

    When the tenth day she came to me and said she would like to deceive my family a good idea: She called me and my family that I am now a mold factory in Yangjiang school mold, tuition 9800, to learn after the wage 4500, study time for the six months, and Baochibaozhu, studying can not go out, can not use cell phones and told me to ho out of money divided into three phases, the first day of phone calls from my family know I was safe the next day, slightly prominent Studies in the side of the mold to find a job, and asked the family to the recent economic income, third day open house for money to pay full tuition, if the family asked why the phone can not get through a few days ago said phone off toilets gone. I say yes, so make your call. She took me to a phone booth, but also their friends and relatives called a fool dens, she immediately called the owner of the supermarket that phone call changed my area code, Yangjiang, and their written draft on my phone before, also put a phone next to the monitor of the extension, then I really realized what is called involuntarily, leaving only despair, and that night my phone is issued in accordance with them called my dad, but also a girlfriend, they're in a hurry, ask me where, when the phone salesman next to get extension in the next hearing, I had told them that in Yangjiang, they asked me how cell phones can not get through, I compiled photos here good phone lines that go down the toilet, and also called attention to their own body hung up, when making phone calls later I really have a feeling like crying out, I have been I was not in Yun Ping say it, but also deceived family said in Yangjiang, maybe now they are convinced, perhaps in two days I will ask them for money, what happened in my family I know quite well, parents are farmers, took 10,000 yuan easy ah, maybe to do the last two years, I do not know this was brought up will bring home what harm. I can only again and again in the comfort of their own heart: I was not really money, I just call tipped off by Gao Qian opportunities. Filial son really give you the trouble. Throughout the night were self-blame and helplessness I spent the.

    The next time has been to call home every day for money, the family said that no money when they called me to call his girlfriend to borrow money, every time my father heard that I was sad tone of resignation was in the blood, wait for them to kill these wolves dressed in human skin, every day in your ear about family responsibility and filial piety, but did not call when there are other people's parents as human beings, heard at the other end of the tone or not to doubt Local call you in here criticizing straining to criticism from my parents thinking paralysis, to set a good trap them inside the drill, each phone slapping the side of the business to scold me on the phone constantly arising in the course What problems, what to say should not be too subjective, do not exist do not have the heart, mind and so do not turn my family, I really want to ask whether they are born their parents, so parents Kill yourself forced to talk about how filial He Jiating responsibility, and your own home, gave a year bring? Apart from your parents know you are engaged in fear of being arrested outside the pyramid nothing.

    One night, when the call more than 20 minutes when I called the clerk overheard my phone suddenly hung up the toilet was in the upstairs phone, he had just descended the stairs, I immediately took the microphone my girlfriend's phone call, good, sound, two reports on the turn, I pressure low noise son told her: "I Enping, Jincheng Road, Yue Yi supermarket near the icing on the cake of the Jin, the city's town The short title of Guangdong, Guangdong, Zhang Ziyi's Yi, I will be late every day since early in the alley next to the supermarket too. "With those words I only took 20 seconds or so, I think he has not come yet another call to My dad also said just these words, and then I hung up the telephone, less than 5 seconds he started upstairs, I pretended to seat there in a daze, he asked how I want to beat a good not, I that they want Well, then I started to call my girlfriend and told her Gaoqian over, she is not good I scolded her, but she was not willing to fight money, the clerk of the relatively satisfied with my performance , called I called back to request my father to play the money over, I called my dad and said a few words I began to cry equipment that I organized here was control of the pyramid, hit me every day, do not give me food to eat, sleep is the ground floor, on the ground have nothing, no water bath, my dad came in there a fire, and said his son endure before you tolerate such a father killed my first Liao Jianguo come back to avenge you, I want them to ruin and death, a salesman next to me was a little hairy, and quickly hung up the phone to. Played after this phone call I thought a lot of practical, every day waiting for them to come help me go back.

    Twenty-two days, the venue came to an end the morning, someone came to me to chat, ask me Gaoqian out how well, and when can join. I said something they could not believe the words: "I decided not to pursue this money, that I decided to go back to the" soon to this time, three old salesman, turns into battle came to persuade me, and say do not spur of the moment cause a lifetime of regret, the parents at home waiting for us to return, this time back to Mo Lianxian, successful people their only success of the word, people will fail to find a variety of reasons and excuses ... ...

