1979-2008年高考单选题数词 - franny的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/06 16:46:06
默认分类 2009-11-09 10:45:53 阅读19 评论0   字号:大中小
1.    It is reported that the floods have left about _____ people homeless.  2007年浙江卷
A. two thousand    B. two-thousands    C. two thousands    D. two thousands of
2.    She went to the bookstore and bought _____.  (06北京卷)
A. dozen books   B. dozens books   C. dozen of books      D. dozens of books
3.    It took us quite a long time to get here. It was______ journey.  (05北京春招)
A. three-hour   B. a three hour  C. a three-hour   D. three hours
4.    What a table ! I've never seen such a thing before .It is _______it is long.  (05湖北)
A.half not as wide as      B.wide not as half as    C.not half as wide as      D.as wide as not half
5.    A rough estimate, Nigeria is____ Great Britain.  (05上海)
A. three times the size as       B. the size three times of
C. three times as the size of      D. three times the size of
6.    The village is far away from here indeed. It's ____ walk.  (04上海春招)
A. a four hour    B. a four hour's    C. a four-hours     D. a four hours'
7.    It is re ported that the United States uses _____ energy as the whole of Europe. (04广西)
A. as twice     B. twice much      C. twice much as         D. twice as much
8.    Many students signed up for the ____ race in the sports meeting to be held next week. (2003上海春) A
A. 800-metre-long  B. 800-metre-long  C. 800 metre length  D. 800 metres length
9.    He did it ____ it took me.  (2003北京)D
A. one-third a time   B. one-third time   C. the one-third time  D. one-third the time
10. 28. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ___ pictures of them. (2003上海) B
A. many of  B. masses of  C. the number of  D. a large amount of
11. The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying ____ here. (2003上海卷) D
A. as three times much  B. as much three times   C. much as three times  D. three times as much
12. Americans eat __ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.  (2002上海春)D
A. more than twice       B. as twice as many     C. twice as many as      D. more than twice as many
13. As a result of destroying the forests, a large ____ of desert ____ covered the land. (2001上海)  B
A. number; has   B. quantity; has  C. number; have  D. quantity; have
14. In the botanical garden we can find a(n) _____ of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.   (2001上海)D
A. species  B. group   C. amount  D. variety
15. _____ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day. (2001上海春)A
A.Several million  B.Many millions  C.Several millions D.Many million
16. Shortly after the accident, two ______ police were sent to the spot to keep order. (1992全国) C
A. dozen of    B. dozens   C. dozen    D. dozens of
17. The hero of the story is an artist in his______.  (1991全国) A
A. thirties  B.thirty  C. thirty's D.thirtieth
18. 31.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ___ tractors in 1988 as the year before.(1990全国) C
A.as twice many    B.as many twice   C.twice as many   D.twice many as
19. As it was a stormy night, _____ people went to see the film. (1988全国)  B
A. a few    B. few    C. several    D. many
20. He made the _____ mistakes in the dictation exercise.  (1985全国) D
A. less     B. least    C. fewer    D. fewest
21. _____ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard. (1985全国) D
A. Many    B. A great many    C. A large number of     D. A great deal of
22. About ______ of the workers in that steel works are young people.  (1983全国) B
A. third-fifths      B. three-fifths     C. three-fives       D. three-fifth
23. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller_____.  (1982全国) D
A. set    B. one     C. copy    D. pair
24. We are going to learn _____next week.  (1982全国) A
A. Lesson Twelve       B. lesson Twelfth  C. Twelfth Lesson      D. the Lesson Twelfth
25. Most of us came here _____ .    (1981全国)B
A. in 1978 May    B. in May 1978       C. on May 1978    D. 1978,May
26. He is a student of _____.    (1980全国)  C
A. Class First   B. the Class One    C. Class One    D. First Class
27. We had plenty of paper but _____ ink. (1979全国)  D
A few   B a few  C not many   D not much
28. He wrote a ______ report.  (1979全国) B
A two-thousand-words   B two-thousand-word  C two-thousands-word   D two-thousands-words
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