    Everything is the same as before, nothing changed, the morning business knowledge training, and then chat in the afternoon, "Gao Qian exchange of ideas will tell the truth," scolded the natural person or me, because I belong to the diehards in their eyes, and to take good The ideological transformation, then, or chat, this time I only heard them speak, does not express any opinion, they said also was not much help at night when they gave me the venue to find a glib salesman they believe to ideological education for me, first asked what my mind thought, I simply say this: "I decided to go back, this is the fact that no one can change, I do not want my parents again as I am concerned, I brother of the matter has been very worried about them, and they do not want to worry about me, and my girlfriend are over there every day, I went back, I do not want too many people down. "Then he began to curse me, curse me not sense of family responsibility, I did not criticize the arrangement and called me nothing, call me selfish for the parents not the sake of their own interests. Criticized for a long time they told me truth, I patiently let him finish, then again a big C, director, and I talk, asked me not want to go back, I said yes, she asked me why, I just said it in front of her remark again said something that I will not force her, Rengeyouzhi, the same as really let me go, but all times, did not say when I go, I She did not know what will happen next, the way back through the alleyways, when I saw my brother in the opposite place in this ghost once spent more than 20 days to see their loved ones do not mention how friendly, and I suddenly ran across the road went, he ignored me, I was ready to go, that he is my brother, then returned to ask: "Brother, how do you here ah." this time with me every day running of that salesman to call them opposite the director, this time also my brother call the police, and soon the police came on the supermarket side, when I see my girlfriend also supermarket next to the police the car was my brother on that me and said; "This is my brother, the victim, next to that person was every day to track him." Public Security Bureau, who gave him handcuffed at that time, we seat the police went to the police station. Came to the police station, where the police asked me for anything less, I said cell phones have clothes in them, the police called me the man called him to his associates gets here, two minutes later to a woman my clothes, and sent a cell phone, then the police would drive us to find the one hotel, on the road when I put them on the site of the dens usually told that all the police, but also in peacetime they often play Telephone lie to change the area code of that telephone booth, the police recorded the whole, then drove away, so far I finally got out of Oliver, with the man who let me spend 23 days in the direct sales organization to say goodbye.

    Direct sales organization of 23 days experience, I can not forget this life, for me is a heavy lesson, the cost is too great, no matter how hard I have can not escape the shadow of heart, there are pyramid schemes in the organization most people, the honest kind, hope for the future, could eventually bring them only a distorted soul, to make more friends while not making the same mistakes, I summarized the following experience and be eating a cutting length a wise it:

    1. Illegal pyramid schemes are legal name of the flag to defraud people of goodwill trust and hope that we can have a clear head to see through the illegal pyramid scheme, to prevent more people cheated.
    2. Most people do cheat pyramid around good friends, if you are around friends again and again invited you to a place to play, or give you a treatment work better, please carefully treatment, tactful refusal, or tell him to come (in the direct sales organization throughout the year which are not holidays) either do not pick up his phone.
    3. I am sorry if you reject a friend for the kind invitation to a pyramid scheme in the city, the city should see more of the face, mouth from friends, what you see with your comparison, if the difference between large, do not hesitation, should immediately return car, if not return the same day please phone off to find a hotel stay here, the next day to return.
    4. Unemployment and wages are not satisfied with the current, looking for work should be treated with caution, I believe that sentence: "There is no free lunch." Do not believe the so-called high wages, and lower required work, most likely a pyramid scheme means of a deceptive company.
    5. For a long time and you do not meet the sudden and frequent contact you have with each pay phone, never use cell phones, talk time is generally not more than three minutes, which were most likely in the dry pyramid scheme (1. MLM organization not on the C-level not eligible to use the phone, 2. low-level direct sales organization of people every day from friends and relatives to get a lot of people there, number, and then follow the character, qualifications, duties, income, etc. are classified by how high-level ideas call, talk time most no more than three minutes)
    6. If you strayed into direct sales organization, do not believe any one person, learned resourcefulness, and try to escape, and always remember the saying: "I would rather believe that there was something fishy, do not want to believe the chain's mouth."

    Today, my experience and feelings say it is to make that we can better understand the MLM Insider and purpose, to prevent more people cheated, do not let this happen again as I played.
    Li Yusheng